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Question for amp techs and moders familiar with the 6505+

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  • Question for amp techs and moders familiar with the 6505+

    Looking at the schematic for the regular 6505 c19 looks like a treble bleed circuit, I can't find the schematic for the plus version and want to confirm c19 does the same function. I want to take it out if it is a treble bleed cap and it's the same for the 6505+. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    Re: Question for amp techs and moders familiar with the 6505+

    If I am looking at the same schem you are.....
    I do not understand what that first RC filter (is it 10k/39pf.?) is for. Guess it is part of the Peavey high gain game plan.
    Anyway.....I would say that next one is a High Pass Filter.? The 100nf sets up a filter with the 1M grid leak resistor. The smaller the cap value, the higher the frequencies it will pass.
    You could just jumper it and see what you hear. I would be tempted to take all that out and see what it sounds like. Just leaving the 1M and the 68k.
    Experiment and see what works best for you.
    That is my stab at it.


    • #3
      Re: Question for amp techs and moders familiar with the 6505+

      Yea, the goal is to lower the treble when the gain is low like 10 o clock to noon. It looks to me like c19 acts as a treble bleed cap so when you turn the gain down it retains treble frequencies. Just like on a guitar. I want to discard this feature because I never use the gain above 4 and would like the treble to be less piercing. I don't mind brightness, it just sounds harsh to me and when I turn it down it gets muddy.


      • #4
        Re: Question for amp techs and moders familiar with the 6505+

        Please use reference designators, I'm no pro lol


        • #5
          Re: Question for amp techs and moders familiar with the 6505+

          post the schematic your looking at


          • #6
            Re: Question for amp techs and moders familiar with the 6505+


            • #7
              Re: Question for amp techs and moders familiar with the 6505+

              Wow that looks pretty crappy!... anyways 2 things: have you opened the amp?... a lot of times bright caps are soldered directly to the gain pot, so even if you don't have the schematic for the 5150II (aka 6505+) you could take it out fairly easy, if you wanna keep modding, you can look that tonestack... it has two treble caps in parallel a 470p and a 100p, if you take out the 100p out the high mids will shift a little to the lower end of things making the amp less harsh at any gain level, you could clip just one of the legs of the cap and check if that is a good change for your ears. That way is very easy to go back


              • #8
                Re: Question for amp techs and moders familiar with the 6505+

                Awesome, thanks a lot


                • #9
                  Re: Question for amp techs and moders familiar with the 6505+

                  You're talking about c60 and c14?


                  • #10
                    Re: Question for amp techs and moders familiar with the 6505+

                    What would happen if I removed c19 as well? Would it do what I had originally hypothesized?


                    • #11
                      Re: Question for amp techs and moders familiar with the 6505+

                      That link is a jpeg of the 5150II. It looks like they removed C60 (the 470p cap I *think* you mentioned. C19 (.001uf) is still there and I'll try removing that and see what happens. Amp modification rocks!


                      • #12
                        Re: Question for amp techs and moders familiar with the 6505+



                        • #13
                          Re: Question for amp techs and moders familiar with the 6505+

                          This one has two tone stacks, in the crunch channel they got the two treble caps I mentioned before... in the lead channel nop


                          • #14
                            Re: Question for amp techs and moders familiar with the 6505+

                            I'm not really worried about the crunch channel. I mainly use the lead and the crunch I use to boost solos when I need a volume boost. Usually have the lead post at 3 or 4 and the crunch post at 4 or 5 with the bright function disengaged.


                            • #15
                              Re: Question for amp techs and moders familiar with the 6505+

                              Ok I see c150 being the 100pf and c152 is 470pf. The crunch channel is fine, the lead is my primary concern.

