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multi-effets pedal v.s stompbox sound

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  • multi-effets pedal v.s stompbox sound

    I bought a digitech rp 350 a few years back. I was wondering individual stompboxes produce better sounding effects than a multi effects pedal? It says I can get actual stompbox sounds out of it(eg boss metalzone) but are they really that close? Are most stompbox distortions analog and multi effect distortions digital?

  • #2
    Re: multi-effets pedal v.s stompbox sound

    Wow, what an open question!!!!!!!!

    I come from both sides of the playing field. If you saw the collection of stompboxes that I have you would be amazed. I have played many a gig with just the stompboxes and I love the sound... some are digital, some analog, but to tell you the truth, when I go out these days, I grab a GT-8... well actually lately its been the RP1000 and set it up and I am done. I am not going to get into the debate over individual vs multi-effects... I cannot tell anymore. I do cover songs and I can access a particular song in one pedal press with the Muli's vs having to dial in every individual pedal. Its ease of use now. If I was doing my own thing,.... no doubt... individual pedals all the way.. What I am saying is this. The multi-effects are really good.... the original pedals are just that, original, and have the authentic sound. The multi effects do a great job in reproducing that sound and in some cases, I swear I cannot tell the difference. I like tweaking the individual pedals and am producing some sounds that would take me forever to reproduce on the multi's. There are people that will swear by the originals and they are right, but playing to a crowd... they do not care... believe me, they do not. If it sounds close, you are in. Just have fun playing.


    • #3
      Re: multi-effets pedal v.s stompbox sound

      Multi effects are more convenient but I have never played a multi effects unit that compares in sound quality to a nice board with a few solid pedals.
      Last edited by Andrew Lamprecht; 01-10-2011, 09:29 PM.
      Originally posted by Good Will Hunting
      Real loss is only possible when you love something more than you love yourself.


      • #4
        Re: multi-effets pedal v.s stompbox sound

        theres a very noticeable difference between digital od/distortions and analog od/distortions. Not juts in tone but also in feel. Most multi fx units have digital everything. Not all, but most. Some multi fx have analog od/dist stages like the TC Nova so you get the best of both worlds.
        There is a lot to be said for pre-sets as briggleman explained but often trying to pre set everything is fine in your rehearsal studio, then it all goes out the window when you play in rooms with different acoustic properties. Simple is usually best for live work. So with a couple of good sounds (a nice amp and one or two pedals) its not important to have to get exactly the sound of various recordings if you are in a cover band....just play the right notes at the right time and you will sound great. Think about it...the singer never sounds exactly the same as a recording so why should you? The simpler and more organic your rig, the easier it is to get a good sound in any room.
        Last edited by Chickenwings; 01-10-2011, 11:32 PM.
        "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
        Yehudi Menuhin


        • #5
          Re: multi-effets pedal v.s stompbox sound

          A sound is a sound. Digital is just different. A well crafted sound out of a multi-fx can be just as good or even better than the most boo-teek pedals set up crappy.

          And no one in the audience gives a Ratt's ass. If you need to change a bunch of distortions, delays, and different swirlies in and out though, hard to beat multi-fx.

          I used to have one set up with stunning renditions of Def Lep Hysteria, Dokken, Ratt, Poison, Kiss, Van Halen (VHI & 5150) GnR and abunch of stuff. Tap Tap Tap, and there each one was.

          So if you think, say, Warren DiMartini had a killer sound (and we know a bunch of people here do...they bought his pup!) you can't do that without some serious individual pieces of gear (and one of those that HE used was an SPX-90!). But you can get it poof 90% or better out of an RP-250. Not much of a question to me.

          But I agree - for "my" sound....individual boxes are cool, or if it is a low tech one/two sound gig. I did have a kid trip over a chord and destroy all my presets...

          And these days digitial is getting extremely good! Again - do you want the exact sound or a good sound? The Chorus Factory pedal allows you to do things the original pedals didn't...very cool. Dare I say BETTER?
          Last edited by Aceman; 01-11-2011, 07:21 PM.
          Originally posted by Bad City
          He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


          • #6
            Re: multi-effets pedal v.s stompbox sound

            There is definitely a difference in sound but like Aceman said its all really preference. I use a mix of analog and digital pedals but I must say I do for the most part use and prefer analog. It just seems alot more natural too me and thats what I like ! (most of the time)

            Like it was also said though Digital is so convenient.


            • #7
              Re: multi-effets pedal v.s stompbox sound

              If you aren't using way too much of an effect, then a digi unit can be made to sound just fine. Several touring pro musicians use Boss ME-50s.
              - Tom

              Originally posted by Frankly
              Some people make the wine. Some people drink the wine. And some people sniff the cork and wonder what might have been.
              The Eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn of the Crow.

