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NPD (Fuzz content!)

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  • NPD (Fuzz content!)

    I just traded some stuff and got three addrock pedals... two I've had before!

    I have the:

    Germanium Fuzz, Hism Scism Si Fuzz, and the boost master!

    Kinda cool since HL is a local here and I like em anyway!

    SSSSOOOOOOO.... I'm kinda new too fuzz use... I should use batteries with all these right? Or is the Si not picky like germanium?

    Also, if I were too put all three on my board, do I ditch any boss stuff with buffers? Or am I ok? Last, which order would you run if you had the following; Kirk H wah, Boss SD-1, Ibanez airplane flange, germanium fuzz, si fuzz, boost master, pitch black tuner, and ibanez L series eq (eq is used as a clean channel for my amp).

    I'm almost thinking I need to ditch the OD and eq and run both fuzz and see which suits me... have a simple board...
    Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

  • #2
    Re: NPD (Fuzz content!)

    No hard and fast answers here...just experiement and see what you like best...

    However here are a few general rules...

    Buffered pedals (like the Boss, Ibanez, etc) need to be after your fuzzes...there is an impedence mismatch between the 2 that result in a negative impact on the tone and the way the fuzz feels and works.

    Also, your wah won't do much if used in front of the fuzz boxes unless it has the Foxrox (or similar) buffer...again, impendence mismatch...

    If it were reguards to the order I wouldn't put 2 fuzzes on the board like that but...just try it several ways and see what happens...

    IN reguards to the fuzz/wah deal...with your wah it won't do much into the fuzz and with the fuzz first it's going to eb VERY hard to use due to the super wide sweep on that wah...

    Anything buffered should go after the fuzz boxes (if I was setting it up) and past that just try new things and make it work.
    If you just read a post by The Guy Who Invented Fire please understand that opinions change, mind sets change and as players our ears mature...not to mention our needs grow and change. With that in mind, today I may or may not agree with the post you just read!


    • #3
      Re: NPD (Fuzz content!)

      ok cool. I was going to play with both on the board and then pick which one stays... I like the nastiness of that Si fuzz... but I've never played a germanium. Should be a fun few weeks playing around.

      And yeah, the wah sounds horrid with the fuzz, but it's kinda neat for spaceship sounds lol. I plan on gutting the wah anyway and ordering a wilson kit to go in there hehehehe.
      Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.


      • #4
        Re: NPD (Fuzz content!)

        The Wilson stuff is tops...I replaced my RMC wah with a Wilson and have never looked back!

        Kevin also offers a buffer so you can use it before a fuzz and get something besides noise!
        If you just read a post by The Guy Who Invented Fire please understand that opinions change, mind sets change and as players our ears mature...not to mention our needs grow and change. With that in mind, today I may or may not agree with the post you just read!

