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  • NRBD

    new reamp box day. sorta (auction won, in route). at about $20 over what it would cost me to build one (not couting the time it takes me to do stuff like that), not a bad deal.

    I'm gonna run out the back of my focusrite scarlett into it to be able to dial in a better mic'ed tone, or at least one I can go back and tinker with if need be.

    Almost got the ART dual RDB, which can blend two mics/amps into 1 signal. But I figured my OCD would kick in at that point and I'd spend hours placing two mics and adjusting the blend. Plus, the radial seemed more tried and true/solid/reviewed (and re-sellable if the whole process ends up being a pain).

    My main concerns at this point are having all the levels between the DAW and the amp set appropriately while at the same time not overloading the front of the amp. There's track & master faders in the DAW, the monitor level on the focusrite, and the level on the radial. Guess I'll wing it. I did one test w/out a reamp box and it actually sounded better than I thought it would, so the reamp box should theoretically sound even better with the matching impedance and all that jazz.

    Only other issue is the dumb input on the scarlett that clips when you look at it (one of the reasons I prefer the tascam us-144 mkii). Have to go through an active DI box I have with a level control to have it not clip when laying down the raw guitar, but seems to work. Hopefully it's not adding any noise.
    Last edited by DankStar; 03-07-2013, 01:59 PM.

  • #2
    Re: NRBD

    I have the PRO RMP, and love it!

    Reamping can get a little tricky as you have to balance the line out of your interface with the input going to your amplifier. USE A LINE LEVEL OUTPUT, NOT MONITOR OUT.

    I have found that if the DI track is running at about -10ish dBu, with the RMP set to maximum, it gives the amplifier a nice, healthy signal. I am using a Mogami XLR > 1/4" cable to run from the reamp out into my effects/amp.

    Oh, another thing to keep in mind, at least this is the case with Cubase: Do NOT solo the track you are trying to reamp. Instead, mute all the other tracks.

    Finally, make sure your interface is set to monitor input only or you will have some really funky stuff going on.

    Just remember to reset the interface balance for input/PC audio when you try to play back the tracks or you will hear nothing on playback.


    - I like to place the reamp tracks directly below the DI track it is reamping so I know exactly where I am in the recording

    - When you are done with reamping a track, turn the volume of the DI track down to -Infinity, or you will be hearing both the DI tracks and the reamp tracks simultaneously

    - When you are all finished with the reamping, make a separate folder track in your DAW for DI tracks and dump all your DI's in there; it will make for a much cleaner workspace

    ... I may post more ideas as I think of them.
    Last edited by TwilightOdyssey; 03-07-2013, 02:23 PM.
    Why don't you take your little Cobra Kais and get outta here?!
    My collaborative PROGRESSIVE ROCK PROJECT, As Follows.


    • #3
      Re: NRBD

      Oh, about the clipping issue: If you are recording in 24 bit, don't worry if the input signal is low; you will still be getting P L E N T Y of resolution.

      Download SSL's X-ISM VST and strap it across the output bus of your DAW; that will show you how many bits of resolution your tracks have, regardless of level in dBu ... this VST will quickly become one of your best friends.
      Why don't you take your little Cobra Kais and get outta here?!
      My collaborative PROGRESSIVE ROCK PROJECT, As Follows.


      • #4
        Re: NRBD

        great tips - thanks! you had me worried about the line level output vs. monitor out - but the scarlett 2i2's are line level/balanced outs. only other out on it is a headphone out.

        I always felt soloing 1 was the same as muting all others, but I'll mute just in case.

        Not exactly sure what you mean about "monitor input only" - but I think that is because that's all the scarlett can do anyway - there's no blend or other option, just on or off w/input monitoring. Tascam has a blend knob, which I think is pretty handy.

        that x-ism looks cool. I didn't know that "It is possible that a mix could have many values at digital maximum but no inter-sample peaks, similarly a mix could have no values at digital maximum but lots of inter-sample peaks." I've probably botched many a track if that's the case because I try to go just under the red when I do stuff, relying solely on the DAW's meters.

        I guess I didn't plan on turning down the track or master faders, just leaving them at zero, while adjusting the radial's vol knob. I was following another set of instructions to try and track the raw at around -3 dBu max.

        Originally posted by TwilightOdyssey View Post
        I am using a Mogami XLR > 1/4" cable to run from the reamp out into my effects/amp.
        I thought there was just a TS 1/4" out on the pro rmp - where's the XLR coming in? or do you mean mogami cords on both sides? I was planning on using a TRS 1/4"-to-XLR between the interface and the pro rmp, then a normal TS guitar cable between the rmp and amp.
        Last edited by DankStar; 03-07-2013, 03:57 PM.


        • #5
          Re: NRBD

          Hey, lookie here, it's me resurrecting an old thread. LOL

          I was wondering how that ProRMP is working out for you. I've got a little bit of money burning a whole in my pocket and was thinking about getting a reamp box and that one's on the list.


          • #6
            Re: NRBD

            Originally posted by GilmourD View Post
            Hey, lookie here, it's me resurrecting an old thread. LOL

            I was wondering how that ProRMP is working out for you. I've got a little bit of money burning a whole in my pocket and was thinking about getting a reamp box and that one's on the list.
            Well, I still use mine and it still works great.

            The landscape for recording guitarists has changed quite a bit over the last few years with more and more products geared towards recording in the box. But if you have a valve amp and a way to get a load onto it, then the ProRMP is a great solution. If you do not have a way to get a load onto your amp, then I would look into the
            Suhr Reactive Load
            Rivera Rock Crusher/Rock Crusher Recording
            Radial Headload
            Radial JDX 48
            Laney IRT Studio
            Why don't you take your little Cobra Kais and get outta here?!
            My collaborative PROGRESSIVE ROCK PROJECT, As Follows.


            • #7
              Re: NRBD

              Originally posted by TwilightOdyssey View Post
              Well, I still use mine and it still works great.

              The landscape for recording guitarists has changed quite a bit over the last few years with more and more products geared towards recording in the box. But if you have a valve amp and a way to get a load onto it, then the ProRMP is a great solution. If you do not have a way to get a load onto your amp, then I would look into the
              Suhr Reactive Load
              Rivera Rock Crusher/Rock Crusher Recording
              Radial Headload
              Radial JDX 48
              Laney IRT Studio
              Fortunately I've got a Jettenuator which can be used as a load, although I'm looking at eventually getting a Torpedo of some sort in the (probably distant) future. I just have no way of getting raw tracks out of my daw into an amp.

              Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk


              • #8
                Re: NRBD

                Cool, that'll do for sure, then! Forgot all about the Torpedo!
                Why don't you take your little Cobra Kais and get outta here?!
                My collaborative PROGRESSIVE ROCK PROJECT, As Follows.


                • #9
                  Re: NRBD

                  Alright, just ordered one from Zzounds with their 4-pay plan. I'm kinda amazed they let you make four payments on something under $100 but I'm not one to complain when the wife even thinks it makes sense. LOL


                  • #10
                    Re: NRBD

                    Ha, nice!
                    Why don't you take your little Cobra Kais and get outta here?!
                    My collaborative PROGRESSIVE ROCK PROJECT, As Follows.


                    • #11
                      Re: NRBD

                      oddly enough, I sold mine on here shortly after I used it and now I want it back since I have the second generation focusrite and a different cab that I'd like to test it with.

