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Solo gain boost options

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  • Solo gain boost options

    Which is better for solo gain: raising the eq level up to create more gain and having flexible options, or getting a tube screamer and increasing both the level and gain (slightly on the gain, though)? This is if both are in front of a dirty (maideb gain for this example) amp. If better isn't the right term, an opinion is also helpful.

  • #2
    Re: Solo gain boost options

    It depends on what you want to do. Even my tube screamer with the gain all the way down ads a bit too much dirt. I've recently discovered my MXR Dynacomp with the sensitivity all the way down and the level all the way up is a great little kick for solos.
    Originally posted by crusty philtrum
    ...Gimme a call when it's time to take 'em out. I don't have a gun, but i have a very sharp pointy stick and enough negativity to take out a small country...
    Originally posted by Securb
    The only blackmachine I care about is sitting in my jeans.


    • #3
      Re: Solo gain boost options

      I am a huge fan of the TWA Triskelion TK-01 Harmonic Energizer Pedal, you can use it as a distortion or a boost. It cuts through the mix beautifully.


      • #4
        Re: Solo gain boost options

        bbe boosta grande. simple clean boost.


        • #5
          Re: Solo gain boost options

          There's about a ton of options and each of them has its own flavour.

          Running a boost/overdrive pedal into the amp might be all you need. However, a boosting an already overdriven amp might as well not give you any more volume, just more dirt. I run my preamp fairly hot and it just swallows all the gain I throw at it. If I need a volume boost, I have to work in the fx loop. Your amp might respond differently.

          If you just need more sustain, a compressor might come in handy. If you need to cut through another guitar, I'd recommend running an EQ in the loop and boosting your mids.


          • #6
            Re: Solo gain boost options

            Originally posted by vinta9e View Post
            There's about a ton of options and each of them has its own flavour.

            Running a boost/overdrive pedal into the amp might be all you need. However, a boosting an already overdriven amp might as well not give you any more volume, just more dirt. I run my preamp fairly hot and it just swallows all the gain I throw at it. If I need a volume boost, I have to work in the fx loop. Your amp might respond differently.

            If you just need more sustain, a compressor might come in handy. If you need to cut through another guitar, I'd recommend running an EQ in the loop and boosting your mids.
            ^^^^ + 100%


            • #7
              Re: Solo gain boost options

              I always had problems trying to boost the front end of an amp. But anything in the loop is effective. I used compressors, clean boosts, and eq in the loop. Depending on how much gain you are using from the amp (and how much compression is has/ how close you are to the limit) you can definitely boost the front. Sometimes you can reshape the eq to cut better. All depends on the rig. Something in the loop is the best way to go IMHO.


              • #8
                Re: Solo gain boost options

                Lots of good advice here. I can only echo some of the same..Depends what you are running and what you want. With my JCM 800, I run a Green Rhino or tubescreamer of FTL to get alil more dirt and to step out front for solos. With my Splawn, I dont need more dirt, so I use an MXR 10band eq and just bump the mids alil and set and bring the volume up alittle bit to step out front.
                Believe me when I say that some of the most amazing music in history was made on equipment that's not as good as what you own right now.

                Jol Dantzig


                • #9
                  Re: Solo gain boost options

                  Do you consider building pedals? Clean are very good beginner circuits and fun for more experienced. Merlinb glass blower is my fav along w mad bean bacon bits


                  • #10
                    Re: Solo gain boost options

                    I do a bit of both.

                    What ever pedal i use for solos, i tend to ad both gain and volume on the pedal.
                    Tele, SG, LP Jr, '76 Ibanez Artist & Tokai LS92 + FUZZ boxes into a '66 AB165 Bassman & 2X12 (55Hz Greenbacks) / '73 Orange OR120 & 2X12 (V30 & SwampThang) / Orange Thunderverb 50 & PPC212 / Marshall Vintage Modern 50 & 2X12 Genz Benz g-Flex / Laney Klipp / Laney AOR Pro Tube 100

                    "'s a tree with a microphone" - Leslie West


                    • #11
                      Re: Solo gain boost options

                      I have done it every which way, there is a time and place for all of them.

                      TS9 set for level only into dirty amp: Depending on levels of level and amp gain, may boost, or boost + add dirt
                      + Great for high headroom amp

                      TS9 set for level and dirt into dirty amp: Usually adds both level and dirt/sustain/grit etc...
                      + Great to add grit and level for distinct sound change

                      Distortion Pedal followed by Microamp into clean amp. Mocro amp just makes Dirt sound louder, as long as you don't overload the preamp. the preamp
                      + Great for maintaining the sound of an awesome distortion pedal

                      EQ into amp with level cranked. FAntastic for low headroom easily overdriven amps.
                      + Can chnage the whole tone such as adding a boost ad the perfect frequency to cut through. Like adding another amp channel

                      We can go on....

                      For example, using the TS9 on my Pro Jr. When Jr. is set for fairly clean, I like to add both level and grit. When it is dirty, just adding level works great. At a certain point, it just gets dirtier without a level boost regardless.
                      Originally posted by Bad City
                      He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...

