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wasted away in satcherooni-ville, get it?

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  • wasted away in satcherooni-ville, get it?

    looking fer my lost chigger uh salt like people know what a chigger is, pssh, dumbass hippie. lookin fer my lost smidgeon uh, my-y lost dollop of -- er, my lost ....

    lately I been using pedals a lot like I never did really, and at lower volumes, without the responsibility of a big amp like a half-stack to sacrilegiously turn down to 0.5, and even then still have to wrestle with oomph and spikes of rock and roll, and a bit of ear fatigue--let's face it: as hard as we all rock, we don't like it cranked and all loudass all the time, and it'd be nice to have that sound on the down low, the dirty low down sound, quiet brutality, shh.

    Satch uses pedals, and somehow I've been channeling his whole trip.

    Playing quietly. Going outside the box a lot.

    It's nice.

    Enjoy my having told you.
    tele / wolfie
    pittbull 50cl

  • #2
    Re: wasted away in satcherooni-ville, get it?

    chiggers yo!

    getting all these harmonics so easily and it's easy to create some real dreamlike patterns with my new setup

    can't wait to get my strat that's still on layaway
    tele / wolfie
    pittbull 50cl


    • #3
      Re: wasted away in satcherooni-ville, get it?

      yeah i'm very into pedals...i've got about 11 that i use frequently and 7 of them are fuzz / distortion / overdrive pedals.

      it's great cuz you can get a new one and it's like oh i can do this TOO...

      like i was thinking of getting a Way Huge Swollen Pickle cuz i like my Big Muff for thick leads and solos but i tend to boost it with an overdrive to thicken the mids for riffs...

      the Way Huge Swollen Pickle is supposed to have a knob to dial out the Muffy mid-scoop...but i know if i got it i'd just use it for SOME heavy riffs and solos and keep the Muff and 808 for others.

      i'm a friggin fuzz junkie.
      green globe burned black by sunn


      • #4
        Re: wasted away in satcherooni-ville, get it?

        Originally posted by Empty Pockets View Post
        yeah i'm very into pedals...i've got about 11 that i use frequently and 7 of them are fuzz / distortion / overdrive pedals.

        it's great cuz you can get a new one and it's like oh i can do this TOO...

        like i was thinking of getting a Way Huge Swollen Pickle cuz i like my Big Muff for thick leads and solos but i tend to boost it with an overdrive to thicken the mids for riffs...

        the Way Huge Swollen Pickle is supposed to have a knob to dial out the Muffy mid-scoop...but i know if i got it i'd just use it for SOME heavy riffs and solos and keep the Muff and 808 for others.

        i'm a friggin fuzz junkie.
        shaddup, yer makin' me want to do the same combo of drive/muff fuzz/pickle fuzz into my valveking!

        hehe, fuzz pickle. muff fuzz. pickle muff.
        Yo, i'm Ryan™.
        ^link to 7 tracks of my band, Patchwork


        • #5
          Re: wasted away in satcherooni-ville, get it?

          I ran a Fulltone OCD into a Keeley DS1 for a while instead of using the distortion channel on my Carvin Legacy. Sounded pretty good actually.


          • #6
            Re: wasted away in satcherooni-ville, get it?

            I don't think I could, in good conscience, put something on my pedal board called the "Way Huge Swollen Pickle", regardless of how good it sounded.
            My Sound Clips


            • #7
              Re: wasted away in satcherooni-ville, get it?

              Come on Jeff...if you pass on a pedal just becasue of it's name you'll miss out on a lot of cool stuff...a nd a lot of it will be Way Huge!

              If you just read a post by The Guy Who Invented Fire please understand that opinions change, mind sets change and as players our ears mature...not to mention our needs grow and change. With that in mind, today I may or may not agree with the post you just read!


              • #8
                Re: wasted away in satcherooni-ville, get it?

                well when i step on MY way huge swollen pickle

                the whole crowd knows i just got serious
                green globe burned black by sunn


                • #9
                  Re: wasted away in satcherooni-ville, get it?

                  Go on Google and type in "Metasonix" and then look in the images section... now THERE'S a crop of weirdly-named and labeled pedals.

                  I'd post some here but many are NSFW.


                  • #10
                    Re: wasted away in satcherooni-ville, get it?

                    Yeah, just looked up metasonix...

                    The Butt Probe?

                    The Scrotum Smasher?

                    WTH lol
                    Originally posted by Good Will Hunting
                    Real loss is only possible when you love something more than you love yourself.


                    • #11
                      Re: wasted away in satcherooni-ville, get it?

                      he doesn't say chigger...
                      my soundclick page


                      • #12
                        Re: wasted away in satcherooni-ville, get it?

                        Originally posted by GoDrex View Post
                        he doesn't say chigger...
                        That's the thing that stuck out to me in the whole thread...he says 'shaker of salt'.


                        • #13
                          Re: wasted away in satcherooni-ville, get it?


                          bet I have a lot of lyrics really, really wrong. sometimes when I found out what a song is actually about it's way different than what I thought they were singing about. This makes me the dumbass hippie!
                          tele / wolfie
                          pittbull 50cl

