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Let's talk dirty nasty fuzz...

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  • Let's talk dirty nasty fuzz...

    I'm considering adding a fuzz pedal to my board. I've got a great OD in my fulldrive and my classic distortion and crunchbox make for great distorted tones...

    But lately I've been thinking I want a nasty fuzz tone.

    So... fuzz enthusiasts... please make a case as to Why I should add a fuzz box to my board.

    Also... what kind?
    I've had a Big Muff and didn't care for it. I'm thinking a lower gain fuzz.
    I've also had a fuzz/octave (VL Proctavia) and didn't find that octave fuzz combo very usable.

    This won't be a big use pedal for me so budget units whether new or used will be the ticket.

    What do you need to know about my gear and what I play in order to better educate me?

    Someone talk me into a fuzz...
    Myspace,GoodbyeJune Myspace

  • #2
    Re: Let's talk dirty nasty fuzz...

    Some fuzzes are smoother tahn others. I don't know too much about them.
    The Slicons are spittier and have more of a nasty edge.
    If you want muffs, the late 70's are really creamy..the earlier early 70's Rams head are more dynamic and edgy, but the ear;iest Triangle muffs are the swetest most dimensional and most beautiful and rich sounding .
    You could get a Russian Muff- a Russian Green, they are 200 bucks, and they have big thunderous lows and pretty organic and rich edgy highs, but the best of all Russians is the Civil war, cause its almost like the early Triangle in sound. I think.
    "Anyone who understands Jazz knows that you can't understand it. It's too complicated. That's what's so simple about it." - Yogi Berra


    • #3
      Re: Let's talk dirty nasty fuzz...

      I'm thinking more ratty... busted speaker fuzz than smooth and creamy.

      I can do smooth and creamy with my current setup.
      Myspace,GoodbyeJune Myspace


      • #4
        Re: Let's talk dirty nasty fuzz...

        busted speaker? Devi Ever Torns Peaker, (torn speaker), danelectro french toast is a foxx clone which is quite ratty but also decently high gain, try out some fuzz face's as well, not always high gain and can get a mildly ratty sound, mosrite, ashbrass, any of the old 60's fuzz boxes will do
        i saw this band, and thought they were really great, until i saw what the guy was playing through........


        • #5
          Re: Let's talk dirty nasty fuzz...

          That ratty, broken amp/blown speaker thing is well done by many new boxes out there...if you want that sound just stay away from classic fuzz pedal designs...Fuzz Faces, Tone Benders, Big Muffs, etc...these are not made for that sound.
          If you just read a post by The Guy Who Invented Fire please understand that opinions change, mind sets change and as players our ears mature...not to mention our needs grow and change. With that in mind, today I may or may not agree with the post you just read!


          • #6
            Re: Let's talk dirty nasty fuzz...

            i was dialing in that kind of sound last night with my swollen pickle, i know it is based on a big muff circuit but it is very versatile...


            • #7
              Re: Let's talk dirty nasty fuzz...

              yes pickles can do that busted speaker thing for sure - and a whole lot more.
              i can see why you didint dig the proctavia....octave fuzzes are limited indeed - even ones that can switch off the octave up and juts work as a fuzz.
              Last edited by Chickenwings; 12-21-2011, 04:37 PM.
              "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
              Yehudi Menuhin

