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JJ Tubes Gold Pin Option?

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  • JJ Tubes Gold Pin Option?

    Anyone use these and if so any thoughts on them?
    Last edited by Wonker; 01-11-2011, 03:54 PM.
    Originally posted by Lucid_Lunatic
    If you think an Epi is as good as a Gibson, you're probablly not old enough to find the clit yet.

  • #2
    Re: JJ Tubes Gold Pin Option?

    I know there will be people who will disagree with me, but I don't think any gold pinned tube is worth it money in guitar rigs, unless your sockets are gold pinned versions too, otherwise it does not make any sense anyhow.
    Getting selected standard pinned tubes for guitar rigs is my advice!
    "You can buy muscles (steroοds), but you can't buy "cojones". (quoted: Bas Rutten)


    • #3
      Re: JJ Tubes Gold Pin Option?

      I have one, it's nothin special
      Originally posted by gibson175
      metal zones are for pussies.


      • #4
        Re: JJ Tubes Gold Pin Option?

        I opted for the gold pins a few weeks ago when I retubed my Road King. I was going to have to spend $200 for the kit anyway, the few dollars more it cost for the golds was insignificant at that point so I fugured why not.

        Anyhow, the friggin amp broke the next day so I really can't say if they make any difference; it's been out for repair ever since

        I expect it's one of those diminishing returns things, some improvement but not so much to really matter.


        • #5
          Re: JJ Tubes Gold Pin Option?

          People are attracted to gold. IMO, this is a marketing gimmick just as some wacky looking fishing lures catch nothing except buyers.

          What is the benefit of plugging gold pins into aluminum / alloy sockets, which in turn are soldered to aluminum or copper wire?


          • #6
            Re: JJ Tubes Gold Pin Option?

            Originally posted by AniML View Post
            People are attracted to gold. IMO, this is a marketing gimmick just as some wacky looking fishing lures catch nothing except buyers.

            What is the benefit of plugging gold pins into aluminum / alloy sockets, which in turn are soldered to aluminum or copper wire?
            Yeah, same would go for gold plated instrument cable ends. Basically the big selling point is the conductivity. That's it.
            I have a gold pin EH 12AX7 and it sounds great, better than the regular EH's. But who can say if the gold is the direct cause of that? It could just be that specific tube sounds good and has nothing to do with the gold...


            • #7
              Re: JJ Tubes Gold Pin Option?

              Originally posted by the jem ghost View Post
              i know there will be people who will disagree with me, but i don't think any gold pinned tube is worth it money in guitar rigs, unless your sockets are gold pinned versions too, otherwise it does not make any sense anyhow.
              Getting selected standard pinned tubes for guitar rigs is my advice!


              • #8
                Re: JJ Tubes Gold Pin Option?

                Originally posted by Van Noord View Post
                Yeah, same would go for gold plated instrument cable ends. Basically the big selling point is the conductivity. That's it.
                I have a gold pin EH 12AX7 and it sounds great, better than the regular EH's. But who can say if the gold is the direct cause of that? It could just be that specific tube sounds good and has nothing to do with the gold...
                Exactly. Maybe the manufacturer does really add some value to the gold pin tubes with higher level quality control or tighter spec tolerances of the tube, but the gold pins by themselves are a gimmick


                • #9
                  Re: JJ Tubes Gold Pin Option?

                  Originally posted by sbecker67 View Post
                  I opted for the gold pins a few weeks ago when I retubed my Road King. I was going to have to spend $200 for the kit anyway, the few dollars more it cost for the golds was insignificant at that point so I fugured why not.

                  Anyhow, the friggin amp broke the next day so I really can't say if they make any difference; it's been out for repair ever since

                  I expect it's one of those diminishing returns things, some improvement but not so much to really matter.
                  Perhaps it was the gold pins that broke it

