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  • #31
    Re: OCD

    Originally posted by Vasshu the humanoid typhoon View Post
    Has a sound to it I just don't like much, some strange pushy grit that just bugs my ears.
    hm. I haven't tried single coils yet; I hope I don't encounter any of that. With my humbucking fatty stoptail rosewood-board Wolfgang it sounds pretty nice, but I can tell when I play a lead part that maybe on some leads with certain amps (like mine, as a matter of fact) that I might get what you describe when I switch to my Tele. But then again that Tele of mine has so many shades to its electronics that a small knob turn might just eliminate it, and then I can bring it back when I'm imitating Brad Paisley. I did yard work most of the day yesterday and today is all Church, which for me is playing guitar all day so I should get around to some gear switcheroos with my new crush.

    It's a pushy bastard this OCD, I'm digging the lead-note punch I get up high, and I love the single-note lines I'm getting down at the end of the neck where us guitar players like to do our Scorpions and our heavy rhythmic gymnastics. Middle of the neck fatty chords are pretty darn big and have some smoothie chunky. Likey.
    tele / wolfie
    pittbull 50cl


    • #32
      Re: OCD

      Originally posted by Vasshu the humanoid typhoon View Post
      Has a sound to it I just don't like much, some strange pushy grit that just bugs my ears.
      okay I think I hear exactly what you mean

      it bugs me too, but there is ONE thing I love that pushy grit for, at least so far. It is a perfect match for one of my guitars, which is a Wolfgang stoptail with rosewood board, and my little grab-n-go Tube Screamer Amp and my 2x12 with Greenbacks. It is 100% perfect and phat and all that, to me! OCD on Low-Peak, all knobs at noon, into the TSA, all knobs at noon. Perfect! I like my purple Plimsoul more but I cannot deny this combination!!!! Scorps, Megadeth, Metallica, Ratt.

      it's this, with some extra spring to the chunk:

      tele / wolfie
      pittbull 50cl


      • #33
        Re: OCD

        lol! he used the jedi mind trick on you!
        "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
        Yehudi Menuhin


        • #34
          Re: OCD

          I'm still wondering if the conversation with Fuller really happened or not? Because it's hilarious.
          Originally posted by Boogie Bill
          I've got 60 guitars...but 49 trumpets is just...INSANITY! WTF!


          • #35
            Re: OCD

            Haha well I would understand the urge to kill customers!!!
            I think that he has a highly developed BS filter, and have little patience with most people who does not know what they want anyways.....

            Nothing is worse than customers with a fully developed intarwebs language, that asks inept question about stuff they only read about of TGP and other places alike....
            Trust gets old very very fast...haha!

            Oh heard the pushy thing eh!!
            Yeah as said, it is no bad pedal, far from it, just not my thing in a thousand years, like the plimmer more!


            • #36
              Re: OCD

              Originally posted by MetalManiac View Post
              Oh. This and the more exotic/expensive Tim are about the most popular/well regarded dynamic and responsive tonally neutral booteek boost pedals out there.
              Those happen to be the 2 OD/Distortion pedals on my board...and long before I read this post!! Tim is better for classic/Stonesy grind & leads (with the boost), OCD is better for higher gain stuff. I think I have OCD v1, I got it right when it came out...I'd call and ask Mike Fuller (aka MF) what the difference is, but I'm afraid to...


              • #37
                Re: OCD

                ......Gave my Tim away.....
                The OCD's changed from top and bottom endy, to shaving off some of that instead.
                Changed a pot or two as well.....
                It still has impedance issues no matter how you cook it tho'.....
                Some it bugs, others don't get all other things in the worlds of pedalalots...


                • #38
                  Re: OCD

                  I have never spoken with The Man, but I've heard a few stories and the more I hear the more I like the guy

                  when one buys a Plimsoul, one finds a sheet of paper / owner's manual inside the box. One thing it says on there is, after the design gets ripped off by a bunch of little builders who charge $400 and hype the forums and shows, "remember who Daddy is."

                  the dark purple color of a Plimsoul is really striking up close. If I ever get a b!tchin Camaro, guess what color it'll be
                  tele / wolfie
                  pittbull 50cl


                  • #39
                    Re: OCD

                    *****in' Camaro, *****in' Camaro!
                    I ran over my neighbors
                    *****in' Camaro, *****in' Camaro!
                    Now I'm in all the papers

                    My folks bought me a *****in' Camaro
                    With no insurance to match
                    So if I happen to run you down
                    Please don't leave a scratch

                    I ran over some old lady
                    One night at the county fair
                    And I didn't get arrested
                    Because my dad's the mayor

                    *****in' Camaro, *****in' Camaro!
                    Donuts on your lawn
                    *****in' Camaro, *****in' Camaro!
                    Tony Orlando and Dawn

                    When I drive past the kids
                    They all spit and cuss
                    Cause I've got a *****in' Camaro
                    And they have to ride the bus

                    So you'd better get out of my way
                    When I come through your yard
                    Cause I've got a *****in' Camaro
                    And an Exxon credit card

                    *****in' Camaro, *****in' Camaro!
                    Hey man where ya headed?
                    *****in' Camaro, *****in' Camaro!
                    I'm drunk on unleaded!

                    ........i just got carried away right there
                    i saw this band, and thought they were really great, until i saw what the guy was playing through........

