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Genalex - Gold Lion Tubes.........???

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  • #46
    Re: Genalex - Gold Lion Tubes.........???

    Sylvanias? Is it the STR387s? Have you tried the Ruby 6L6s? So far, in most of my amps, those Rubys have been my favorites. Supposedly they are a reproduction of the Slylvania 387s. I used the JJs a long time ago, which were good, but I can't remember too much of what they were like.

    I wasn't too big of a fan of the SED =C= or Svet 6L6GCs in the MKIII, but the wrong grade may have been selected. (I didnt have it modded for adustable bias) I read that they are better with the bias set hotter than usual.

    LP Custom
    Boss SD-1


    • #47
      Re: Genalex - Gold Lion Tubes.........???

      Yep, 387's. The early marks were biased pretty warm too, I think they cooled the bias on the mark IV's, mine pops fuses with GT 6's, so yeah, it's pretty hot.

      I've heard good and bad about the ruby/mesa 440, they're supposed to be real similar to the TAD STR, which I have, so I never really considered them. The TAD's aren't bad, just not in the Sylvania class. Hopefully these 7581's are.


      • #48
        Re: Genalex - Gold Lion Tubes.........???

        Originally posted by King IzzO))) View Post
        Yep, 387's. The early marks were biased pretty warm too, I think they cooled the bias on the mark IV's, mine pops fuses with GT 6's, so yeah, it's pretty hot.

        I've heard good and bad about the ruby/mesa 440, they're supposed to be real similar to the TAD STR, which I have, so I never really considered them. The TAD's aren't bad, just not in the Sylvania class. Hopefully these 7581's are.
        Good and bad about the Ruby/Mesa 440? lol well.....

        Good: Personally, I love the big, growly, articulate 3D tones.
        Bad: They drift out of spec pretty quickly. Luckily, Doug spec'd me out some good ones, so they stayed in a comfortable range when they settled.

        So, if the real deal 387s are better than the TAD/Ruby/440s, then I need to find some. If you try those 7581s and they are better still, then I NEED some.

        You said you tried the =C= 6L5s, right? What did you think of those?

        LP Custom
        Boss SD-1

