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Contest - Think You Can Tell a "Real" Amp from its Model?

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  • Contest - Think You Can Tell a "Real" Amp from its Model?

    Take the challenge on our new blog hosted by Joe Gore: Tone Fiend.
    Evan Skopp, Inside Track International
    Sales and marketing reps for Musopia, Reunion Blues, and Q-Parts.

  • #2
    Re: Contest - Think You Can Tell a "Real" Amp from its Model?

    This oughta be fun- will hafta check it out tonite.
    I'm an internet person. All we do is waste time evaluating things that have next-to-zero real world significance.

    Remember, it's just a plank of wood. YOU have to find the music in it - The Telecaster Handbook


    • #3
      Re: Contest - Think You Can Tell a "Real" Amp from its Model?

      wild! 5 and 7 sound like models to me. don't know if I could nail the others (possibly 1 and 4 also models). all are a lot closer than I'd think. he can really dial in a modeller to sound much like it's counterpart - the gain and EQ are nearly identical for each, amazing.

      I gotta see what modeller it is...rats, "various plugins."

      just emailed my results. anxious to see how my aim is!
      Last edited by DankStar; 09-01-2011, 01:12 PM.


      • #4
        Re: Contest - Think You Can Tell a "Real" Amp from its Model?

        I can't listen to clips at the moment, but here's my general take on the issue:

        From a recording, it's usually quite difficult to tell the difference. The good amp modellers when dialed in correctly, sound very, very close to the real thing on "tape".

        The real difference to me is when I play through a modeller versus the actual unit. It's all about the feel and response of the thing, and in those scenarios I indeed can tell the difference almost every time.

        Read my Seymour Duncan blog posts


        • #5
          Re: Contest - Think You Can Tell a "Real" Amp from its Model?

          I tried to go off of any clue I could get about the preamp tones...usually on a model, they're idealized examples, so I generally went with the fizzier/sloppier one as the real deal.

          Probably will be the only one to miss them all
          - Tom

          Originally posted by Frankly
          Some people make the wine. Some people drink the wine. And some people sniff the cork and wonder what might have been.
          The Eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn of the Crow.


          • #6
            Re: Contest - Think You Can Tell a "Real" Amp from its Model?

            Most likely wouldn´t have a clue anyway but everytime I tried it when I hit play on the second clip it plays both the first and the second overlayed and out of sync.

            Edit: Had to keep on pausing other tracks to be able to hear all the clips but managed to complete it despite my girlfriend watching TV right behind me while I was doing it.

            Cool test.
            Last edited by playas; 09-02-2011, 04:45 AM.


            • #7
              Re: Contest - Think You Can Tell a "Real" Amp from its Model?

              Thanks, was a lot of fun.


              • #8
                Re: Contest - Think You Can Tell a "Real" Amp from its Model?

                I think a better test would be me in the room with the amps and modelers.


                • #9
                  Re: Contest - Think You Can Tell a "Real" Amp from its Model?

                  Marking this for when I get home!
                  SBMM JP70 "Shadow" - ESP Horizon "Violet" - Charvel Model 5 "Cherry" - Ibanez S570 "Beast" - Ibanez RG470 "Penny" - Ibanez RG4Ex1 "Azure" - Fender Strat "Candy"
                  Mi Familia


                  • #10
                    Re: Contest - Think You Can Tell a "Real" Amp from its Model?

                    Obviously the recording of the amps is at fault here.

                    I didn't listen to any of this yet


                    • #11
                      Re: Contest - Think You Can Tell a "Real" Amp from its Model?

                      Oh come on guys, it's just for fun, not trying to prove anything.

                      They're giving you a chance to win something for free, how can you complain about that?


                      • #12
                        Re: Contest - Think You Can Tell a "Real" Amp from its Model?

                        Playing on both the amp and models sucked!
                        Support Code 211 - Stop the bad boys, you know COPS!
                        When we do right nobody remembers when we do wrong nobody forgets!
                        Red Devils - 1% all the way!
                        Screw anyone who post negative crap on my post!
                        Finding out that there really is a lot of traffic on the Highway to Hell, but no waiting line on the Stairway to Heaven.


                        • #13
                          Re: Contest - Think You Can Tell a "Real" Amp from its Model?

                          I think:

                          First set - 2 is the tube amp

                          Second set - 3 is the tube amp

                          Third set - 6 is the tube amp

                          Fourth set - 8 is the tube amp

                          Now lemme look at the answers...

                          Edit: Oh, wait... I think I was confused...
                          Last edited by TheLivingDead; 09-01-2011, 07:31 PM.


                          • #14
                            Re: Contest - Think You Can Tell a "Real" Amp from its Model?

                            He´s also got a cool article on guitar tone pot cap values on his site.


                            • #15
                              Re: Contest - Think You Can Tell a "Real" Amp from its Model?

                              Hey guys — I'm stoked that my little contest is generating some interest. But in order to win, you gotta enter your guesses as outlined here.



