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Ceriatone JCM 800 2204 Head

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  • #16
    Re: Ceriatone JCM 800 2204 Head

    Hi I think you should really consider a 4x12 cabinet. For marshal type amps I have found those to be a key ingredient for a good rock sound. A 1X12 cab, whilst ideal in size is too bright though a 2x12 is a better improvement.

    There was a thread here of some dude who complaint how he could not get thrash sounds with a JCM 800.
    Turned out to be the 1X12 cabinet that was the culprit.


    • #17
      Re: Ceriatone JCM 800 2204 Head

      Well, today i finnaly get the offer for those G12-65 Heritage speakers, new. so i can get those, but: i hear those new heritage speakers are not as good as the older original one G12-65, from about eightess, is that true? i think i'll get Marshall 4x12 Angled 1960 cabinet, besides i can get it for the same money as Orange 2x12. and than, maybe i'll go X pattern, two G12-75 which are already in mixed with two Vintage 30's, i already have one laying in my closet. or 2x12 combination of G12H-30 Anniversary and one Vintage 30. or two heritage G12-65 in 2x12, but that would be more expensive for the band practice what you think would be better my 4x12 option or 2x12 option ? thanks for all suggestions there, i am a bit newbie to those things, but anyway, i have to try those things, to see what sounds the best for me. gotta find those sweet spotes on all off amplification i own. i already did on my Blackstar HT-5. now there is to find sweet spots on my Blackheart 15, and much later on that Ceriatone JCM 800 2204. and the thing to do as well is to try out friend's 6505 amp

      It's good to hear that higher output pickups are great for work with that amp, cause i have already three guitars fitted with high otputs pickups.
      Last edited by Lux84; 09-10-2013, 10:16 AM.


      • #18
        Re: Ceriatone JCM 800 2204 Head

        Originally posted by Lux84 View Post
        Well, today i finnaly get the offer for those G12-65 Heritage speakers, new. so i can get those, but: i hear those new heritage speakers are not as good as the older original one G12-65, from about eightess, is that true?
        Age could be a contributor, a speaker that has been used from 1980 to 2013 will sound mellower than one you get made new today. I wouldn't worry about it too much. But if you are considering the G12-65 then the WGS ET-65 is a nice cheaper clone of it made in USA, if you can get one in your country.


        • #19
          Re: Ceriatone JCM 800 2204 Head

          Well, i didn't found the WGS dealers in my country.. but i can get Eminence speakers.. anybody who reccomend some Eminence combinations for JCM 800 ? maybe some good clone of G12 -65 ?


          • #20
            Re: Ceriatone JCM 800 2204 Head

            Eminence P50E... Its not a clone of a G12-65 but its a damn fine speaker.
            "It keeps you fit - the alcohol, nasty women, sweat on stage, bad food - it's all very good for you." -Bon Scott

            "Let me put it this way: the 5150 will treat
            you better than any girlfriend, because it screams louder, it's easier to pick up, and it shuts up when you take your plug out." -Rip Glitter


            • #21
              Re: Ceriatone JCM 800 2204 Head

              Originally posted by vinta9e View Post
              The 2204 isn't a 5150. They are totally different amps for different players. The Peavey's one of the most shred-friendly amps on the planet with its fast note tracking and gobs of compression/saturation. The Marshall is slower and stiffer, thus much more demanding on the player. It's very open/dynamic and delivers a fat, growly crunch like no other. It loves being driven by hot pickups as well as boost and overdrive boxes. It loves being cranked, too.

              When these amps get modded, it's usually in opposite directions: Marshalls for more gain & saturation, Peaveys for more dynamics. Some guitars might show strong preference for either amp in order to sound their best. Other than that, I think these two could make a killer duo.
              I liek this post, however i think your terms are slighlty obfuscated. Teh Marshall isnt stiffer. Its looser with more sag. Its more responsive and organic, and so its more dynamic. The Peavy is tighter, and and tracks faster with less smear of the notes and more space between them, so saying its compressed is right, but its one of those new age high gain style amps liek the Dual Recitifeir and the Deizels and VHT's and such, and those amps that stay clear and tight under extreme gain, so that the compression is a balancing act between clarity ,dynamics and saturation.
              I enjoyed this post, becasue I am hopefully going to be playing my 2204 a lot more, and also wanting to get a hot sound, but in my case, I want it to stay organic, and retain as much of the original the Marshall tone as possible . To that end, Have a bunch of classic pedals to use with the Marshall, but now I'm going to get a line booster- is that like a Timmy, or more like a Clean boost?

              Also, I'm a firm believer of sing a 1/2 stack for a 50 watt Marshall, and a full stack for a 100 watt Marshall. Thats the way to drive the amp loud without it getting to be too much. The speakers soak up the power without letting it get too overbearing.When you use less speakers, it really gets shrill and too loud tocrank like its supposed to be, kinda like a Fender amp gets very lousd and bright without turning it up too much.
              Last edited by MetalManiac; 09-12-2013, 11:10 PM.
              "Anyone who understands Jazz knows that you can't understand it. It's too complicated. That's what's so simple about it." - Yogi Berra


              • #22
                Re: Ceriatone JCM 800 2204 Head

                So i am considering buying one good quality 2x12 empty cabinet from someone.. is the vintage 30/g12-75 good combo for heavy stuff? i also am thinking of vintage 30/G12-65 combination in that 2x12 cabinet. should be this combination good ? another combination i found is eminence governor/wizard for that cab, but i heard that eminence stuff is not that good for metal than celestions. i am afraid that vintage 30/g12h30 wouldn't be good as it's power of both at the end is rated 60 W.. so if i boost it too much i can blow it up with that combo, or is it totaly ok ? opinions?
                Last edited by Lux84; 10-27-2013, 06:18 AM.

