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JCM900 combo... how it performed live

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  • JCM900 combo... how it performed live

    Ok, a few months ago I sold my mesa express and bought a battered old Marshall JCM900 1x12 combo from a friend as the mesa, as sweet as it sounded, just couldn't cut the mustard live.
    Last night the Marshall had it's first gig.
    Now for those of you who have been following my amp exploits over the last few months you may have noticed me mentioning my rather loud drummer, the fact I play in a free piece, we play blues rock and that I'm never going to be satisfied with my amp.
    Also I like to have quite a thick sound so the end result is full and powerful without making peoples ears bleed.
    The little 900 is a top little amp, I'm not sure about the diode clipping 'b' channel, but channel 'a' does that Marshall thing, which is almost what I want but I'd prefer something a bit thicker in the low mids, so I added a bad Monkey o/d and a boss eq pedal to the chain (bad monkey at the front, eq in the loop).
    I also have a 1912 1x12 cab for gigs, although last night it was facing the wrong way to help the drummer hear.
    The result was pretty much just what I was after. Using mainly my JB8/59 equiped RG notes were full and musical, feedback induced sustained notes were just there with out then ramping into uncontrolled screaming.
    All in all it is just the ticket.
    So the chain is:
    Boss tuner, Bad Monkey OD, channel 'a' only of a 50w JCM900, loop to danelectro fab chorus, ibanez sound tank delay, boss eq. Not sure why the chorus and delay are there... they're not great pedals and I rarely use them.
    Tonight I may ditch the chorus and drop in a battered old dunlop wah I've got knocking around.
    Now all we need is more gigs, we may have had two in one weekend but that looks like it for a while. It's getting harder and harder to find gigs round these parts with so many pubs going to the wall.
    It's a valve sporker... it sporks valves

  • #2
    Re: JCM900 combo... how it performed live

    Great stuff, glad it's working out. I think they're great amps and so compact too... awesome through a 4 x 12 as well.


    • #3
      Re: JCM900 combo... how it performed live

      Originally posted by d1dsj View Post
      Great stuff, glad it's working out. I think they're great amps and so compact too... awesome through a 4 x 12 as well.
      Ah if only I had the space for a 4x12... or the will to lug the thing around
      It's a valve sporker... it sporks valves


      • #4
        Re: JCM900 combo... how it performed live

        Originally posted by Uk Ant View Post
        Ah if only I had the space for a 4x12... or the will to lug the thing around
        Lol... nah, I meant that they sound great whether you use them on their own or with an extension cab.


        • #5
          Re: JCM900 combo... how it performed live

          nice one man! I reckon the best od pedal to go with a 900 is an mxr gtod - it will give you that throaty roar of the lower mids and even tho its a ts based pedal like the bad monkey, it will make it sound anaemic in comparison. Thick, full and powerful at any volume just as you described - you wont need the eq. Really good pedal especially if you are using the clean(ish) channel that the 900 offers. Perfect match for that amp. The dunlop wah is a good place to start too - but its totally worth adding true bypass (only a few bucks) and maybe a cool inductor, and youll get killer tones. Stock dunlop wahs (im guessing its a gcb95) are not a great pedal (especiallu when off) and tend to kill your clarity and dynamics a bit. If you mod it you can get sounds that will match anything tho.
          if you really need to use the chorus and the delay (but only sometimes) then just chuck them in the loop and youll get a nice direct path from guitar to preamp (via the od pedal). The loop is always engages on 900s (even when nothing is plugged in) so you might as well make the most of it. With a good pedal sound for your drive, you can use channel b with very low drive setting so youll have a 4 sound switchable set up.
          I used to use a 900 dual reverb half stack when i was gigging in pub rock bands back in the early 90s, but i have a 1x12 900mkIII master volume now (mainly just to satisfy the inner rock god).
          Glad you are digging the marshall. There arent too many better sounding amps out there than a good marshall and od pedal combination if you want to rock.
          "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
          Yehudi Menuhin


          • #6
            Re: JCM900 combo... how it performed live

            I love my JCM900 2x12 dual reverb combo, early one with the EL34's. Here's a couple of songs we did a while back. The leads are done on the lead channel set just louder than the clean channel, which is set with master and pre on full, stock Mexi Telecaster 50's RI.
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            • #7
              Re: JCM900 combo... how it performed live

              Years ago, I borrowed a friend's 100-watt 112 JCM 900 combo for about a week. I could never get the sounds I wanted; nevertheless I came away very impressed. One good mod is get a little more voltage on the plates to warm up the tone a bit.

              Very nice amps.

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              • #8
                Re: JCM900 combo... how it performed live

                my jcm900 dual reverb head has tons of mids and is very loud, I bet you rocked with that combo!!


                • #9
                  Re: JCM900 combo... how it performed live

                  Glad you like it. Get rid of anything in the chain you're not using. I know exactly what you mean about the pub gig situation.

