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Pedal reviews: Fulltone Plimsoul, HBE Full Metal Jacket, and BOSS PS-6

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  • Pedal reviews: Fulltone Plimsoul, HBE Full Metal Jacket, and BOSS PS-6

    OK, so I've been able to try out some pedals at work recently, and thought I'd put my impressions in here for your reading enjoyment:

    Fulltone Plimsoul: Very different than the OCD in terms of function and control, but similarly toned. Kind of like a 2nd cousin, I guess. Using the 2-stage controls take some getting used to, but after you understand how they work it's pretty easy to dial in anything from light overdrive to thick distortion. The sound is very thick and chewy while still retaining articulation. TONS of 2nd order harmonics and sustain out of this thing. One of my co-workers kept rereading the manual thinking he missed the part about a parallel compressor being wired into the unit. Neat pedal. It's different enough that one of my customer keeps his (I sold the unit I tried to him) in the stable along with his OCD and Keeley TS9.

    HBE Full Metal Jacket: This pedal just LOOKS dangerous on the outside, like it might blow up whatever it's plugged into. That's not too far from the truth actually. Explosive little distortion box! Very rich and full and chunky. Searing treble is available, but it's not strident. Full, thick lows, and articulate, crisp mids. Sort of a Modded Marshall/5150 type tone from a pedal. Really ferocious sounding. Great stuff!

    BOSS PS-6: I was going between the Whammy pedal and this, and MUCH prefer one of these after testing with both. Long story short, it does everything the Whammy does (along a smart harmonizer capable of 3-voice settings and packing a few neat tricks the Whammy doesn't do), and does it better. The tracking is much better and less glitchy, and it doesn't load down or blur the tone like the Whammy seems to. Plus it takes up less space than the Whammy, and you can still use an expression pedal and place that wherever you need to on the floor. And it does it all on standard 9VDC- power, whereas the Whammy needs a special supply. It's a neat ticket to some cool surprises and unorthodox sounds.

  • #2
    Re: Pedal reviews: Fulltone Plimsoul, HBE Full Metal Jacket, and BOSS PS-6

    Nice reviews, dude!

    So, if you had to choose between an OCD and a Plimsoul, which would you choose? I've been really liking the sound of the OCD in any review I've watched but I haven't really seen or read anything about the Plimsoul yet.

    I had my Whammy pedal stolen last year and I've been missing it terribly ever since. You've inspired me to look into PS-6 now, instead. It looks pretty cool, so thanks a lot for that.
    I remember calloused hands and paint-stained jeans, and I remember safe-as-houses self-belief.


    • #3
      Re: Pedal reviews: Fulltone Plimsoul, HBE Full Metal Jacket, and BOSS PS-6

      Originally posted by Kam View Post
      Nice reviews, dude!

      So, if you had to choose between an OCD and a Plimsoul, which would you choose? I've been really liking the sound of the OCD in any review I've watched but I haven't really seen or read anything about the Plimsoul yet.

      I had my Whammy pedal stolen last year and I've been missing it terribly ever since. You've inspired me to look into PS-6 now, instead. It looks pretty cool, so thanks a lot for that.
      For my purposes, the OCD works fine. However, I wouldn't turn down a Plimsoul if I had a guitar-amp combo that really needed it. Different tools, you know?

      The PS-6 can be used without the expression pedal - the rise and fall times of the S-Bend (Whammy) functions can be set to taste. I really do like how this pedal performs in comparison to the Whammy. It's got a lot of great things going for it.

