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New Amps Days!

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  • #16
    Re: New Amps Days!

    Congratulations on the amp man! And your wife's a keeper, I look up to experiences like this with my girlfriend.
    Epiphone LP Standard PlusTop Pro
    Ibanez SZ320 / A8 DD103 bridge.
    Ibanez RG270 / Screamin' Demon bridge.

    Egnater Tweaker 15 Head / Laney Cub 8 / 2x12 - Celestion V30+K100
    Line 6 M13 and plenty of stompboxes I rarely use!


    • #17
      Re: New Amps Days!

      Originally posted by Kam View Post
      'Kay, so I was just skimming this thread, ya know, not even really giving half a **** or anything, like, yeah, another dude on the forum got a sweet amp, cool...

      And then I got to this bit...

      That's awesome, man. Like, really cool. I don't know why, that just got to me. Congratulations, dude. Have fun.
      This. Cheers!
      Originally posted by Jessie's ghost
      I like having the stop bar all the way down. Sue me. I've got like six dollars.


      • #18
        Re: New Amps Days!

        Cool amp/s, but your wife is even cooler. Great score marrying that one. Congratulations on the new amp as well.


        • #19
          Re: New Amps Days!

          Wait. You are married? And she likes your playing? How is your Black Keys meets White Stripes thing going? Seriously though congrats, I know you are stoked.
          Hard Rock - gain on 5 - singing about good times.

          Heavy Metal - gain on 10 - screaming about something.

          he was trying to convince her to swing.

          That's like taking a Ferrari to a mud bog.--Ginormous


          • #20
            Re: New Amps Days!

            Got to use is today in a live setting and a jam session last night.

            It held up well. Tones were great and it covered everything I needed it to. I will have to do some tweaking overall but it was good. I loved getting to open it up a little bit and let it growl. A few people in the congregation commented on my sound too. Only conplaint I head was that I was too quiet.
            The reverb was dialed in perfectly, and I had some tasty use of the tremolo. But I've Got to get that pedal rather than turning around and adjusting knobs.

            I am gonna have to play with my fulldrive some. Was never totally happy with it today. The first channel was nice as a clean boost, but the Boost channel felt so squashed. Anyone have any tips? I tend to keep on the FM setting and keep the overdrive down.

            I'm also a little more aware of how much I want to change my neck and mid pups on my strat.

            Can't wait to get some more live use out of it.
            Myspace,GoodbyeJune Myspace


            • #21
              Re: New Amps Days!

              Congrats on your new amps and your wife.... what a woman! Fantastic gifts for sure and it's great you're getting to play it out. Enjoy.

