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NAD soon: Laney GH100L

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  • NAD soon: Laney GH100L

    just bought one and having it shipped here. Can't wait.
    Blessed is he who expects little for he shall not be disappointed.
    You can educate ignorance but you can not educate stupidity.

    Originally posted by stratocastered
    In a world where its necessary for a man to wax his chest, you'll find me parallel parking perfectly with a 12-pack and a full beard.

  • #2
    Re: NAD soon: Laney GH100L

    Epiphone LP Standard PlusTop Pro
    Ibanez SZ320 / A8 DD103 bridge.
    Ibanez RG270 / Screamin' Demon bridge.

    Egnater Tweaker 15 Head / Laney Cub 8 / 2x12 - Celestion V30+K100
    Line 6 M13 and plenty of stompboxes I rarely use!


    • #3
      Re: NAD soon: Laney GH100L

      great amp!


      • #4
        Re: NAD soon: Laney GH100L

        Originally posted by diego View Post
        "The amp has been making a lot of noise and acting funky, perhaps it may be aware of the amount of rock it's about to be punished with" ~GearMannDude
        "30 days of dating doesn't seem like cheating. It seems like legitimate playing the field, and you happened to catch a pop fly..." ~Aceman
        "If all else fails, wank, fall asleep, come back to it the next day." ~GuitarStv
        "The crowd has no perception of tone...only timing and flow." ~Glassman


        • #5
          Re: NAD soon: Laney GH100L

          Turn it up ricc, I should be able to hear it.

          Fantastic amp.
          Jackson, Ibanez & Ovation Guitars
          Laney, Marshall & Peavey Amplification

          ((tube max dissipation wattage / amp plate voltage) x % of max dissipation wattage) x 1000 = bias current in mA

          "There was never a horse that couldn't be rode, never a man that couldn't be throwed." - Marshall Matt Dillon - GUNSMOKE (1959)


          • #6
            Re: NAD soon: Laney GH100L

            Welcome to the club...


            • #7
              Re: NAD soon: Laney GH100L

              I've owned 3 Laneys but not this one. Laneys are GREAT amps. I saw a guy playing through this head in a small club a few months back and it sounded amazing. It was barely ticking over so I can't imagine what it sounds like cranked. Let us know what you think.


              • #8
                Re: NAD soon: Laney GH100L

                Awesome! I love Laney amps, though I've never tried that one. I'd really like to.

                Congratulations, dude.
                I remember calloused hands and paint-stained jeans, and I remember safe-as-houses self-belief.


                • #9
                  Re: NAD soon: Laney GH100L

                  Congratulations on your new purchase!
                  I bet you'll like that thing, Laney sure has it's fan base, but overall I think they are still underrated.

                  Enjoy your newcommer!
                  "You can buy muscles (steroοds), but you can't buy "cojones". (quoted: Bas Rutten)

