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Dumble-ish question

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  • #16
    Re: Dumble-ish question

    Originally posted by richard parker View Post
    Okay, so if you gave one builder a bunch of components and a schematic and he builds an amp. You then take the amp apart and give the same components and schematic to another builder.

    Will the amps sound different because the ears of the builders will lead them to different conclusions about how the amp should sound and this is reflected by their tailoring of interactions between component values ?
    your use of language remains intentionally incomplete so as to reveal that you are truly not interested in learning ... this will be my last response to you - I don't care if you learn or not .. I only respond in case some honest non-trolls are interested in learning

    you have used the word 'builder', but then have reduced their role to mere "assembler of parts / follower of instructions" .. further, you continue to ignore the role of the interaction of the player with the amp ...

    each segment of the amp's circuit can contain variable elements (e.g. potentiometers) that can be used to fine tune characteristics such as an EQ cut-off frequency and Q (pre or post gain) , a gain characteristic, a feedback characteristic, etc ... similarly, entire components (e.g. capacitors, etc.) can be swapped out to change a circuit characteristic .... these tweaks can tune a circuit to the players style (e.g. emphasizing or de-emphasizing transients of attack, sustain and decay of finger vibrato, etc) ... in short, if you continue to confuse assembling with tuning, you will not understand ... tuning involves intentionally changing component values to achieve performance from the circuit that is optimized for an individual players style

    two players with sufficiently different playing styles will sound quite different playing an amp tuned for a third ... similarly, the same player playing different amps tuned differently will sound quite different one from the other

    there is much hype and BS in boutique amps ... tuning is not part of the hype and BS
    Last edited by tone4days; 04-30-2013, 08:23 AM.
    gear list in profile

    "no seymour - no tone ... know seymour - know tone!"

    Is it not the glory of the people of America that, whilst they have paid a decent regard to the opinions of former times and other nations, they have not suffered a blind veneration for antiquity, for custom, or for names, to overrule the suggestions of their own good sense, the knowledge of their own situation, and the lessons of their own experience?" - James Madison - Federalist #14


    • #17
      Re: Dumble-ish question

      Originally posted by tone4days View Post
      your use of language remains intentionally incomplete so as to reveal that you are truly not interested in learning ... this will be my last response to you - I don't care if you learn or not .. I only respond in case some honest non-trolls are interested in learning

      you have used the word 'builder', but then have reduced their role to mere "assembler of parts / follower of instructions" .. further, you continue to ignore the role of the interaction of the player with the amp ...

      each segment of the amp's circuit can contain variable elements (e.g. potentiometers) that can be used to fine tune characteristics such as an EQ cut-off frequency and Q (pre or post gain) , a gain characteristic, a feedback characteristic, etc ... similarly, entire components (e.g. capacitors, etc.) can be swapped out to change a circuit characteristic .... these tweaks can tune a circuit to the players style (e.g. emphasizing or de-emphasizing transients of attack, sustain and decay of finger vibrato, etc) ... in short, if you continue to confuse assembling with tuning, you will not understand ... tuning involves intentionally changing component values to achieve performance from the circuit that is optimized for an individual players style

      two players with sufficiently different playing styles will sound quite different playing an amp tuned for a third ... similarly, the same player playing different amps tuned differently will sound quite different one from the other

      there is much hype and BS in boutique amps ... tuning is not part of the hype and BS

      Well, thank you so much for condescending to reply one more time. I'm sure your wisdom is a valuable commodity that should be shared only sparingly with a mortal like myself. My posting is a genuine effort to understand but you think I'm a troll - well, that's your prerogative. I must say I admire your own unique 'tailoring' of written English. Your brave disregard of the convention of using capital letters at the beginning of sentences and full stops at the end leaves me dumbfounded with awe. Is this 'boutique' writing ?


      • #18
        Re: Dumble-ish question

        This thread is Dumb.....

        I'm an internet person. All we do is waste time evaluating things that have next-to-zero real world significance.

        Remember, it's just a plank of wood. YOU have to find the music in it - The Telecaster Handbook

