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Lunch Box Amp Search

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  • #16
    Re: Lunch Box Amp Search

    Originally posted by lespaul1963 View Post
    I am looking to acquire a lunchbox head and am undecided in which one to pull the trigger on. I've studied offerings by Vox, Orange, Carvin and Egnater. I need at least 2 channels and the ability to reduce the power of the amp as included features. Tone wise, I'm looking for that classic Vox AC-15/30 clean/chimeyness and crunch and something with a higher vintage gain, like a JCM800. In the experience of the community, is there anything out there that even comes close to what I am looking for?
    You're describing the Mesa TA-15 pretty much. I drove down to San Diego this morning and bought a used TA-15 and a matching Lone Star 1x12 cab and this thing is the most versatile and maybe the best sounding amp I've owned.

    You can do the AC15 on channel 1 and set a Marshally tone on channel 2.

    Has a great master volume for all levels of loudness.

    Cute as a bug, too!

    Seymour Duncans I've owned: Dimebucker, '59n, '59b, PG+n, JB, Phat Cat, PGn, Custom, Seth Lover, '78.


    • #17
      Re: Lunch Box Amp Search

      I really don't mean to spam but there's a nice like-new night train for sale here.

      It's a really really nice amp and does the "clean+pedal" or "dirt+pedal" really nicely. 7 or 15 watts... hard to go wrong, especially at that price!


      • #18
        Re: Lunch Box Amp Search

        welcome to the forum mr lespaul1963.
        I know my post will sound patronizing, and its not my intention. I just got a vibe fromn your question and i think there are some things you might need to look into first before you consider parting with your hard earned cash on any amp. It will be in your benefit in the long run.
        When you say you have "studied" these amps i get the feeling all you have done is look at you tube clips and read some forums and reviews on the net.
        Please tell me you are actually going to play some of these amps before you make a decision.
        Your ears are the best judge. Trust them.
        Go to some shops and plug in to as many amps as you can.

        While we are talking ears tho....all of the amps you mentioned are nice sounding and versatile amps, but you really should be forewarned....
        if you want vox ac30 tones you need an ac30
        if you want marshall jcm800 tones you need a marshall jcm800. of those amps will come close....however they can sound very very good within the constraints of their design. By the same token, a jcm 800 cant sound like a tweed deluxe, and no boutique bassman clone will sound like a mesa dual recto.
        If you want a lunchbox amp, thats great, just enjoy what they are designed to do, not dream of tones that totally different amps can produce.
        The trick with choosing an amp is getting the one that sounds closest to what you want when you plug in.
        Also, dont assume that reducing wattage = reduced volume. Most amps in this category that have wattage dials, just sound thinner the lower you go. But you will find that out when you actually plug in to a few. Volume is more determined by speaker efficiency and eq curve than amp wattage. for example - with a 97db speaker, you can produce 97db of volume at 1 meter with only 1 watt. However, a 100w amp can only produce a nominal 3db increase over a 50w amp. So what that means is you can play higher wattage amps at lower volumes and get a good sound too. Im saying this cos im guessing you want low wattage with the assumtion that it will sound better at low volumes. It doesnt work that way in the real world.
        You might find that you find more pleasing tones in an amp of higher wattage.
        You really need to try a few with your own ears and hands.
        Take a day or two to go into a few guitar shops and drive the staff mad by trying out everything that might take your fancy.
        You may end up walking home with a sexy new lunchbox amp, you may find that after pluggin in to some different things that you want something that you had not previously though about in your internet research.
        But one thing you will definitely get (completely free!) is knowledge and an educated opinion.
        Dont trust us or anyone else on the net. Use your ears, pick your faves and then pick the brains of the forum and balance that with what your ears tell you. ANd im not talking about listening to you tube clips!
        "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
        Yehudi Menuhin


        • #19
          Re: Lunch Box Amp Search


          I don't take your post as patronizing at all. Your concerns are of someone genuinely trying to be helpful. I've sought out and plugged into many of the amps suggested here, not only in music stores, but also a few owned by friends and available at a few open mic nights I've been to. The on-line reviews and you-tube clips helped to point me in the right direction, but typed words and crappy computer speaker sound don't get the job done. My ears are indeed the final arbiter. I asked as I am not aware of everything available on the market, and the suggestions heretofore made gave me a few others to check out.

          I've owned AC30s, Bassmans and JCM800s and I agree that there is nothing that sounds or responds like the genuine item itself. I am seeking something that will get me in the ball park. Also, I do understand the relationship of power rating vs decibels of sound level and speaker efficiency to same. I understand that many players don't, so your mention is helpful to anyone reading your post that was unaware of the relationship even if it was directed at me.

          The raison d'etre for my purposes of a lunchbox amp is something that has less headroom and therefore more likely to give up the tonal goodies at a lower level of volume. I find the tones of the ones I've tried adequate for my purposes with the power tubes earning their keep. I also find myself increasingly in playing situations where the stage volume has to be kept low and the room on the stage is somewhat cramped. Also, I am well middle-aged now and don't relish the experience of bucking a 50 or 100 watt head and 4x12 cabinet (not that I ever did, but I tolerated it for the last 30 years) anymore. I converted my Marshall Vintage Modern 50 watt combo into a a head and 2x12 cabinet rig as an interim solution.

          The lunchbox amp I select will be run through a 1x12 cabinet with an Eminence Reignmaker 12" speaker. The cool thing about this speaker is that I can dial down the efficiency of the speaker and therefore reduce the volume. It actually works pretty well. So far I am partial to the Mesa Trans Atlantic and the Orange TH30 (not a true lunchbox, but it seems to fit my needs). I am waiting to try out the Hughes & Kettner TubeMeister 18 Head before I pull the trigger.

          Lastly, I want to thank everyone for their input on this thread. Everyone's suggestions are much appreciated, as there were one or two of these amps I did not know about, e.g., the TubeMeister 18 Head.


          • #20
            Re: Lunch Box Amp Search

            Id say go for a nighttrain, dual terror or maybe even a Egnater Tweaker (there are lots of VOX style small heads) and a if you need marshall gain (the dual terror should cover that) get a Wampler Plxstortion or a crunchbox or another solid state device that is good at the JCM800 sound
            Gondola Kid

