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Marshall SL5 Review

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  • Marshall SL5 Review

    I played the crap out of an SL5 a couple of weeks ago, then I finally unpacked the new one that I bought and played it last night. This morning, I really opened it up for about 20 min to see what it could do. It's a really cool amp. For a 5w, 1x12 combo, it's only a little smaller than most 50w combos. It's not that big or heavy, but when you compare it to other boutique 5w combos, it's bigger. However, the cab is awesome because it sounds huge for a 5w.

    The volume is pretty loud for a 5w. It will handle band practice and a small bar probably as long as your drummer isn't a wife beater on the drums. Most people think it has EL84 tubes, but it actually has an EL34. Oh man, why don't more boutique builders use single EL34's or 6L6's? They sound freaking great and without the compactness or compression of the smaller tubes. My only wish is that they would have used as single 6550 tube instead of EL34 since the AFD100 comes loaded with 6550's. It think it would sound a just a bit bigger and livelier like the full size Slash model. In any case, the EL34 is still very cool.

    Basically, finding the tone is this amp boils down to which power mode you use (1w or 5w), which input you use (high, low), and how much gain and volume you are using.

    I should mention the clean channel because it's really good. I don't know why the clean channel doesn't sound as good on the youtube videos and stuff, but they sure are good cleans. When you set it loud on the 1w mode, oh man does the magic ooze out on the clean channel. It has reverb, and although I've heard better reverb, it's pretty good.

    You would think, since it's a Marshall, that cranking the controls all the way to the max would do something great but I think it sounds best with the volume backed off a bit from maximum, in either mode. Maximum volume makes it get kind of muddy the high end gets a bit fizzy. That only happens at maximum volume though. There's not any actual volume difference when you roll the volume down a bit, so it doesn't really matter if you can't turn the dial until it stops.

    That being said, absolute maximum volume in clean mode works a bit differently and brings about some desired results. However, these amps come with a Vintage 30 and it's not exactly the kind of speaker you would buy for low volume breakup for your clean tones.

    Overall, this amp is way cool. The single EL34 really makes it kind of unique and although I wish they would have used a 6550, I'm glad they chose it instead of the typical EL84's. I have used my Les Pauls through it too, and can tell you that it does a quite convincing Slash tone that's reminiscent of the Slash JCM800 they came out with a long time ago.

  • #2
    Re: Marshall SL5 Review

    Thanks for the review. Ive been interested in them but a dont live around any music stores that have them. I would have to sell my Victoria to buy one. I like my amp and with a pedal I can get a good Marshall sound. I wish I could do an A/B test.


    • #3
      Re: Marshall SL5 Review

      slash tone? cool!

      I have a 5 watt epiphone valve junior combo that is way too loud for the apartment, not really loud enough to do what I want at a jam session tho I am prolly gonna get a laney cub12 one day cause its lightweight and put a neodymium in it


      • #4
        Re: Marshall SL5 Review


        "Scalloped & Stickered"
        A Colled One & A Rold One!!!

        RIP My Beloved Sleepy Flower


        • #5
          Re: Marshall SL5 Review

          I tried one out for about an hour and came to the conclusion that it's a great offering from Marshall. I'm glad Slash made sure it wasn't a POS, which Marshall probably would have been content with had Slash not had sufficient input into the final product.

          At $700, it's not a bargain, but at least it's a quality amp with a Vintage 30. It covers the tonal range of Marshalls quite well, and would make a great bedroom rock amp. It's pretty loud for a 5W amp too. It seems more like an 18W amp.

          I'm really hoping Marshall decides to offer this amp in a head version too. If they made a head for $500, it would be a big hit. I think you can run the combo into an extension cab though, can't you? Too lazy to check.
          Originally posted by Boogie Bill
          I've got 60 guitars...but 49 trumpets is just...INSANITY! WTF!


          • #6
            Re: Marshall SL5 Review

            The 1 watt setting seemed kind of useless when I checked it out, but maybe I missed something.


            • #7
              Re: Marshall SL5 Review

              Originally posted by blues View Post
              Thanks for the review. Ive been interested in them but a dont live around any music stores that have them. I would have to sell my Victoria to buy one. I like my amp and with a pedal I can get a good Marshall sound. I wish I could do an A/B test.
              I've got a sound clip coming soon and I think a lot of people will be surprised what it can offer. Not that my playing or recording is that good, but you'll see what I'm talking about soon.

              Originally posted by everdrone View Post
              slash tone? cool!

              I have a 5 watt epiphone valve junior combo that is way too loud for the apartment, not really loud enough to do what I want at a jam session tho I am prolly gonna get a laney cub12 one day cause its lightweight and put a neodymium in it
              I tried a quality neodymium 4x12 cab loaded with Eminence Reignmakers the other day for the first time and I have to say that the negative stuff I've heard about neodymium speakers was a load of B.S. It sounded really good. The worst thing I've heard about them was that they sound sterile, but they were warm and articulate and offered as much or more than ceramic speakers. Very cool.

              Originally posted by Rand-O-Monium View Post

              I'll try to snap some soon.

              Originally posted by Gearjoneser View Post
              I tried one out for about an hour and came to the conclusion that it's a great offering from Marshall. I'm glad Slash made sure it wasn't a POS, which Marshall probably would have been content with had Slash not had sufficient input into the final product.

              At $700, it's not a bargain, but at least it's a quality amp with a Vintage 30. It covers the tonal range of Marshalls quite well, and would make a great bedroom rock amp. It's pretty loud for a 5W amp too. It seems more like an 18W amp.

              I'm really hoping Marshall decides to offer this amp in a head version too. If they made a head for $500, it would be a big hit. I think you can run the combo into an extension cab though, can't you? Too lazy to check.
              Yeah the V30 is great as usual, but I thought it sounded better with Eminence. I tried a Greenback but it was muddy. I also hooked it up to a 1x12 with an Eminence Private Jack and a 1x12 with an Eminence Man'o'War and thought they all matched the amp better than the V30. The muddiness was gone and the juicy treble remained but less harsh. They're definitely cool, but I have to be honest. The "Made in China" stamp bothers me. I'm just not a fan of Chinese made electronics.

              Originally posted by DankStar View Post
              The 1 watt setting seemed kind of useless when I checked it out, but maybe I missed something.
              You will be surprised. The 1w setting is pretty loud. Overall, the amp offers a very useable 5w. I think you can pull off small gigs with it.


              • #8
                Re: Marshall SL5 Review

                Originally posted by UberMetalDood View Post
                You will be surprised. The 1w setting is pretty loud. Overall, the amp offers a very useable 5w. I think you can pull off small gigs with it.
                I meant I dialed in a great super low volume sound using 5 watts, switched over to 1 watt, and had to re-tweak everything to get it to sound as good as it did initially but it didn't seem as satisfying.


                • #9
                  Re: Marshall SL5 Review

                  Originally posted by DankStar View Post
                  I meant I dialed in a great super low volume sound using 5 watts, switched over to 1 watt, and had to re-tweak everything to get it to sound as good as it did initially but it didn't seem as satisfying.
                  I see what you mean. Yeah that's something I did notice. Usually, amp that have lower wattage power settings sound better at lower wattage, but the SL-5 sounds best in 5w mode. In 1w mode, it's a bit darker and loses a bit of punch. Even when 1w mode is cranked, it doesn't sound quite as good as 5w mode on low volume. 5w also opens the amp up a bit more pedals.


                  • #10
                    Re: Marshall SL5 Review

                    I hope Marshall doesn't decide to discontinue these like they did with the Class 5.


                    • #11
                      Re: Marshall SL5 Review

                      I don't know but they seem to love to discontinue the Slash amps. First the Slash JCM 800, then the AFD100, so who knows what they'll do with the SL5. I'll keep mine for a while and see what happens.


                      • #12
                        Re: Marshall SL5 Review

                        Originally posted by Drunken Bowling View Post
                        I hope Marshall doesn't decide to discontinue these like they did with the Class 5.
                        well if they make the same amount it shouldn't be any trouble finding one - those are all over ebay, CL, & stores


                        • #13
                          Re: Marshall SL5 Review

                          I looked into it a bit more and found this


                          I'm disgusted with Marshall USA at this point.

                          It sucks for people like me because I'm out of work, my credit cards are maxed and I'm looking at possible bankruptcy. So ebay/paypal transactions aren't an option. I don't trust people on CL as far as I could throw 'em, so the store/cash route would be my only option if I were to pursue one of these, which I had every intention of doing once my finances are in order and I have the cash on hand, whenever that may be. So screw 'em, I'll buy a Mesa. For $300.00 more I can get a Mini Rec.
                          Last edited by Drunken Bowling; 07-18-2013, 06:03 PM.


                          • #14
                            Re: Marshall SL5 Review

                            In the end, it's just a Chinese made 5w combo amp. It's not much to miss. Had they been made in the UK, it would be a much bigger deal. Yes it's a cool amp and all, but it's really not THAT good. The real AFD amp is loaded with 6550's and man I can tell you that the SL5 amounts to a mole on its buttocks. The AFD100 sound absolutely incredible at everything from playing in your apartment at night to GNR size venues man. I had the chance to score a brand new one for $1900 and passed on the opportunity because I thought they would eventually flood Ebay for $1200, but they stopped making them and now all the owners are acting like they're worth $2100. I saw one with Slash's signature the other day on Ebay and the guy was asking some crazy price. Heck, he can keep the cab and sell the signature to someone else. I'd just want the amp inside.


                            • #15
                              Re: Marshall SL5 Review

                              Yeah, you're right. It's not worth getting bent out of shape over. There'll be other amps!

