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RedBear MK120

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  • RedBear MK120

    I have a lead on a RedBear MK120 head. Although I don't need that much power, I like the headroom that a powerful amp affords when running the master volume high then bringing up the preamp to taste. Anyone have experience with these amps? I used to have a Laney Pro Tube 100 (not AOR model) that I would play with master at 6 and preamp at 6, and it was not obnoxiously loud. Preamp dimed and master low to medium was just a fuzzy mess, no articulation. Master dimed and preamp low to medium gave full cleans.

    For those that have played the RedBear how would you describe the overdriven vs clean tones? Also, these amps are known to be super bassy. I've checked the schematics, and the MK120 has a lot of similarities to a Marshall 2203. A big difference is the value of the coupling caps following the phase inverter. RedBear uses 0.08, whereas Marshall uses 0.022. Would changing to the Marshall values tame the RedBear's low end? Any other thoughts on the Bear?

    BTW, my 4x12 is loaded with Celestion G12-65's. I play a Strat with 57/62 pickups and an SG with Seth Lovers...anything from blues and 60's-80's rock tones.

  • #2
    Re: RedBear MK120

    MK or MKE? I have never played one, but I heard one back in the 80s in a club or somewhere. Took notice because I had never seen or heard of one before--or for many years after. Definitely reminded me more of a JCM 800 than the earlier Marshall amps. Sounded big. Maybe that was the extra bass? I remember liking it a lot. I don't remember the cleans--probably because they didn't play any.
    My songs....enjoy! (hopefully )
    or for older stuff too, but slower downloads

    Originally posted by DankStar
    700 watts is ok for small clubs, but when you play with a loud drummer or at a medium-large sized venue, you really need 1,500-watts at least. no one should be left alive.


    • #3
      Re: RedBear MK120

      they seem cool, thats way too loud for me to get to the breakup tho


      • #4
        Re: RedBear MK120

        Looking at an MK120, the version without the effects loop. YouTube videos aren't so great, but there is some consistency in the "full bottom" type of tone. More lower mid growl than the upper mid bite of a Marshall, at least when comparing video clips. The Laney Pro Tube Lead 100 that I had was pretty bright sounding. I'm not a fan of using a bass heavy tone for guitar, but I could dime the lows and have no problems with speakers farting out or with the tone sounding flubby. It just needed to run at 8 or more to give the tone a little girth and heft. I guess my biggest conern with the RedBear is that it will be TOO bassy. On the other hand, it's a well built amp with a tone all its own.

