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Neodymium magnet 12" speakers only weigh 3.7 pounds! super lightweight. Any insights?

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  • Neodymium magnet 12" speakers only weigh 3.7 pounds! super lightweight. Any insights?

    ok I needed to reword my title of my last thread, I am trying to make my 212 cabinet and my future amp combo lighter, and I found these wonderful speakers that make things 15 pounds lighter for my cab! My celestion v30s weigh 11 pounds, and these weigh only 3.7 pounds. Any thoughts on Neodymium speakers? Any major difference in tone? Which ones do you like best? I understand Eminence has some really great ones. I think it is a good value, considering musculoskeletal stress week in and week out, and I am age 34 so there is that...

    here is the thread that I needed to reword:

  • #2
    Re: Neodymium magnet 12" speakers only weigh 3.7 pounds! super lightweight. Any insig

    I asked Dr. Decibel there at Celestion, what was the most touch sensitive speaker, and he said the Century Neo, particularly the older original ones. I forget excatly what he said as to why- tghe strong magnet and light cone or something.
    The guy trhere at Eminence, oh, I forgot his name , said there wasnt much difefrence in the Emi Cermaic magnet and the neo, except for price and weight.
    Eminece also has the 5 year warranty- something Id take inot account if I played a lot of Doom and /or Stoner.
    "Anyone who understands Jazz knows that you can't understand it. It's too complicated. That's what's so simple about it." - Yogi Berra


    • #3
      Re: Neodymium magnet 12" speakers only weigh 3.7 pounds! super lightweight. Any insig

      The only neo speaker I have tried is the Jenson neo. I would say it was louder (more efficient) than the stock fender speaker that was replaced and a bit warmer. The speaker was still very neutral.


      • #4
        Re: Neodymium magnet 12" speakers only weigh 3.7 pounds! super lightweight. Any insig

        cool rock king chairman definitely worth a call before the purchase; true dat, doom kills speakerz, I have found that bass heavy music does that to mine in the past

        RealtyViking, thanks for the heads up, neutral louder and a bit warmer, sounds like good characteristices

