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Anyone NOT Like Fender Cleans?

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  • #16
    Re: Anyone NOT Like Fender Cleans?

    I like a number of different cleans but Vox the most probably. Tweed cleans next and then blackface third.
    Anderson Lake Blues Project


    • #17
      Re: Anyone NOT Like Fender Cleans?

      Originally posted by guitfiddle View Post
      Yeah, if you didn't have the key (paid membership) you didn't work the amp. Ampegs were highly revered in the 50s and 60s. They also beat Fender in putting reverb in a combo amp by at least three or four months.
      That's one of the weirdest, funniest and coolest things I've ever heard.
      I remember calloused hands and paint-stained jeans, and I remember safe-as-houses self-belief.


      • #18
        Re: Anyone NOT Like Fender Cleans?

        No matter what brand or type of amp I'm running, the first thing I do is dial up a good clean sound. If I can manage that, then the rest is going to work for me. Over the years I've played through Fenders (both solid state and tube), Kustom (solid state), TubeWorks (mosfet solid state), and now Egnater (tube) and have managed to find a very usable clean tone out of all of them.

        I think the important part is a willingness to turn the knobs without relying on standard positions and expectations.

        All that being said, yeah...Fender cleans are killer.


        • #19
          Re: Anyone NOT Like Fender Cleans?

          Originally posted by UberMetalDood View Post
          Yeah, people who play Line 6's and Schecters.
          Oh, that's not true. I use both, actually. Fender clean tones are quite special. The only amp I've ever heard that was cleaner was a Musicman 112 that was loaded with an EVM 12.


          • #20
            Re: Anyone NOT Like Fender Cleans?

            Originally posted by Kam View Post
            That's one of the weirdest, funniest and coolest things I've ever heard.
            They called it the Manhattan Guitar Club. Most were Gemini l models, but they were supposedly all Ampegs. Helping to buy all the amps was the cost for a key to work any Gemini in the selected studios.

            See, Ampeg was always after a cleaner and cleaner sound, but a rich, full one. The Ampeg people (mainly Everette Hull) thought of Fender amps as too raw(even shrill), which, when compared to a great old Gemini or Reverberocket, they are. Most 50s and 60s Ampegs ran at the rated power level are CLEAN, except for the Jet and a few of other lower powered models.

            Leo knew a thing or two about what certain musicians wanted, and his amps hit overdrive a bit quicker than the Ampegs. Everrette Hull, on the other hand, was disgusted at the first commercially available fuzz box because they were "...actually SELLING distortion!!"
            Last edited by guitfiddle; 04-13-2011, 09:47 PM.
            - Tom

            Originally posted by Frankly
            Some people make the wine. Some people drink the wine. And some people sniff the cork and wonder what might have been.
            The Eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn of the Crow.


            • #21
              Re: Anyone NOT Like Fender Cleans?

              I prefer Vox cleans.
              Me too
              And while I haven't played one first hand I like HiWatt cleans (well at least David Gilmour cleans).
              From what I have played mostly El84 amps (Matchless, VOX, Laney) I like clean. I think the fender clean is so popular and recorded so often is partly the reason. All I know is while they are lush nice and really clean I am kinda over hearing JC-120 cleans
              Gondola Kid


              • #22
                Re: Anyone NOT Like Fender Cleans?

                I prefer VOX cleans personally. Fender has a certain twang to it that screams I'm a fender that I don't like.
                Originally posted by grumptruck
                No I think James and Dave have that covered. You are obviously rocking way to hard.
                Originally posted by Gear Used
                PRS CE 22 (Custom 5 / 59)
                Gibson Les Paul (Screaming Demon / Pearly Gates)
                Mesa Stiletto Ace
                Gurus 5015
                Mesa Widebody 1X12

