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opinion on issue with EVH Phase 90

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  • opinion on issue with EVH Phase 90

    bought a used EVH MXR Phase 90 yesterday.... tried it out thru some of my amps and guitars... thru a clean amp it's hard to tell if it's even on... thru a higain Marshall or 5150 it's pretty good but not amazing...

    but here is weird issue... set up is Charvel, into Phase 90 powered using a 9v battery , into the front of my 5150 stack... today i have been hanging around my room in bare feet and with my hands off the guitar strings when i step in the button for the Phase 90 barefoot it increases the noise.... when i have my hands on the strings it does not do much more noise, only slight... does not matter if the phaser is on or off...

    now if i take the Phase 90 out and hook my EVH Flanger and take my hands off the strings and touch the button with my bare skin it silences the noise slightly by grounding, like i was touching my strings

    weird or what... should i take this 90 back? is it normal operation...? makes me wonder if the reason it sounds like it's not even on thru a clean is maybe it's a lemon...

  • #2
    Re: opinion on issue with EVH Phase 90

    Could be a bad one... but honestly a Phase effect is supposed to be fairly subtle. A lot of people mistake his use of a phaser with the use of a flanger. He even admits the Phase 90 was a subtle "treble boost" that "barely phases" and used it just for solos.


    • #3
      Re: opinion on issue with EVH Phase 90

      ya i just find it strange the hum i get from touching the Phase 90's on/off button bare foot... it's not a huge amount of hum... but i've never notice an increase of any noise touching a pedal barefoot... it's only the on/off button, not the case of the pedal


      • #4
        Re: opinion on issue with EVH Phase 90

        First thing - is it a new battery, and have you actually tested the voltage its supplying. If the effect is only subtle then I'd be looking at the power supply area first. I've got one which I've got in the front-end like you and its not 'subtle'. The block version is pretty strong actually, and while the script setting is much less-so, you can for sure know its on.


        • #5
          Re: opinion on issue with EVH Phase 90

          battery is good... i have a battery tester... and ya with the script button in it is less loud of an effect...

          thru a higain setting it's a loud effect... thru a clean amp it is hard to tell it's working...

          but the issue is why the buzz when i touch the on/off button with my bare skin... yet my other mxr pedals don't do this... maybe i should return it


          • #6
            Re: opinion on issue with EVH Phase 90

            think i'll return it tomorrow... i can only imagine what the ground fault issues in this one could be like under stage lights and higher volumes... which i still manage to play in places like that once in a while


            • #7
              Re: opinion on issue with EVH Phase 90

              ended up returning the EVH phase 90 and bought a cheaper M101 phase 90.... i like it... does the phaser sound i was looking for


              • #8
                Re: opinion on issue with EVH Phase 90

                Is the M101 the standard block logo version?I have one and did the R28 mod and it's great, less intensity and sweeter sounding than before.


                • #9
                  Re: opinion on issue with EVH Phase 90

                  Originally posted by WhoFan View Post
                  ended up returning the EVH phase 90 and bought a cheaper M101 phase 90.... i like it... does the phaser sound i was looking for
                  Sounds like you had a damaged one.


                  • #10
                    Re: opinion on issue with EVH Phase 90

                    Originally posted by d1dsj View Post
                    Is the M101 the standard block logo version?I have one and did the R28 mod and it's great, less intensity and sweeter sounding than before.
                    yup... just a brand new cheap Phase 90... i like it's sound... when i step on a phaser i like to really hear it... this is a pretty good Phaser for $80...


                    • #11
                      Re: opinion on issue with EVH Phase 90

                      Originally posted by guitarded View Post
                      Sounds like you had a damaged one.
                      ya the used EVH one was not quite right sounding... i found it really strange they way it buzzed thru the amp and sounded like a grounding issue when i touched the pedals footswitch or jacks... it still worked but just not quite right

                      when i had the EVH in question and a m101 at the store together show the store how it was acting funny, the m101 was a lot louder of a phaser effect...

                      i do remember when the EVH came out i tried it and the m101 at a store and liked both of them....


                      • #12
                        Re: opinion on issue with EVH Phase 90

                        Yeah I had an EVH P90 about 6 years ago or so, and it was definitely not "subtle". In fact I;d say going on memory it was more " pushy"than my original Phase 90 I had back in the late 80s, which caused a slight volume drop when I kicked in.
                        I'm an internet person. All we do is waste time evaluating things that have next-to-zero real world significance.

                        Remember, it's just a plank of wood. YOU have to find the music in it - The Telecaster Handbook


                        • #13
                          Re: opinion on issue with EVH Phase 90

                          Originally posted by JeffB View Post
                          Yeah I had an EVH P90 about 6 years ago or so, and it was definitely not "subtle". In fact I;d say going on memory it was more " pushy"than my original Phase 90 I had back in the late 80s, which caused a slight volume drop when I kicked in.
                          it'll be interesting in a few weeks away when me and some guys start rehearsals for a fun talent show to see how the Phase 90 i bought works with my Marshalls or 5150... i'll keep an eye on the volume drop thing, see if it happens with this one.....

                          when it comes to phasers i just turn them on and off quickly... i kind of done the same for years with my flangers... only time i keep a Flanger on for any length of time for the most part is quiet passages and clean sounds... i mostly just kick effects in for short passages


                          • #14
                            Re: opinion on issue with EVH Phase 90

                            I really love my EVH phase. I used to use an EH Small Stone Nano which was good, but the EVH is way better.


                            • #15
                              Re: opinion on issue with EVH Phase 90

                              Originally posted by guitarded View Post
                              I really love my EVH phase. I used to use an EH Small Stone Nano which was good, but the EVH is way better.
                              ya i may still get a EVH version in the future... MXR prices have dropped huge here in Canada, so they can be bought new and used for not a lot of dough...

                              for now the standard Phase 90 is working for me.... can't wait to try it at practices

