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Before I look for another wah...

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  • #16
    Re: Before I look for another wah...

    Another thing to try is placement in the effect chain. Is your wah pre-distortion or post-distortion? In front of the amp or in the effects loop? You can change the sound by trying different locations in the overall signal. I know it might be a bit of a stretch considering the initial concern, but it's the cheapest solution to try before buying anything.


    • #17
      Re: Before I look for another wah...

      Originally posted by kjrocks View Post
      Thanks for all the replies guys and it sounds like maybe its a common trait with Crybaby type wahs. I dont think I'm going to bother with any mods other than maybe JM's suggestion of moving the pot, which I hadnt thought of, thanks.
      Yeah, like I said... i have three different crybaby variations here they're all unique even though the core circuit board is the same. One of 'em, an artist model I got really really cheap ($40 w/box?) from a kid who said it sucked... didn't work well. And he was right, it didn't when it got here.

      Took about 20 minutes of mechanical adjustments to start getting some magic out of it. Trim the rubber feet, adjust the height of the switch and rotate the pot... why dunlop can't get that stuff right at the factory I dunno, but I've made those tweaks to many a wah...
      J. 'Moose' Kahrs

      Originally posted by the guy who invented fire
      All you need to make a record is a mic, some tape and maybe some bad reverb...


      • #18
        Re: Before I look for another wah...

        Originally posted by J Moose View Post
        Took about 20 minutes of mechanical adjustments to start getting some magic out of it. Trim the rubber feet, adjust the height of the switch and rotate the pot... why dunlop can't get that stuff right at the factory I dunno, but I've made those tweaks to many a wah...
        I'm assuming if I rotate the pot I'll also need to realign the teeth from the pedal with it?


        • #19
          Re: Before I look for another wah...

          Originally posted by kjrocks View Post
          I'm assuming if I rotate the pot I'll also need to realign the teeth from the pedal with it?
          Huh? Yeah. I think so. Not quite sure what your getting at...

          When you crack open the bottom of a crybaby the mechanical assembly of the whole pot/gear/teeth/shaft thing is pretty obvious.

          There's a white nub that holds the teeth coming off the pedal against the teeth of the pot, like a sandwich.

          Just slide that nub to the side and rotate the pot... play a bit... rotate... play a bit... rinse and repeat until you find a spot where the frequency of the wah is more to your liking.

          You will have to slide the nub back to hold the gears/teeth together while you play and experiment with postions...

          Generally I leave the screw for the nub a bit loose until I find the magic spot... then I tighten the nub back down to lock it in place.
          J. 'Moose' Kahrs

          Originally posted by the guy who invented fire
          All you need to make a record is a mic, some tape and maybe some bad reverb...


          • #20
            Re: Before I look for another wah...

            I thought you meant something else really. Like rotating the pot where its is mounted inside the wah. I've read about what you're saying and that just seems like it helps with the high or low end at toe or heel down. I'm not sure what it would do about the abrupt change in the middle of the sweep. I will give it a go though.


            • #21
              Re: Before I look for another wah...

              Originally posted by kjrocks View Post
              I've read about what you're saying and that just seems like it helps with the high or low end at toe or heel down. I'm not sure what it would do about the abrupt change in the middle of the sweep.
              Well if we change where the toe/heel points are that'll also change the feel/sound of the sweep yes?

              Like, maybe the mid-point you have now will be the new toe down point...

              The rotation of the pot takes no effort to screw around with and nothing will break so its worth the time to experiment. No soldering iron required to change the sound!
              J. 'Moose' Kahrs

              Originally posted by the guy who invented fire
              All you need to make a record is a mic, some tape and maybe some bad reverb...


              • #22
                Re: Before I look for another wah...

                I really like my Ibanez Weeping Demon wah. VERY tweakable.

                Skarekrough and several others sold me on it. I have no regrets after buying it.
                Romans 3:23; 6:23; 5:8; 10:13; 10:9-10

                Teknon Theou
                Complaining that there are hypocrites in church is like complaining that fat people use the gym. Where else would you have them be?


                • #23
                  Re: Before I look for another wah...

                  that ibanez sounds very cool but the last thing i need is another wah pedal...


                  • #24
                    Re: Before I look for another wah...

                    Spent a little time with it last night and it did help quite a bit. It had just enough rotation left on the pot to move the spot I didnt like almost to the back of the sweep. I also adjusted my Morley a little for the first time in years and now they both work real well for me but definitely for different tones.
                    LS that Ibanez does look like good option and I've come close to grabbing one before. I think I'll put that back on my radar.


                    • #25
                      Re: Before I look for another wah...

                      It's not a boutique wah, but it also doesn't cost as much.

                      Great bang:buck ratio.
                      Romans 3:23; 6:23; 5:8; 10:13; 10:9-10

                      Teknon Theou
                      Complaining that there are hypocrites in church is like complaining that fat people use the gym. Where else would you have them be?


                      • #26
                        Re: Before I look for another wah...

                        The Clyde Deluxe isn't cheap, but it's like having 3 different wah pedals. Shaft is brighter, being good for funky riffs on plain strings.
                        Jimi is the regular Vox sound. Whacked is probably closer to the Cantrell wah, being shifted lower in frequency....good for wound string riffs.

                        I have to say....the Whacked setting is probably my favorite. That's why the Jerry Cantrell wah sounds appealing.

                        Don't really need it, but still wish I had one.
                        Last edited by Gearjoneser; 01-17-2011, 07:57 PM.
                        Originally posted by Boogie Bill
                        I've got 60 guitars...but 49 trumpets is just...INSANITY! WTF!


                        • #27
                          Re: Before I look for another wah...

                          good info.. Im gonna try too.. I had a bad horsie but couldnt get traditional wah sounds out of it. Bought a Vox 847 and its too bright and screechy for my liking.. (Im sure most of it is operator error) So, Ill see if I can mellow it out cuz I really cant lay down $ for another..

                          Id like to try the Cantrell model cuz I hear its darker..
                          Last edited by BloodRose; 01-17-2011, 10:33 PM.
                          Believe me when I say that some of the most amazing music in history was made on equipment that's not as good as what you own right now.

                          Jol Dantzig

