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How do you EQ your amp?

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  • #16
    Re: How do you EQ your amp?

    my strat an lp are calibrated and EQ to the bridge.

    Amp settings always the same, i control a lot of stuff from the guitar controls.

    Bass 3 1/2
    trebs 10

    gain.... 8

    Ich bin mein führer

    Originally posted by tiptipono
    you have a mental problem? Your brain gets screwed? You purchased this stupidity over the years or it runs in your family genes?

    It's like I tell you to sell your daughter/son to father better than you and buy instead toaster


    • #17
      Re: How do you EQ your amp?

      I have a clean channel and a dirty channel, so I set each up to sound the best with it's appropriate pickup.
      || Guitar | Wah | Vibe | Amp ||


      • #18
        Re: How do you EQ your amp?

        i want a clean bottom and enough high end on the neck pup. i use my tone and volume controls alot. im not playing metal, if i was i would look for different things and my bridge pups rhythm sound might be the most important.

        i play blues/rock so i want a fat tone that doesnt need to be all that tight. nor do i need a percussive low end. on my deluxe reverb its volume 4-6, treble 5-6, bass 3-4, reverb 2.5-3.5 different guitars get slightly different settings hence the range


        • #19
          Re: How do you EQ your amp?

          I eq you my amps with my guitars' switches in the middle position. Same thing for tuning.
          Originally posted by TheLivingDead
          H-S guitars with floyds make me erect.
          Originally posted by jcthejester13
          I'm pretty sure it's like nailing twins. They are identical but feel totally different.


          • #20
            Re: How do you EQ your amp?

            I play single tone control amps most of the time so I turn the tone knob until I get the gain level I want w/o the top end taking your head off then peel it back if need be at the guitar.
            If you just read a post by The Guy Who Invented Fire please understand that opinions change, mind sets change and as players our ears mature...not to mention our needs grow and change. With that in mind, today I may or may not agree with the post you just read!


            • #21
              Re: How do you EQ your amp?

              I turn the knobs until it sounds good.

              90% of my playing is on the bridge pickup, so it makes sense to me to adjust based on that. There's no right or wrong way to do this stuff though.

              Read my Seymour Duncan blog posts


              • #22
                Re: How do you EQ your amp?

                Originally posted by ratherdashing View Post
                There's no right or wrong way to do this stuff though.
                True. I had never thought of trying to EQ my amp to my neck pickup. It sounds like an interesting idea.
                Hard Rock - gain on 5 - singing about good times.

                Heavy Metal - gain on 10 - screaming about something.

                he was trying to convince her to swing.

                That's like taking a Ferrari to a mud bog.--Ginormous


                • #23
                  Re: How do you EQ your amp?

                  This may sound crazy...but maybe I have been doing it wrong all of these years:

                  I turn the knobs to wherever they sound good for whatever I am playing.

                  Your question was a bit unclear. Do you mean how do you set your amp so you can play with both pickups and a good tone. It varies. Just a few of the options

                  I never play on the neck.
                  I play on the neck or the bridge, but never both - I set it for the pup.
                  I have two channels, I set one for the neck, and one for the bridge.
                  I have an eq pedal. I set for one and adjust using the pedal for the other.
                  I change the knobs between songs.
                  I have a multi-fx and it is programmed to eq as appropriate at each patch change.
                  I only play solos on the neck - it sounds fine with the bridge eq settings.
                  I have two amps with an A/B switch

                  How long do you want me to go on? If you can figure out a bar chord you can figure this out. There are an infinite number of options. You are limited by your imagination only. And perhaps your gear and a patch chord or two...

                  This is a situation, IMO, where pup selection REALLY becomes critical. If you know the amp, and your playing needs, it may or may not be possible. You do what you need to - including changing the pickups - to get the sound you want. See my original statement.
                  Originally posted by Bad City
                  He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


                  • #24
                    Re: How do you EQ your amp?

                    That post #3 (I won't quote it all) is pretty much how I've been working Les Pauls through Marshalls for years. It's about using all the knobs to get maximum versatility from the guitar. You need a good set of pickups and 500K audio taper pots, then follow those instructions.

                    The key point is that if you get the amp EQ'd so the neck pickup sounds clear you will usually find that the bridge pickup sounds too bright. So you roll off the bridge tone and/or volume. Having some bridge bite in reserve is a good thing. There's always the option of an OD pedal with a tone control if you need even more.

                    If you EQ the amp for your bridge pickup on 10 you will most likely find the neck pickup sounds woolly. Or muddy. Worst case scenario muddy wool.


                    • #25
                      Re: How do you EQ your amp?

                      I set up my bridge for the kinda jangly bright chimey tone I use most of the time at least thats how I EQ when playing single coils I then eq my pedals to get more of a marshall crunch and lead tone and adjust if it is too bright. My neck pickup in my tele is a lot brighter then normal tele necks (I think it has something to do with the cover) so if anything I turn down the tone when I want more warm/dark neck tones. I also spent a lot of time adjust my pickup height to achieve the right sounds across all pickups.
                      Gondola Kid


                      • #26
                        Re: How do you EQ your amp?

                        Marshall amps: I start off with the Bass, Mids and Treble set thusly: 6/6/6. It honestly works quite well in most cases.

                        Mesa amps: I usually start with everything on "5." Then I adjust from there. In my experience, it can take me a day to EQ a Mesa amp because I keep stumbling on cool tones that I then jam with for a while. Then there's the Mesa's with the on board graphic EQ. I'll see you in about a week.
                        Originally posted by Jessie's ghost
                        I like having the stop bar all the way down. Sue me. I've got like six dollars.


                        • #27
                          Re: How do you EQ your amp?

                          I start with all knobs at 12 o'clock and go from there. I start with the treble knob which opens the amp up and then I follow up with distortion (as that's going to be most important factor of my tone). I'll readjust the treble if I have to. Then I'll muss with the bass control.

                          Currently I'm at:

                          Gain - 10
                          Bass - 8
                          Contour - 5
                          Treble - 8.5

                          Sounds dark, heavy, bright and mean.

                          It depends on the type of sound and music you're going to play as well. Like, I'm going to require a somewhat dark and heavy sound with hella gain, which usually prompts a healthy dose of highs to cut through.


                          • #28
                            Re: How do you EQ your amp?

                            It depends on which amp I'm playing through. They all sound different so I EQ them all different.


                            • #29
                              Re: How do you EQ your amp?

                              I decided to play after posting in this thread and coming off a two-day layoff from playing the guitar and changed my eq. I still went treble first, but then I decided to tweak the bass second, and gain third. Now it looks like this (iirc):

                              Gain - 7.5
                              Bass - 9.?
                              Contour - 5
                              Treble - 9.?

                              So, the treble and bass freqencies increased and the gain dropped. My sound is more of a fat crunch now with clear highs.

                              Glad I popped in here.


                              • #30
                                Re: How do you EQ your amp?

                                i find most amps have their own sweet spot in the eq regardless of the axe you use.
                                Anyway...i start with everything on zero, then wind up the bass until it reaches a point where increasing it gives no appreciable difference....on some amps thats at 3, some would be 5 or 6 etc....
                                then i wind up the treble and stop can hear a piercing brightness that is unmusical to my ears.
                                Then wind up the mids until i like it.
                                I set the amp volume so when i max the guitar it will give a lead maximum volume level to fit the band and the room.
                                if its a marshall amp i use the presence knob at the method of eqing to the room.
                                If its a fender i will consider using the bright switch but usually dont engage it.
                                I use the neck pickup for this stuff.
                                If im using a drive pedal i set up the gain so its just singing where i like it for leads before it starts to sound too fake and compressed. Tone to taste -high as i can without unmusical harshness.
                                if its a dirty channel on an amp i do all of the above thru that.
                                Then i roll back volume and tones on both pickups and mix myself to the band from there. i will use anything from 0 to 10 on any guitar knob depending on whats happening around me so i can sit back in the mix or push forward for leads.
                                Last edited by Chickenwings; 08-07-2011, 05:29 AM.
                                "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
                                Yehudi Menuhin

