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Pedal distortion?

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  • #31
    Re: Pedal distortion?

    I'm actually using the Box of Rock which doesn't have the tweakable subs or extra gain stages.

    That said, it behaves a lot like the amp it's designed around...if i'm gona use other pedals, i set the volume so it's about the same as my clean amp then make it sound classic rock crunchy.

    My chain goes guitar - 808 - Big Muff - Box of Rock - Amp most of the time...sometimes with more fuzz pedals before the BoR. Basically it reacts how you'd expect a cranked Marshall to...the 808 with no dirt and a lot of volume boosts the BoR and makes it tighter and heavier with thicker mids...this is my like 'punk rock' or 'Slayer' sound...then the Big Muff's huge fuzzy lowend and buzzy fizzy highs are smoothed out and thickened up in the mids by the BoR...i can add the 808 to that if i want even more mids and a huge gnarly sound but...y'know

    i'm moving into an apartment soon so i'm gona be getting one of those 5-watt tube combos for practice...i took the BoR and the 808 to work the other day to try a few out and they performed just fine. I bet 80% of rock guitarists would be totally satisfied with their favorite guitar, a BoR and MAYBE a nice delay into a Marshall Class 5...
    green globe burned black by sunn


    • #32
      Re: Pedal distortion?

      Originally posted by Empty Pockets View Post
      I'm moving into an apartment soon so i'm gona be getting one of those 5-watt tube combos for practice...i took the BoR and the 808 to work the other day to try a few out and they performed just fine. I bet 80% of rock guitarists would be totally satisfied with their favorite guitar, a BoR and MAYBE a nice delay into a Marshall Class 5...
      I could for sure make that work. I had a '68 Bassman like yours, and added all kinds of OD pedals for the different flavors. It gives up the goods on 7 or 8 but that's too loud for a show, so the ODs made it growl. A small amp need much less boost cause it's already crunchy, but I'd still push it with an OD for leads.

      As for the OP...I used to think I needed a clean channel, and would get my lead tones from the amp (Peavey C-50 2x12). I ended up using the gain side for a crunch tone, roll back the volume knob for cleans, and then I hit it with a pedal for a lead tone. I think it's a fatter sound than the lead channel by itself.

      That's why I sold the Bassman and kept my Music's single channel goodness that crunches like the Bassman blasting, but at a lower volume. My favorite amp so far.
      - Tom

      Originally posted by Frankly
      Some people make the wine. Some people drink the wine. And some people sniff the cork and wonder what might have been.
      The Eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn of the Crow.


      • #33
        Re: Pedal distortion?

        I got a Lava Box from a friend who had too many pedals and I love it, but mainly for solo boosting purposes. My amp's OD is all I need. I hate oversaturated distortion... I like the guitar to be prevalent in the sound. That said, I also have a Dano Pastrami I got for $20 and it's the closest thing I've heard to a tweed amp, aside from a $150 Catalinbread Formula 5 or Dirty Little Secret. That thing was a steal. The Lava Box is a wonderful "woman tone" pedal. My only complaint is that it rolls off the highs too much and pick harmonics suck/don't exist.

