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Gear snobbery

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  • Gear snobbery

    Man I got a little wound up last night at the gig.

    A guitar player from one of the other bands we played with (who I know pretty well fwiw) comes up to me while we're setting up and asks why I play such a piece of **** amp? He knows they all sound like crap, never heard a good one, he can't get a good sound of out one so it's not possible etc, etc. blah, blah, blah. Now keep in mind he's never heard me use this particular amp but he's just totally dogging me on it strictly on the brand/label.

    It's not the first time other guitarists look down their nose at some of my gear, it happens fairly often before I play but never after. I don't particularly give a crap except for the flat out arrogance of it. How big a tool do you have to be to say **** like that before you hear someone play?

    After the show I got the typical "Wow I can't believe how killer that rig sounded", don't mean it as bragging but the stupidity of it winds me up big time.

    Don't give a crap what anyone plays thru or on, give a crap about what they do with it! If you have some sweet gear be thankful you have it and keep your BS opinions to yourself until the bench racing commences. Be respectful for crissakes!!!

    Rant off, carry on
    My Bands -

    Just some fun guitar stuff from time to time

  • #2
    Re: Gear snobbery

    Okay so what was the amp?


    • #3
      Re: Gear snobbery

      I was using my Peavey XXX/MS412, said snob has a very nice Orange Rocker 30/Marshall rig.
      My Bands -

      Just some fun guitar stuff from time to time


      • #4
        Re: Gear snobbery

        I don't think somebody who plays an R30 should throw stones.


        • #5
          Re: Gear snobbery

          I'm sure your tone rocks Watts... folks like that are dime a dozen and they still pixx me off.

          Erksin: the Rocker is actually a very cool amp that sounds amazing through the right hands... FWIW...
          I'm sure you're saying that 'cause you've played one and you didn't like it but it's a quite solid amp.


          • #6
            Re: Gear snobbery

            There's alot of idiots in this world.


            • #7
              Re: Gear snobbery

              If you just read a post by The Guy Who Invented Fire please understand that opinions change, mind sets change and as players our ears mature...not to mention our needs grow and change. With that in mind, today I may or may not agree with the post you just read!


              • #8
                Re: Gear snobbery

                Originally posted by Wattage View Post
                I was using my Peavey XXX/MS412, said snob has a very nice Orange Rocker 30/Marshall rig.
                Really? Over here, the Peavey sells for roughly twice the price of that Orange. That's like me pulling out my Mexican Fender and dumping on someone for playing a Gibson Les Paul.
                I remember calloused hands and paint-stained jeans, and I remember safe-as-houses self-belief.


                • #9
                  Re: Gear snobbery

                  Don't worry about it. Nothin' wrong with the XXX. I remember being pretty impressed with it at NAMM back when it was introduced. Not my cup o' tea but that's more my taste in amps than anything with the XXX.

                  Rock and roll means not giving a toss what people like him think, anyway. R30?!? Nothing wrong with that amp, either but it's hardly like the guys' playing a SLO or even a Mesa. Not exactly what I'd expect from an obnoxious gear snob.

                  Maybe a nice comeback would be to tell him that your stuff is good enough and that you don't feel you need to compensate for anything with more expensive gear.
                  Originally posted by LesStrat
                  make sure that you own the gear, not vice versa.
                  My Music


                  • #10
                    Re: Gear snobbery

                    One of those dumb questions where you want to slap him and say, "why do you ****ing think?!"


                    • #11
                      Re: Gear snobbery

                      Originally posted by Wattage View Post
                      said snob has a very nice Orange Rocker 30/Marshall rig.
                      Mismatched Craigslist rigs are for punters!
                      Originally posted by Boogie Bill
                      I've got 60 guitars...but 49 trumpets is just...INSANITY! WTF!


                      • #12
                        Re: Gear snobbery

                        A great player can make almost any gear sound great too. A crappy player makes the best gear sound like ****, and that's just the truth. I have my preferences for sure but I know plenty of players with lesser gear that sound better because THEY are better. If I could go back in time 30 years, I'd worry more about me rather than the gear. Old habits die hard. -Rod-
                        2014 Gibson Les Paul Standard, Heritage Cherry Sunburst
                        Gibson 2010 Flood Anniversary Les Paul, Blue Swirl

                        Jet City JCA22H Full Stack
                        BOSS GT-10 effects


                        • #13
                          Re: Gear snobbery

                          Maybe the guy was compensating
                          LTD M-50 W/ AHB-1 Blackouts.
                          Thinline W/GFS Classic II
                          Soloist W/Duncan Detonator
                          LP W/GFS Crunchy Pats
                          Blackstar HT5-H.
                          Custom 112 cab W/G12 75T.


                          • #14
                            Re: Gear snobbery

                            Don't assume he was a snob.

                            Rednecks who don't bathe often only prefer Harley's. That hardly equates to snobbery.

                            Also, I've heard guys using Bogners and VHT's and their playing and tone is complete garbage.

                            Get the right driver behind the wheel and they will still win the race.


                            • #15
                              Re: Gear snobbery

                              Sometimes a guy with a shiny new screwdriver can be more than a little intimidated by a guy that has an older, worn screwdriver but still seems to be able to do more work with it than he can with his new one.

                              Some player's rigs are tools...others are just props.
                              Now operating part time: Glassman Tube Amps...repairs, rebuilds, restorations & modifications of tube equipment.

                              Still building: GlassMan Amplifiers (25 watt, all tube, single channel w/reverb, single 12" combo) and some more designs in the works.

                              Located in Fort Wayne, IN

                              Note: I've "parked" my website in case anyone has been looking for it. I moved locations and haven't updated the site to reflect this.

