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Tonight I fell in love with my amp (finally)

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  • Tonight I fell in love with my amp (finally)

    I know you're all sick and tired about hearing about my amp by now. so many threads about which tubes and what not. I'm sorry but I'm excited. I do thank you all for your advice along the way.

    So I got my VHT Deliverance Sixty a couple years back through a trade. Actually traded the guy straight up for a few month old DSL (i had the receipt still) for the VHT and a flight case.

    I liked the tone, but wasn't in love with it. It was close, but not quite there. Past few years it would be a love/hate relation to the point where I contemplated selling/trading it and picking up an Orange Rockerverb or Bogner Shiva, pretty much something/anything else.

    Well as of tonight, that's no longer the case. I think I'm finally at the point where I'm content with what I have and I don't WANT anything else. I found my tone.

    So why the change of heart?

    Simple. Like I said the tone was close, but not there yet. Situations like that, a few mods/upgrades/swaps and that should get you to the where you wanna be at.

    Basically within this past month, I purchased a couple more Mullard RI preamp tubes and two 16 ohm UK made Celestion Vintage 30s. As it turns out those were the missing elements.

    I have Mullard RI in V1-V3 spots and a Sovtek LPS in the PI. I took out the 8 ohm Chinese Celestion Vintage 30 and 8 ohm UK made celestion Classic Lead 80 out of my Avatar Traditional 212 cab and installed the two 16 ohm UK Vintage 30s in (which changed impedance from a 16 ohm cab to 8 ohm cab - used to be series with 8 ohm speakers, now its parallel w/ 16 ohm speakers).


    Dialed back I have a warm, crisp clean. Think Hiwatt. Very alive with the potential to give me a slight bluesy, edge of break up vibe if I really dig in. Volume up, it gives me that Marshall crunch meets Mesa thump I've been searching for. It nails that mid range growl, tweak the eq knobs and it can do the chugga chugga. What about for lead? will it's got so much in your face sustain, that even SLASH would approve.

    I'm looking forward to giving you guys a legit, proper demo of it.
    Originally posted by grumptruck
    No I think James and Dave have that covered. You are obviously rocking way to hard.
    Originally posted by Gear Used
    PRS CE 22 (Custom 5 / 59)
    Gibson Les Paul (Screaming Demon / Pearly Gates)
    Mesa Stiletto Ace
    Gurus 5015
    Mesa Widebody 1X12

  • #2
    Re: Tonight I fell in love with my amp (finally)

    Let the honeymoon begin!
    Originally posted by DreX
    Nearly everyone still in this thread should have me on ignore by now. The fact that they don't says everything.
    Originally posted by DreX
    The only reason anyone describes me as combative is because I don't agree with them and allow them have the last word. Well... too bad.
    Originally posted by DreX
    There's no substance to anything I have posted.
    Originally posted by Evan_Skopp
    I'm sure that'll be good for a few "likes" from your buddies.


    • #3
      Re: Tonight I fell in love with my amp (finally)

      Originally posted by mwalluk View Post
      I'm looking forward to giving you guys a legit, proper demo of it.
      looking forward for it.

      no demo = no amp. no demo = no pedal... and so on.

