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MESA Electradyne

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  • #16
    Re: MESA Electradyne

    Originally posted by papersoul View Post
    UberMetal, I checked your Electradyne clip and it is thick! Love it! Is that all Electradyne? That was low volume? I was all set to buy a Splawn Streetrod but I am pulled in by the thickness and bigness of the Electradyne. Plus it is neat how it takes pedals so well! Sounds killer with either the Xotic BB or Sonic Edge J&J OD.

    I am borrowing my friend's Electradyne right now and will probably end up getting one.
    I can't be spending tons of money on gear going forward, I am a hobbyist not a pro, LOL.
    I put it up next to my bud's Splawn Quickrod QBs both sounded great but I think the Mesa ED had a smoother and thicker lead voice although I think the Splawn had the chewier voice. I already have a Bogner 20th Shiva with EL34s and a PWE Event Horizon which is another reason I can not be spending tons.

    Anyway, this spring I was thinking of getting a Splawn Streetrod or maybe a Fryette or Mesa Mark V, but then was thinking there are so many great buys out there at aroumd $1000 or less on the used market. The VHT ST 50 and Electradyne head and two of the best on the used market. The ST 50 is not great for home use but get it up to band volume and the feel and tone of that amp will drop your jaw.

    The Electradyne gives me a similar feeling and using a boost pedal I can get all the high gain tones I want! Love the simplicity too. I just use a boost for more gain and an EQ for leads. A Mesa Royal Atlantic would be nice but I am not spending another $1500 on a used amp. The ED can ne had for $850 used for the head if you look.
    We play a lot of classic hard rock, and 90s hard rock and metal.
    Sounds just as good for hard modern rock with a boost as my previous Dual Rectifier.

    This is the part that floored me, with or without a boost I preferred it over his Diezel Einstein!

    I have my choice of next amp between the Electradyne or Splawn Streetrod. Since I already have a Bogner Shiva and PWE Event Horizon, the ED might be the bext choice. The ED takes pedals sooooo well!

    I have never been a Mes Boogie fan other than for big rhythm tones, but I could never solo on them. These are the first Mesa amps I can solo on and think they feel right. Still not sure I like them as much as my Marshall type amps.
    It was low volume. I was also using an Ibanez Prestige with a Tone Zone and Air Norton neck I think, so the guitar itself is pretty thick. However, the Electradyne is thick too. It has a lot of great mids. Until you open it up, it sounds a bit like a blanket is over the amp. It's not bad but to really get the tone like in that video, you need to open it up a little louder than bedroom volume. I think you can more out of the Electradyne than the Streetrod since it seems to me that Splawns do the Marshall thing fantastically well, but doesn't have the clean/cleanish Fendery thing the Electradyne does.


    • #17
      Re: MESA Electradyne

      Thanks UberMetalDood,

      I don't know how much of the Fender clean I need, I have that with my PWE and Bogner 20th Shiva, I was thinking the Splawn would be cool because of the broken up Plexi like cleans on that amp. Then again a good OD pedal like my Sonic Edge J&J OD into the clean of my amps gives a great broken up clean type tone. I think cleans sound more natural in a band setting and cut better with a little grit on the clean. Luckily with my J&J OD, I can actually keep on the pedal and it adds a touch of grit on the clean and does not adversely impact the gain channels.

      We play a lot of classic rock and starting a 90s hard rock band so clean tones aren't my number one priority. I was never a big Fender amp guy.


      • #18
        Re: MESA Electradyne

        Originally posted by papersoul View Post
        Thanks UberMetalDood,

        I don't know how much of the Fender clean I need, I have that with my PWE and Bogner 20th Shiva, I was thinking the Splawn would be cool because of the broken up Plexi like cleans on that amp. Then again a good OD pedal like my Sonic Edge J&J OD into the clean of my amps gives a great broken up clean type tone. I think cleans sound more natural in a band setting and cut better with a little grit on the clean. Luckily with my J&J OD, I can actually keep on the pedal and it adds a touch of grit on the clean and does not adversely impact the gain channels.

        We play a lot of classic rock and starting a 90s hard rock band so clean tones aren't my number one priority. I was never a big Fender amp guy.
        It's not just the cleans but how great the clean channel works with pedals that I like about the Electra Dyne. I think the Splawn is dryer than the Electradyne and feels stiffer in the attack. They would both be awesome to have but your Shiva 20th covers the Marshall stuff pretty well.


        • #19
          Re: MESA Electradyne

          UberMetalDood, a friend of mine played my PWE and Shiva and said I would waste money if I got the Splawn. So, you played the Splawn? I will say I prefer chewy, somewhat saturated amps, but I long for an amp that takes pedals really well like a modern day Plexi if you will.

          A friend of mine sold his Diezel Einstein after he bought his Electra dyne. He uses a lot of Overdrive pedals for flavors of gain. He said the ED takes pedals as well as the Fryette Deliverance and Plexi/JMPs. I agree from the time playing one.

          The ED is more dry and unforgiving compared to my Shiva and PWE.

          For $850 or so for a used Electradyne and traking pedals so well, makes it a no brainer. I mean you can get anything you want out of it with the right pedal from heavy rhythm to fat leads.


          • #20
            Re: MESA Electradyne

            Thanks again Uber. Amps I have been through in recent years are the VHT ST-50 from 1998, a new Mesa Dual Rec, Egnater Mod 50, H&K Triamp, VHT UL, H&K Switchblade, and finally PWE Event Horizon and 20th Bogner Shiva. Next up Mesa ED! The Dual Rec killed for rhythm but sucked for leads.
            Only Dual Rec I could use for rhythm and lead was an old DR but I could not EQ it to do both.
            My PWE and Shiva will do both with the same EQ. Those are my favorite amps.


            • #21
              Re: MESA Electradyne

              bumper for ED users!


              • #22
                Re: MESA Electradyne

                Originally posted by papersoul View Post
                bumper for ED users!
                Your bump is succesful

                I've got a 1x12 combo, I don't think it sounds terribly Marshally...sounds way more like a Mark I than a JCM800 IMO

                There's not a whole lot to say about the amp, it's got 3 channels (ignore the stupid marketing BS about it only having one...that's a crock o ****). One is clean, and VERY Boogie, takes pedals great, but sounds awkward when you push it to OD. Vintage-lo (what should be called channel 2) is the most Marshally of the 3, can cop a pretty good Plexi if you aren't particular about authenticity, it has enough gain to go into JCM800 levels, but sounds nothing like an 800. Channel 3 bears absolutely no resemblance to any Marshall I've ever heard, it's thick (LOTS of bass) and has a buttload of gain, pure Boogie IMO.

                Tone wise it's very simple, set and forget (keep the knobs around noon though, dramatic EQ settings will not produce pleasant results). In that sense I suppose it's like a Marshall.

                My only beef with it is how big a jump there is in gain from the clean channel to channel 2, this is the only time that the shared controls are really an issue.
                Originally posted by jcthejester13
                Some musicians are good, and some are not so good. Some musicians use guitars, and some don't use guitars. The end.


                • #23
                  Re: MESA Electradyne

                  Thanks Oil, I want something a little different from my PWE and Bogner Shiva.
                  I was thinking a Splawn, Marshall JVM or used Mesa Boogie for something different. Maybe even an old Rectoverb. I always hated soloing on Rectifiers till I tried a friends 98!
                  Last edited by papersoul; 02-11-2012, 09:51 AM.


                  • #24
                    Re: MESA Electradyne

                    Originally posted by papersoul View Post
                    Thanks Oil, I want something a little different from my PWE and Bogner Shiva.
                    I was thinking a Splawn, Marshall JVM or used Mesa Boogie for something different. Maybe even an old Rectoverb. I always hated soloing on Rectifiers till I tried a friends 98!
                    I hate JVMs...I hate most modern Marshalls.

                    Splaws are awesome from what I've heard, never tried one in person but I can say with 99.9999% certainty that any splawn will sound better than any (new) Marshall
                    I'm not a Recto fan...they aren't bad sounding amps, but to get a tone I like I have to dial them in so unconventionally that it makes me feel weird, and (as stupid as this sounds) affects my playing. And I don't like all those knobs.

                    Try an ED may just fall in love
                    Originally posted by jcthejester13
                    Some musicians are good, and some are not so good. Some musicians use guitars, and some don't use guitars. The end.


                    • #25
                      Re: MESA Electradyne

                      Thanks bro. I need a ,ess expensive rig for those dive bar gigs where I feel nervous taking my Les Paul and Bogner. A used Mesa ED and my strat would be better. LOL.

