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Mud with Germanium Fuzzfaces...

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  • Mud with Germanium Fuzzfaces...

    Hey guys,

    Please listen to this:

    This is a AnalogMan SunFace NKT275 into a Blues Jr. boosted (for highs) with a PaulC Timmy. (The guitar is my strat with Van Zandt Vintage +'s in the neck and middle and blues in the bridge.)

    I know that this too much thickness thing that is bothering me is not new. The sound is somewhat too thick, sometimes muddy in the neck with a strat and Tweed type of amp. So what I do is to use a Timmy following the SunFace to boost the highs.

    Is that the only way? Any pointers? I do not know fuzzes that much, so would appreciate the help!

    Thanks in advance.

    FaceBook; SoundCloud; Barlo's Blues; Barlo Digitalized; Soundclick!;

  • #2
    Re: Mud with Germanium Fuzzfaces...

    i use timmy for an eq with my red dot sunface too. i cut a lot of bottom and a little top so i get a mid boost and less bottom. works well but it seems silly to have to use a second pedal to get what i want out of the fuzz. at the same time, i havent found anything that i like better than the sunface for what it does


    • #3
      Re: Mud with Germanium Fuzzfaces...

      The same here...

      FaceBook; SoundCloud; Barlo's Blues; Barlo Digitalized; Soundclick!;


      • #4
        Re: Mud with Germanium Fuzzfaces...

        I can't listen to that clip right now, so I'll just ask the standard questions:

        Where are the volume and fuzz knobs set?

        Where is your guitar volume set?

        Do you have anything between your guitar and the Sunface? If so, what?
        Custom neck-thru strat
        1989 MIJ 1962 RI Strat
        1995 PRS CE24
        D'avanzo #8
        Breedlove Solo Concert
        1996 USA Dean Baby Z
        1991 40th Anniversary Les Paul
        1968 Fender Bassman, Egnater SW45, Mesa Mark IIB Coliseum, Mesa ElectraDyne 1x12 Combo, Avatar 4x12, Mesa half back 4x12 Earcandy 2x12
        Roland RE-201 Space Echo, 70's Fender Reverb Unit


        • #5
          Re: Mud with Germanium Fuzzfaces...

          i reckon its the amp...too much low end getting pumped into the poor thing by the sunface. Its only a 15 watter with not much low end to begin with - plus the preamp is pretty hot so that's getting mushed out by being overdriven and from all the fat lows. Low end needs headroom. There is no way around it. Blues juniors are cool amps, but no amps can do all things perfectly.
          I reckon the best way to work with a fuzzface is to use an amp with plenty of headroom and then carefully dial in the gain on the ff to get the right balance of cut and fuzz. If you have the fuzz set low, the sound gets darker, but if its too high then you get too much fuzz. Getting the best out of them is a real balancing act - especially germs like the nkt.
          Oh yeh - and they also sound best with nothing whatsoever in the chain. You probably know this already, but you can really hear the difference when you use an amp with plenty of headroom that lets all the subtleties of the ff through.
          You might also want to consider using a silicon if you really want a fuzzface on your board - or possibly something brighter that is not a fuzz face at all like a voodoo superfuzz. With that, you can trim off the excess bass and shape the mids to fit your amp - plus it will play nice with your other pedals. It wont get the subtelty of the nkt, but i guess at the moment your rig is not capable of letting the sunface do what it does best anyway.
          Last edited by Chickenwings; 03-13-2013, 08:37 PM.
          "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
          Yehudi Menuhin


          • #6
            Re: Mud with Germanium Fuzzfaces...


            Cool input man!

            So I should refrain from using this NKT275 with my Blues Jr. and 5E3 clone?

            How about going silicon? Any more detailed input to that regard? How about the "iron bell"? I know I am giving in to the hype but still...

            FaceBook; SoundCloud; Barlo's Blues; Barlo Digitalized; Soundclick!;


            • #7
              Re: Mud with Germanium Fuzzfaces...

              One thing I found when direct-comparing the Germanium and Silicon Sun Faces was that they both have about the same LF response; the Si is a bit brighter, but it still has the same girth in the low end...
              Why don't you take your little Cobra Kais and get outta here?!
              My collaborative PROGRESSIVE ROCK PROJECT, As Follows.


              • #8
                Re: Mud with Germanium Fuzzfaces...

                T.O. is right about the low end between ge and si fuzzes. They both pump it out in a big way and the main differences between them are more textural/feel than anything- but there is a capacitor in fuzz face circuits than can increase or decrease the low end getting pumped into your amp. If you are not afraid then its only one component to change - and i know analogman uses the one with the big bass response - it says 104 on it. If you use a 103 coded cap then you'll decrease the low end noticeably which might solve your problem. Personally, i don't like to modify lovely circuits like analogman, so you might not want to do that either. However - the hartman bc108 silicon fuzz offers a little more top end definition than the analogman nkt, a touch less mids and it has the 103 cap already in place. I think tho, its still a fuzz face and it still does what fuzz faces do so it might still have you in the same situation.

                Doc...have you been runing teh fuzz with nothing else whatsoever in the chain? That's a crucial part of getting a good ff tone. Also - dialing in the sweet spot between too much fuzz and too dark a tone on the fuzz knob is a big thing - its a real balancing act.

                T.O: didn't you use a bolin fuzz (sam ash astrotone clone) until recently with good results using a low wattage amp? Andrew L had one and thought it was too lacking in bass for his needs - but he was using a twin and a boogie - both big headroom amps. Mebbe one of those would be good for the Doc and his BJ amp?

                p.s. doc...i cant comment on the iron bell. never tried it - but isnt that a muff?
                If you get the chance tho - try a voodoo labs fuzz...
                Last edited by Chickenwings; 03-16-2013, 07:48 PM.
                "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
                Yehudi Menuhin


                • #9
                  Re: Mud with Germanium Fuzzfaces...

                  Originally posted by gibson175 View Post
                  T.O: didn't you use a bolin fuzz (sam ash astrotone clone) until recently with good results using a low wattage amp? Andrew L had one and thought it was too lacking in bass for his needs - but he was using a twin and a boogie - both big headroom amps. Mebbe one of those would be good for the Doc and his BJ amp?
                  And I still do! It's a kickass pedal!

                  It really depends on how much grit you have on your amp already, though, as it's pretty low-gain on its own, and I found likes to be put into an amp being pushed into breakup.

                  But, yes; it's not bass-heavy at all and cuts thru a mix like a hot knife thru butter!

                  Last edited by TwilightOdyssey; 03-16-2013, 08:01 PM.
                  Why don't you take your little Cobra Kais and get outta here?!
                  My collaborative PROGRESSIVE ROCK PROJECT, As Follows.


                  • #10
                    Re: Mud with Germanium Fuzzfaces...


                    In all them clips the sunface is either the only pedal or placed before my timmy boosting the highs... Apart from these two there is nothing else in the chain...

                    Good suggestions. Thanks.

                    I am not going to fiddle with the bass caps. This is because I kinda like the sunface as it is into my D-clone, 45W's with tonsa fender type of clean headroom... But still, I love my blues jr., it's my to go amp...

                    FaceBook; SoundCloud; Barlo's Blues; Barlo Digitalized; Soundclick!;


                    • #11
                      Re: Mud with Germanium Fuzzfaces...

                      Originally posted by TwilightOdyssey View Post
                      And I still do! It's a kickass pedal!

                      It really depends on how much grit you have on your amp already, though, as it's pretty low-gain on its own, and I found likes to be put into an amp being pushed into breakup.

                      But, yes; it's not bass-heavy at all and cuts thru a mix like a hot knife thru butter!

                      What fuzz are you guys talking about? I am like what's going on here!!! Especially because I loved the tone in the clip...

                      FaceBook; SoundCloud; Barlo's Blues; Barlo Digitalized; Soundclick!;


                      • #12
                        Re: Mud with Germanium Fuzzfaces...

                        In this clip, I am using the vol on the guitar at ~8 between 0:00 - 0:59, and around 1:00 I am am cranking the vol on the guitar all the way. That's why the tone gets a bit darker... And around 2:30 I am adding the timmy, set to boost highs.

                        BTW I gotta be frank... I love the the results. It is just that I am using one of the best OD pedals on the world to get the fuzz as I want it... And that kinda is a bit weird. See the logic?

                        FaceBook; SoundCloud; Barlo's Blues; Barlo Digitalized; Soundclick!;


                        • #13
                          Re: Mud with Germanium Fuzzfaces...

                          ... and I don't have any issues about the bridge:

                          All of them are done with the bridge pickup... Love it!

                          FaceBook; SoundCloud; Barlo's Blues; Barlo Digitalized; Soundclick!;


                          • #14
                            Re: Mud with Germanium Fuzzfaces...

                            Where do you have the fuzz set? You get the most treble response with the fuzz maxed.
                            Custom neck-thru strat
                            1989 MIJ 1962 RI Strat
                            1995 PRS CE24
                            D'avanzo #8
                            Breedlove Solo Concert
                            1996 USA Dean Baby Z
                            1991 40th Anniversary Les Paul
                            1968 Fender Bassman, Egnater SW45, Mesa Mark IIB Coliseum, Mesa ElectraDyne 1x12 Combo, Avatar 4x12, Mesa half back 4x12 Earcandy 2x12
                            Roland RE-201 Space Echo, 70's Fender Reverb Unit


                            • #15
                              Re: Mud with Germanium Fuzzfaces...

                              Hi, that's not exactly the case with my SunFace. The most "alive" tone comes with the fuzz ~2 o'clock. If I were to go higher, the tone gets more "fuzzy" and more screaming yes, but it does not add much highs...

                              FYI, in the below clip, I am using the fuzz exactly at that spot...

                              - Guitar: Fender 1990 American Series Stratocaster Van Zandt Vintage + neck and middle and Blues bridge... Bridge position... - Amp & all: 1998 Fender Blues Jr. -V~5 M~12 B~12 Mid~12 T~12 (Celestion

                              FaceBook; SoundCloud; Barlo's Blues; Barlo Digitalized; Soundclick!;

