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Total Gear Overhaul: Amps/Pedals

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  • Total Gear Overhaul: Amps/Pedals

    Hey guys. I need a new amp. And some new pedals.

    As far as amps, I'd like something on the more vintage side, but still heavy. It must sound good at low volumes as well as cranked on stage. So something around the 30 watts sounds perfect, and preferably with the ability to be dialed down further. I would like 2 channels, but it's not a must. I also wouldn't be opposed to buying an amp strictly for cleans and another strictly for dirt.

    Amps I've thought about are:
    Orange Dual Terror
    Mesa Transatlantic 30
    Jet City JCA20h (don't need the second high gain channel)
    Mesa Express + 5:25/5:50
    Fender Supersonic 22

    As for pedals, I would like 1 really good OD, 1 really good dist, and 1 really good fuzz. All must be fairly versatile. I also wouldn't be opposed to some sort of dual mode pedal as well. Must sound good running into a clean amp, or goosing an already driven amp, as well as being stacked. For the fuzz, I don't want a real scoop-y sound, and I still want clarity. All pedals must be able to ride the line between clean and clear, and raunchy, gutsy filth.

    Pedals I've thought about are:
    MXR BA Modified OD
    MXR BA 79 Distortion
    MXR Super BA Distortion
    Way Huge Swollen Pickle
    Blackstar HT-Dual
    MXR CAE MC-402 Boost/Overdrive
    Boss Blues Driver
    Fulltone Fulldrive 2
    Wampler Leviathan Fuzz/Velvet Fuzz
    Wampler Tweed 57
    Wampler Euphoria
    Catalinbread Naga Viper
    Catalinbread Dirty Little Secret
    Catalinbread Formula 5/5F6

    I know that's a lot to take in and I really appreciate you guys taking the time to give your input.

  • #2
    Re: Total Gear Overhaul: Amps/Pedals

    People who read usernames won't find this conversation confusing at all...

    The amps you list cover a pretty broad range of sounds, and I wouldn't make pedal recommendations without knowing what kind of guitar and amp you're playing through or the final result you're aiming for.

    Can you list some bands that have a similar sound to what you're going for?
    || Guitar | Wah | Vibe | Amp ||


    • #3
      Re: Total Gear Overhaul: Amps/Pedals

      Yeah, I understand the pedal thing. The stuff I play could probably be described as a mix between ZZ Top and Sabbath, with a little early Led Zeppelin thrown in. I am always open to any and all suggestions.


      • #4
        Re: Total Gear Overhaul: Amps/Pedals

        Yeah harder to pin down pedal recs when the amp sitch isn't decided yet.

        I wouldn't call any of the amps you chose particularly 'vintagey', but I'm also old and vintagey myself. lol

        IMO - vintagey is no master volume and relatively simple circuit with no cascading preamp gain. You get cleans by rolling back your guitar volume knob, crunch by rolling it up. Hit it with a boost for more gain. Simple.

        If you want 'heavy' and under 30 watts that can be hard to do without a big cab.

        Personally, I'd get something like an old Fender Bassman head and the cab of your choice - use dirt pedals at home when you can't open it up. They're clean and clear until you crank them with enough headroom to move some air for heavier stuff.


        • #5
          Re: Total Gear Overhaul: Amps/Pedals

          Yeah, I should say I'm not looking for vintage correct tones or anything, that's just the kinda stuff I play. I would pick up an Avatar 412 to go with whatever amp I decide upon. I also forgot to mention the Vox Night Train as well.


          • #6
            Re: Total Gear Overhaul: Amps/Pedals

            Originally posted by Just Some Dude View Post
            Yeah, I understand the pedal thing. The stuff I play could probably be described as a mix between ZZ Top and Sabbath, with a little early Led Zeppelin thrown in. I am always open to any and all suggestions.
            LOL at the name you picked!

            I say if you want to get sabbath tone that can be heard in a mix you should get at least 2 12" speakers and 30 watts... you may want more though...

            I recommend a Big Muff Style fuzz and the dual terror.

            I have a TV50 and black arts pharaoh and it is pretty sweet


            • #7
              Re: Total Gear Overhaul: Amps/Pedals

              Have you tried the Fulltone OCD? I bought one a month or two ago and am loving it. A wide range of tones in there. It is my main source of dirt, as my amp is very clean even when cranked pretty good...and it has a master volume, too!

              Anyway, I a/b'd the OCD with a couple other pedals and found it to be the most versatile as well as being very "toneful". Just another option to try if you haven't already.


              • #8
                Re: Total Gear Overhaul: Amps/Pedals

                Originally posted by Just Some Dude View Post
                Yeah, I understand the pedal thing. The stuff I play could probably be described as a mix between ZZ Top and Sabbath, with a little early Led Zeppelin thrown in. I am always open to any and all suggestions.
                Orange AD30 will do the Zep and early Sabbath thing. It doesn't have quite the top end of ZZTop but it depends on what your priorities are.
                || Guitar | Wah | Vibe | Amp ||


                • #9
                  Re: Total Gear Overhaul: Amps/Pedals

                  Originally posted by some_dude View Post
                  Orange AD30 will do the Zep and early Sabbath thing. It doesn't have quite the top end of ZZTop but it depends on what your priorities are.
                  I always thought a nice treble booster would work wonders for the Oranges.

