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I FINALLY got chance to try out some amps.........

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  • I FINALLY got chance to try out some amps.........

    Hey guys.

    As part of my search for my new amp, I'm sure I've got on more than enough peoples nerves here asking questions all the time , I decided to bite the bullet and do the 1.5 hour drive out to Sounds Great Music in Cheadle to try out some stuff and see if anything caught my eye. I took my own Gibson Les Paul Standard with AIV Mules as it's a guitar I'm very familiar with.

    I only managed to try 4 amps, 2 heads and 2 combos, and I think I've finally decided on something!

    Splawn Quick Rod head - This was the 1st amp I tried when I got there. It was into a Diamond Amplification 4x12 cab (not sure what speakers it had) and it pretty much hit the nail on the head of what I'm looking for tone wise. I was extremely surprised by the clean channel, going by reviews I was expecting something barely more than 'useable', and think it'd sound even better with something with single coils. The OD channels (with it's various modes and 'gears') will cover everything from AC/DC Crunch upto 'modded Marshall' 80s style levels of gain. It may do heavier metal levels of gain, but as I don't play much of that, I didn't push it up too far. 1 thing I did notice was that no matter how high I put the gain up, you could hear every note in every chord.

    Egnater Tourmaster 4100 head - This is a 10/25/50/100w switchable 4 channel head with clean, clean 2, OD1 and OD2 channels. Each channel has 3 band EQ, gain and volume controls as well as Classic/Modern modes and also a switchable contour control that gave more of a mid scoop to the tone. Either clean could be setup from a very clean (and slightly sterile sounding sound) to something with a bit more hair to it. Set clean, the 1st 2 channels sounded good, if slightly bland, but I didn't like them at all when set with more grit. The tone really thinned out and lost any sort of fullness. OD 1 was good as a heavy rhythm channel, with JCM800 levels of gain available. OD was very similar but had even more gain on tap. I won't compare it to anything in particular as it's been a hell of a long time since I've used a high gain amp, and I wouldn't know what it compares to tonally While sounding perfectly ok, both OD channels were very loose and had quite a fizzy sounding top end that I couldn't seem to EQ out.

    Splawn Street Rod combo - This is a 40w 1x12 combo with pretty much the same features as the head I tried. The clean channel was good, but didn't have the same fullness as the head did. I know this is down to the 4x12 Vs the 1x12, but the combo also lacked the gain control that the Quick Rod had. It didn't really add gain, it seemed to add mids and fullness that the combo lacked. The same thing with the OD channels really, a perfectly good tone but just seemed to lack something compared to the head. For alot of people this combo may be a better option as I was able to crank the amp alot higher than I was the head, without using the loop master volume trick atleast, which would make it more user friendly in the real world of gigs.

    Hughes & Kettner Switchblade combo - This is a valve combo with built in FX and MIDI capability to store all your amp, FX and volume settings into 128 MIDI switchable patches. It had 4 amp modes Clean, Crunch, Lead and Ultra all of which, imo sounded dreadful. I really struggled to get a sound of this amp that I found useable, let alone something I liked. The clean sounds very very bland, the crunch very thin and brittle. The higher gain tones sounded very fake, almost like a cheap distortion pedal. For someone that uses more FX, this may be an ideal amp as it'd let you use pretty much nothing other than the amp, as long as you'd have the time to sit and tweak everything as it looked like a very indepth amp, but it's definitely not for me.

    Based on this, I think I'm going to pickup the Quick Rod at the weekend

  • #2
    Re: I FINALLY got chance to try out some amps.........

    Awsome Brow. I'd love to have a Quick Rod. Those are killer amps. Do you have a cab already or are you going to have to buy one?
    My Sound Clips


    • #3
      Re: I FINALLY got chance to try out some amps.........

      Originally posted by Brow View Post
      Hey guys.

      As part of my search for my new amp, I'm sure I've got on more than enough peoples nerves here asking questions all the time , I decided to bite the bullet and do the 1.5 hour drive out to Sounds Great Music in Cheadle to try out some stuff and see if anything caught my eye. I took my own Gibson Les Paul Standard with AIV Mules as it's a guitar I'm very familiar with.

      I only managed to try 4 amps, 2 heads and 2 combos, and I think I've finally decided on something!

      Splawn Quick Rod head - This was the 1st amp I tried when I got there. It was into a Diamond Amplification 4x12 cab (not sure what speakers it had) and it pretty much hit the nail on the head of what I'm looking for tone wise. I was extremely surprised by the clean channel, going by reviews I was expecting something barely more than 'useable', and think it'd sound even better with something with single coils. The OD channels (with it's various modes and 'gears') will cover everything from AC/DC Crunch upto 'modded Marshall' 80s style levels of gain. It may do heavier metal levels of gain, but as I don't play much of that, I didn't push it up too far. 1 thing I did notice was that no matter how high I put the gain up, you could hear every note in every chord.

      Egnater Tourmaster 4100 head - This is a 10/25/50/100w switchable 4 channel head with clean, clean 2, OD1 and OD2 channels. Each channel has 3 band EQ, gain and volume controls as well as Classic/Modern modes and also a switchable contour control that gave more of a mid scoop to the tone. Either clean could be setup from a very clean (and slightly sterile sounding sound) to something with a bit more hair to it. Set clean, the 1st 2 channels sounded good, if slightly bland, but I didn't like them at all when set with more grit. The tone really thinned out and lost any sort of fullness. OD 1 was good as a heavy rhythm channel, with JCM800 levels of gain available. OD was very similar but had even more gain on tap. I won't compare it to anything in particular as it's been a hell of a long time since I've used a high gain amp, and I wouldn't know what it compares to tonally While sounding perfectly ok, both OD channels were very loose and had quite a fizzy sounding top end that I couldn't seem to EQ out.

      Splawn Street Rod combo - This is a 40w 1x12 combo with pretty much the same features as the head I tried. The clean channel was good, but didn't have the same fullness as the head did. I know this is down to the 4x12 Vs the 1x12, but the combo also lacked the gain control that the Quick Rod had. It didn't really add gain, it seemed to add mids and fullness that the combo lacked. The same thing with the OD channels really, a perfectly good tone but just seemed to lack something compared to the head. For alot of people this combo may be a better option as I was able to crank the amp alot higher than I was the head, without using the loop master volume trick atleast, which would make it more user friendly in the real world of gigs.

      Hughes & Kettner Switchblade combo - This is a valve combo with built in FX and MIDI capability to store all your amp, FX and volume settings into 128 MIDI switchable patches. It had 4 amp modes Clean, Crunch, Lead and Ultra all of which, imo sounded dreadful. I really struggled to get a sound of this amp that I found useable, let alone something I liked. The clean sounds very very bland, the crunch very thin and brittle. The higher gain tones sounded very fake, almost like a cheap distortion pedal. For someone that uses more FX, this may be an ideal amp as it'd let you use pretty much nothing other than the amp, as long as you'd have the time to sit and tweak everything as it looked like a very indepth amp, but it's definitely not for me.

      Based on this, I think I'm going to pickup the Quick Rod at the weekend
      Cool. It's nice to have access to a cool variety of amps like that. No doubt the Quickrod is king of the Splawns, but check out the Nitro before buying. The Nitro has an even better clean channel with KT88's. It's a little less harsh than the Quickrod at lower volumes and is more balanced in the mids. It's like whatever they took out of the mids on the Quickrod they added to the low mids and bass on the Nitro.

      I have heard a couple of complaints that the Nitro is too bassy but the EQ does a good job of reducing the bass. It's kind of a parametric EQ so if you take something away you have to add somewhere else. Easy to use and once you get used to it you get great sounds.

      I think something might have been wrong with the HK Switchblade you tried because I've played those and they're actually pretty good. The clean channel isn't as good as the Triamp MKII but it's pretty good. The overdrives can get pretty saturated but it achieves all levels of gain very well. I don't own one because I don't care for onboard digital effects, but I wouldn't mind having one as a backup.


      • #4
        Re: I FINALLY got chance to try out some amps.........

        Originally posted by Jeff_H View Post
        Awsome Brow. I'd love to have a Quick Rod. Those are killer amps. Do you have a cab already or are you going to have to buy one?
        I currently have a Session Pro 1x12 cab with a Celestion Classic Lead 80 in and a Marshall 2x12 with the 75w celestions.

        I'd love 1 of the Splawn cabs as they're meant to be awesome, but I don't know how feasable that is as the amps are difficuly enough to get a hold of

        Originally posted by UberMetalDood View Post
        Cool. It's nice to have access to a cool variety of amps like that. No doubt the Quickrod is king of the Splawns, but check out the Nitro before buying. The Nitro has an even better clean channel with KT88's. It's a little less harsh than the Quickrod at lower volumes and is more balanced in the mids. It's like whatever they took out of the mids on the Quickrod they added to the low mids and bass on the Nitro.

        I have heard a couple of complaints that the Nitro is too bassy but the EQ does a good job of reducing the bass. It's kind of a parametric EQ so if you take something away you have to add somewhere else. Easy to use and once you get used to it you get great sounds.

        I think something might have been wrong with the HK Switchblade you tried because I've played those and they're actually pretty good. The clean channel isn't as good as the Triamp MKII but it's pretty good. The overdrives can get pretty saturated but it achieves all levels of gain very well. I don't own one because I don't care for onboard digital effects, but I wouldn't mind having one as a backup.
        I didn't find the Splawn harsh at all to be honest. I used it at relatively low volume, as well as cranking it and using the Loop Master as an additional volume stage, and it sounded nothing but very full and quite rounded.

        I will try a Nitro when I go back at the weekend, but going by clips I've seen/heard, the Nitro tends to be aimed at more of a modern voicing and with more gain than I personally use.


        • #5
          Re: I FINALLY got chance to try out some amps.........

          Excellent! It's great that you've found the sound you want so quickly... I'll look forward to a NAD review soon then. Nice one.


          • #6
            Re: I FINALLY got chance to try out some amps.........

            I hope they aren't jacking you on the price too much. And the cabs you have should sound really good with that head. I would imagine that a Splawn cab would cost a fortune to ship to the UK, let alone the price of the cab.

            You can always get your Marshall cab new grill cloth to match the color of the Splawn and leave the Marshall nameplate off, if you're into the matching thing. I am, so that's why I mention it. Yes, I am somewhat shallow.
            Last edited by Jeff_H; 08-25-2010, 03:37 PM.
            My Sound Clips


            • #7
              Re: I FINALLY got chance to try out some amps.........

              Originally posted by d1dsj View Post
              Excellent! It's great that you've found the sound you want so quickly... I'll look forward to a NAD review soon then. Nice one.
              Thanks Don!

              Hopefully you'll get to use it yourself if we get this User Group Day sorted out with Stevie, Simon etc!


              • #8
                Re: I FINALLY got chance to try out some amps.........

                I'm just chatting to some loser on Facebook who keeps going on about buying a new amp!! Buy the Splawn already!!!

                Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it's a plan!


                • #9
                  Re: I FINALLY got chance to try out some amps.........

                  Originally posted by Brow View Post
                  Thanks Don!

                  Hopefully you'll get to use it yourself if we get this User Group Day sorted out with Stevie, Simon etc!
                  Hell yeah! Great idea, but all that aside I'm happy you seem to have found a great sounding amp that will cover all your bases. Well worth the effort in travelling I'd say!


                  • #10
                    Re: I FINALLY got chance to try out some amps.........

                    Originally posted by Jeff_H View Post
                    I hope they aren't jacking you on the price too much. And the cabs you have should sound really good with that head. I would imagine that a Splawn cab would cost a fortune to ship to the UK, let alone the price of the cab.

                    You can always get your Marshall cab new grill cloth to match the color of the Splawn and leave the Marshall nameplate off, if you're into the matching thing. I am, so that's why I mention it. Yes, I am somewhat shallow.
                    The amp is £1700, so not too far off what it costs in $'s . I have £400 worth of part exchanges, so that knocks it down to £1300 for cash. A hell of a lot of money, but it's money I've been saving away a bit at a time for the last few years, so I don't mind so much.

                    Depending how I go with my cabs, I may just order a pair of their Small Block speakers as they're meant to suit the head very well, then I can just provide my own cab.

                    I'm not overly fussed about the looks tbh, so I'll see how it goes

                    Originally posted by stevie_bees View Post
                    I'm just chatting to some loser on Facebook who keeps going on about buying a new amp!! Buy the Splawn already!!!
                    Yeah, cheers mate!

                    Originally posted by d1dsj View Post
                    Hell yeah! Great idea, but all that aside I'm happy you seem to have found a great sounding amp that will cover all your bases. Well worth the effort in travelling I'd say!
                    Thanks Don!

                    More travelling involved as I have to go back to fetch it, but no bother as my Dads offered to take me instead!


                    • #11
                      Re: I FINALLY got chance to try out some amps.........

                      That's a pretty good deal on that head Brow, especially with the part exchange $$ you have to thrown in. I'll be excited to hear when you get it and see pics of it with your stuff.

                      New amps always rock.
                      My Sound Clips


                      • #12
                        Re: I FINALLY got chance to try out some amps.........

                        Excellent choice Brow. I think you approached things with an open mind and you tried a few things out before making your decision. I pretty much knew the QR would be your choice, but it's good that you put in a bit of due diligence before making your decision just so you won't be asking yourself any "what if" questions.

                        Hope the transaction works out smoothly for you.


                        • #13
                          Re: I FINALLY got chance to try out some amps.........

                          Other than a JCM 800 (which I now have), the Quick Rod is the next thing on my amp list
                          2015 Knaggs Steve Stevens SSC T2
                          Majik Box Doug Aldrich "Rocket Fuel"
                          Majik Box Filthy Lucre


                          • #14
                            Re: I FINALLY got chance to try out some amps.........

                            Originally posted by Mattt

                            May i ask what your living/playing situation is?

                            Right now i play mostly through a modeller because i need to keep the volume down. Hoping to move to another place in a few months but i'll still be limited in volume then too. I'd love to own a tube head with a 4x12... but i just can't imagine a situation where i'm ever gonna be able to turn a 100w amp up past 1 or 2 on the volume, so i don't see the point.
                            Hey Mattt.

                            I currently live in my own 3 bedroom house with my Girlfriend.

                            I have several valve amps (50w vintage Carlsbro, 100w JCM800 2210 and 4w Matamp Little Rock. I had a 30w Orange head but sold it) and these get used through either a 1x12 cab with a Classic Lead 80 speaker or a Marshall 2x12 with the 75w celestions when I have room, and can be bothered to drag it out. Most of the time at home I'll either use a Roland Micro Cube RX, or the Matamp 4w head and 1x12 cab when I can let loose a bit more.

                            In the past I've gigged a hell of alot, ranging from small clubs/bars to relatively big stages/rooms so I've always tailored my gear to what I'm doing at the time. Even going as far as speaking/emailling someone at the venue to find out how big the room and stage were so that I took the appropriate amp. Sometimes I'd take the 50w Carlsbro, 1x12 and large pedalboard, other times it'd be the Marshall head and cab and a Weber Mass Attenuater (just incase).

                            1 reason I like the Splawn is that it has a half power setting, I know it isn't that much different but it is an option. It also has a feature on it where you can use the FX Loop Volume control on the back of the amp as another master volume, even when there's nothing in the loop. This lets you crank the volumes on the front of the amp to get the valves cooking, and then reign just the output volume back in with the Loop volume on the back of the amp. I tried this extensively during my testing of the amp and it did actually allow a relatively cranked output stage tone at a more reasonable level. Yeah it wasn't quite as good as with the loop master out of the circuit, but it worked a hell of a lot better than an attenuater does imo and would even allow me to use this setup at home, in the same circumstances as I'd use the 4w Matamp atleast.

                            I will be gigging (and hopefully recording) again when I find the right band, so by using it's various features, I'll be able to get more than enough use out of it


                            • #15
                              Re: I FINALLY got chance to try out some amps.........

                              Originally posted by Gr8Scott View Post
                              Excellent choice Brow. I think you approached things with an open mind and you tried a few things out before making your decision. I pretty much knew the QR would be your choice, but it's good that you put in a bit of due diligence before making your decision just so you won't be asking yourself any "what if" questions.

                              Hope the transaction works out smoothly for you.

                              I've been interested in the Splawn stuff ever since Ben/TO put me onto them about 4 years ago. I've never really been in a position to try 1 (there's only 1 shop in the country has them), let alone buy 1.

                              I had hoped to have given a Bogner Ecstasy a go too, but the seller has been messing me around so I don't think that'll happen.

                              Originally posted by Christopher Caruana View Post
                              Other than a JCM 800 (which I now have), the Quick Rod is the next thing on my amp list
                              Hope you enjoy your JCM800!

