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Picked up a '60's Sears Silvertone Model 1474

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  • Picked up a '60's Sears Silvertone Model 1474

    It's the twin 12. 4, 6L6s, 3, 12ax7s, a 6cg7 phase invertor, 6au4 trem tube and a 5u4gb rectifier tube. Sounds effing sweet. There's a problem in the pre amp as somebody "modded" it. Not too heavily thank goodness. I also just fixed the problem of it shooting flame out of a 6L6 socket. It has 2, 8ohm output trannies and some dill hole had an 8 ohm speaker on one and a 4 ohm speaker on the other. Had to replace the socket and a couple resistors and caps but it sounds pretty good. Just need to sniff out the problem in the pre section and it'll be golden. Oh and I have to check if the reverb and trem work.
    Last edited by Danglin' Fury; 10-06-2011, 02:09 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Picked up a '60's Sears Silvertone Model 1474

    sounds craptastic. Enjoy that monster and don't kill yourself with it


    • #3
      Re: Picked up a '60's Sears Silvertone Model 1474

      No worries. I've repaired around 50 or 60 tube amps. I'm an electronics tech by day and work with around 420,000 watt machines on a daily basis but amps. Amps are my thang mang.


      • #4
        Re: Picked up a '60's Sears Silvertone Model 1474

        Awesome! Cool amps for sure; if I knew how to work on amps that's exactly what i'd do--find ones in awful condition and bring em back to health.
        Originally posted by gibson175
        metal zones are for pussies.


        • #5
          Re: Picked up a '60's Sears Silvertone Model 1474

          Those early to mid-'60s Silvertones (1471/81, 1472/82, 1474/84) are some of the best sounding amps ever made by anybody IMO.

          Put one up against a comparable Fender sometime - bricks will be shat.


          • #6
            Re: Picked up a '60's Sears Silvertone Model 1474

            I had one of those! Crazy amp. Mucho loud!
            Originally posted by Jakob Dylan
            It's a little gross to put yourself in every song. I mean, how interesting do people really think you are?
            Originally posted by LesStrat
            Paris Hilton's psychiatrist... Now that's gotta be an easy job. Kinda like being an auto mechanic in an Amish community.


            • #7
              Re: Picked up a '60's Sears Silvertone Model 1474

              I think I've fixed the problem in the pre amp. a few out of tolerance resistors and changed some caps. Damn does this thing sound awesome! Super clean until you really dig in and then it rewards you with a nice growl. Perfect for da blooz. Honestly though, I'm prolly gonna sell it. If I can sell that plus a couple other amps, I'd like to get a Fryette Sig X or a Rivera Knucklehead. Never heard em in person but I've heard nothing but good things about them. I do play da blooz but my musical chubby comes from super crunchy metal, ala Parkway Drive, Crowbar, Fear Factory, Meshuggah, Kingdom of Sorrow, etc. But I have a special place in my heart for Stevie Ray.


              • #8
                Re: Picked up a '60's Sears Silvertone Model 1474

                awesome amps, My 1481 is killer.
                Beer me!
                Originally posted by Kam
                ...This machine runs on pr0n.


                • #9
                  Re: Picked up a '60's Sears Silvertone Model 1474

                  I have a silvertone 1474, well I have the chassis. I've had alot of work done on it including running a copper grounding bar through the middle of it. I would love to get a reverb device for it. It's not a reverb tank but more like a television delay line, I think.


                  • #10
                    Re: Picked up a '60's Sears Silvertone Model 1474

                    pics? seems like a cool score


                    • #11
                      Re: Picked up a '60's Sears Silvertone Model 1474

                      I love my 1474 but it had a few issues. Arching output tube sockets and loose rivet grounds were the main problems I had with mine.

