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Overdrives/Boosts that keep the OOMPH

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  • Overdrives/Boosts that keep the OOMPH

    Ok so my Jet City JCA100H is a big grunting monster. It's got a ton of low mid and low oomph, warm mids and smooth highs.

    I use my amp's overdrive channel as my rhythm sound and a TS9 Tube Screamer as a solo boost, which seems to do the job for the most part. It adds a bit more saturation as I expected it too, and some definition thanks to the pronounced mids of the pedal. I set it like so:

    Gain: 9 o clock
    Tone: 9 o clock
    Level: 11 o clock

    But in the act of boosting my amp, I lose almost all the natural low-mid and low end oomph.

    Are there any overdrives or clean boosts that can give me some saturation and definition without castrating the JCA100H's ample balls?

  • #2
    Re: Overdrives/Boosts that keep the OOMPH

    The BD-2 Blues driver seems to keep more oomph intact that a lot of other pedals I've used so far.

    A clean boost would probably do even better. I just got a clean boost from a friend to try out but I haven't gotten to run it at gigworthy volumes to test it yet. At med-low volumes it certainly seems to give me "more of my own amp" so i'd say try that out if you get a chance.

    The one I'm using is a modified version of the Zvex Super Hard On. read about it here. Sounds like it would help.


    • #3
      Re: Overdrives/Boosts that keep the OOMPH

      plenty of pedals out there to fit the bill, but you may have already noticed that the higher the note you play...the more you need mids and the less you need treble and bass to make it sound fat.
      Having said that...a fulltone fulldrive gives you the option of a pure clean boost, or ts style overdrive with flatter mids or normal style (mid heavy sound). It also has a mosfet option which sounds a lot more responsive and fatter than its regular clipping mode....All that plus an extra switchable boost level for when you really go up the neck...
      So what you get is everything your ts9 can do plus a lot more tonal options to give your amp a kick in the pants. If you do decide to use it as a clean boost, then you also have the versatitily of the tone knob to roll off the painful highs when needed.

      re: mr fuses post....hes right about the bd2 keeping the lows intact and its a good pedal for chording and for adding some grit to a clean amp. A pure clean boost can also work well to drive your preamp a bit more, but the thing about both of these is that the higher you play, the thinner you sound. What works great for low notes and chords does not always translate when you are playing high - thats why ts type pedals are the way they are - not so great for chords but brilliant for high leads.
      Last edited by Chickenwings; 01-24-2011, 10:58 PM.
      "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
      Yehudi Menuhin


      • #4
        Re: Overdrives/Boosts that keep the OOMPH basically you're saying that if I use the TS as a lead boost, then it's one of the best at that particular function?


        • #5
          Re: Overdrives/Boosts that keep the OOMPH

          In my experience, the TS-9s roll off a fair amount of bass no matter where the tone is set.

          The Boss SD-1 rolls off less bass than the TS-9 but it still rolls off a little.

          As gibson175 recommended, the Fulltone Fulldrive rolls off no bass at all and can actually pass a bit too much bass in certain circumstances.

          You may have to experiment. luckily, the SD-1 is inexpensive and the TS9 and Fulldrive have excellent resale value if you need to unload them to get something else.
          Now operating part time: Glassman Tube Amps...repairs, rebuilds, restorations & modifications of tube equipment.

          Still building: GlassMan Amplifiers (25 watt, all tube, single channel w/reverb, single 12" combo) and some more designs in the works.

          Located in Fort Wayne, IN

          Note: I've "parked" my website in case anyone has been looking for it. I moved locations and haven't updated the site to reflect this.


          • #6
            Re: Overdrives/Boosts that keep the OOMPH

            If you're considering a Fulldrive, you might want to look into this. Plenty cheaper and much less physical footprint, although resale value is rather poor. I personally like the ability to put custom graphics on DIY pedals. My dream is to get a big muff clone and put a custom graphic of a chick with her legs open petting her... big muff.
            Custom neck-thru strat
            1989 MIJ 1962 RI Strat
            1995 PRS CE24
            D'avanzo #8
            Breedlove Solo Concert
            1996 USA Dean Baby Z
            1991 40th Anniversary Les Paul
            1968 Fender Bassman, Egnater SW45, Mesa Mark IIB Coliseum, Mesa ElectraDyne 1x12 Combo, Avatar 4x12, Mesa half back 4x12 Earcandy 2x12
            Roland RE-201 Space Echo, 70's Fender Reverb Unit


            • #7
              Re: Overdrives/Boosts that keep the OOMPH

              sounds like you 2 were made for each other.


              • #8
                Re: Overdrives/Boosts that keep the OOMPH

                If you want to keep your amp tone but just make it louder for solos try putting the booster in the effects loop.


                • #9
                  Re: Overdrives/Boosts that keep the OOMPH

                  MI Audio Blue Deluxe / END THREAD
                  Lister: I am your god!
                  Cat: ( points at food ) If you're god, turn this into a woman!

                  Originally posted by Empty Pockets
                  i don't want to shoot at a guy holding my Les Paul, but I'd gladly shoot through a Fernandes that I paid $250 for.


                  • #10
                    Re: Overdrives/Boosts that keep the OOMPH

                    Originally posted by ConvoysToNothingness View Post
           basically you're saying that if I use the TS as a lead boost, then it's one of the best at that particular function?
                    ...but there is more than one way to skin a cat...
                    "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
                    Yehudi Menuhin


                    • #11
                      Re: Overdrives/Boosts that keep the OOMPH

                      I would also like to put up an LPB-1.

                      They are only like 40 bucks new and they keep everything EQ-wise in tact but they do add a tad of grit/grind to the signal.
                      Originally posted by Good Will Hunting
                      Real loss is only possible when you love something more than you love yourself.


                      • #12
                        Re: Overdrives/Boosts that keep the OOMPH

                        Try one of of the best "more from your amp" pedals going...and the pre-bass knob lets you dial in as much ass end as you like before the clipping stages, so the tone can be very full and fat.

                        - Tom

                        Originally posted by Frankly
                        Some people make the wine. Some people drink the wine. And some people sniff the cork and wonder what might have been.
                        The Eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn of the Crow.


                        • #13
                          Re: Overdrives/Boosts that keep the OOMPH

                          Originally posted by guitfiddle View Post
                          Try one of of the best "more from your amp" pedals going...and the pre-bass knob lets you dial in as much ass end as you like before the clipping stages, so the tone can be very full and fat.

                          Does this one suck tone in bypass? I had a rocktron compressor that sounded good as long as it was turned on.


                          • #14
                            Re: Overdrives/Boosts that keep the OOMPH

                            Not enough to make me notice at anything above a bedroom volume. Plus, when it's engaged, it acts more like a treble booster than an OD. Works well with an amp that's already cracking up a bit when hit hard.

                            Gobs and GOBS of output, so you can really push the front end. It's a fine example of a pedal you could leave on all night, and work your guitar volume.

                            The best way I can think of to describe it's tone is singing. Not sharp or harsh or greasy or ragged, or mushy. Just singing.
                            Last edited by guitfiddle; 01-25-2011, 11:55 AM.
                            - Tom

                            Originally posted by Frankly
                            Some people make the wine. Some people drink the wine. And some people sniff the cork and wonder what might have been.
                            The Eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn of the Crow.


                            • #15
                              Re: Overdrives/Boosts that keep the OOMPH

                              With both switches on the Bass Boost side, i am pretty sure it will have some low end intact.

                              Tele, SG, LP Jr, '76 Ibanez Artist & Tokai LS92 + FUZZ boxes into a '66 AB165 Bassman & 2X12 (55Hz Greenbacks) / '73 Orange OR120 & 2X12 (V30 & SwampThang) / Orange Thunderverb 50 & PPC212 / Marshall Vintage Modern 50 & 2X12 Genz Benz g-Flex / Laney Klipp / Laney AOR Pro Tube 100

                              "'s a tree with a microphone" - Leslie West

