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So what's the verdic on the 5150/6505/6505+/5153 family?

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  • So what's the verdic on the 5150/6505/6505+/5153 family?

    Which ones have you tried, which is your favorite, and why?

    I'm talking about distorted tones only.

    I found a killer deal on a 6505+ combo, and I was thinking about picking it up and converting it to a head. I've heard that some prefer the original 5150, due to it having more "balls". I mod it some time later to sound like the original 5150 (it's apparently an easy mod), but I'd like to hear some opinions anyway.
    My Blog:

    Originally posted by kevlar3000
    The smoker is great at adding a few decades, kinda like having Keith Richards breathe on yer guitar for a few hours...
    Originally posted by CTN
    I will kill you. Then I will resuscitate you, so you can watch me steal your new Tokai and play some horrible sounding ultra-dissonant death metal on it, then I will kill you again.

  • #2
    Re: So what's the verdic on the 5150/6505/6505+/5153 family?

    5150/6505 = identical, regardless of what anyone tells you.

    5150II = 6505+. The 5150 combo is modelled more after this than the original. Slightly more top-heavy voicing, a bit twangier in the pick attack, and the crunch button is footswitchable. I personally prefer the 5150/6505 to this one by a pretty huge margin.

    the 5153 is an entirely different beast; an actual clean channel (Peavey version only has rhythm/lead and the cleans tones, while 'clean,' are god awful), two really good/usable high gain channels. The low end is tighter and the top end isn't quite as biting as the 5150, but it's also not quite as aggressive.

    I'd happily use either a 5150 or 5153; which one I'd choose would be highly dependent on my needs. Live use? 5153, every time. Studio/home jamming? really depends; do you need a clean channel? Do you want to do mid-gain tones without a certain sterile quality? Probably better off with the 5153.


    • #3
      Re: So what's the verdic on the 5150/6505/6505+/5153 family?

      I figured you would have some info on the subject.

      I'll probably still end up buying the 6505+, but I will almost definitely have the lead channel modded back to 5150 specs, as well as have it bias modded.
      My Blog:

      Originally posted by kevlar3000
      The smoker is great at adding a few decades, kinda like having Keith Richards breathe on yer guitar for a few hours...
      Originally posted by CTN
      I will kill you. Then I will resuscitate you, so you can watch me steal your new Tokai and play some horrible sounding ultra-dissonant death metal on it, then I will kill you again.


      • #4
        Re: So what's the verdic on the 5150/6505/6505+/5153 family?

        Has anyone here ever measured the bias on these amps? I used to own a 5150, the year they first came out but never messed with the tubes. A bias mod, good tubes, and a set of V30's would go a long way to improving one.

        I usually like 6L6's running at 32mA, so I'm curious to know what the reading is on a stock 5150/6505.
        Originally posted by Boogie Bill
        I've got 60 guitars...but 49 trumpets is just...INSANITY! WTF!


        • #5
          Re: So what's the verdic on the 5150/6505/6505+/5153 family?

          Originally posted by Gearjoneser View Post
          Has anyone here ever measured the bias on these amps? I used to own a 5150, the year they first came out but never messed with the tubes. A bias mod, good tubes, and a set of V30's would go a long way to improving one.

          I usually like 6L6's running at 32mA, so I'm curious to know what the reading is on a stock 5150/6505.
          I did a bias mod on one a while back and the stock bias was 14mA
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          • #6
            Re: So what's the verdic on the 5150/6505/6505+/5153 family?

            Originally posted by Gearjoneser View Post
            Has anyone here ever measured the bias on these amps? I used to own a 5150, the year they first came out but never messed with the tubes. A bias mod, good tubes, and a set of V30's would go a long way to improving one.

            I usually like 6L6's running at 32mA, so I'm curious to know what the reading is on a stock 5150/6505.
            Apparently, the 5150 that i got two weeks ago, has had a bias mod (they come cold from the factory - and is biased to spec now), and new JJ's (that i can see).
            I run mine thought a 2X12 with V30 + Swamp Thang.

            So, again, i assume mine sound as good as it gets ! (?)

            The last time i played on one, was a few years ago, and that was a block letter 2X12 60W combo.
            It did sound good to me back then, but i can not remember if there is a tonal diff between that one and mine.

            I would love to learn how to bias amps . . .so that i can check these things out in the future.
            Tele, SG, LP Jr, '76 Ibanez Artist & Tokai LS92 + FUZZ boxes into a '66 AB165 Bassman & 2X12 (55Hz Greenbacks) / '73 Orange OR120 & 2X12 (V30 & SwampThang) / Orange Thunderverb 50 & PPC212 / Marshall Vintage Modern 50 & 2X12 Genz Benz g-Flex / Laney Klipp / Laney AOR Pro Tube 100

            "'s a tree with a microphone" - Leslie West


            • #7
              Re: So what's the verdic on the 5150/6505/6505+/5153 family?

              PS : the 5150 is getting a lot of flak for it's crappy 'clean' channel.

              Funny thing is, the BEST cleans i have ever heard (i.e. the cleans that *I* like) comes from my 50W Bassman, and with that in mind, i REALLY like the 'crappy-cleans' of the 5150.

              IF the 5150 had any cleaner 'Twin Reverb-like' cleans, i would NOT have liked it. I am very happy with the stock clean tone of this amp.
              Tele, SG, LP Jr, '76 Ibanez Artist & Tokai LS92 + FUZZ boxes into a '66 AB165 Bassman & 2X12 (55Hz Greenbacks) / '73 Orange OR120 & 2X12 (V30 & SwampThang) / Orange Thunderverb 50 & PPC212 / Marshall Vintage Modern 50 & 2X12 Genz Benz g-Flex / Laney Klipp / Laney AOR Pro Tube 100

              "'s a tree with a microphone" - Leslie West


              • #8
                Re: So what's the verdic on the 5150/6505/6505+/5153 family?

                If I ever went back to playing "real" amps, a 5150/6505 of some sort would be the first thing I'd grab. I had one of the originals back in the early 2000s and it was an awesome sounding amp.

                Director of Arizona Young Voters Initiative




                • #9
                  Re: So what's the verdic on the 5150/6505/6505+/5153 family?

                  Originally posted by Gearjoneser View Post
                  Has anyone here ever measured the bias on these amps? I used to own a 5150, the year they first came out but never messed with the tubes. A bias mod, good tubes, and a set of V30's would go a long way to improving one.

                  I usually like 6L6's running at 32mA, so I'm curious to know what the reading is on a stock 5150/6505.
                  Originally posted by Toe-Knee View Post
                  I did a bias mod on one a while back and the stock bias was 14mA
                  Ouch, yeah that bias would definitely be something I'd change.
                  My Blog:

                  Originally posted by kevlar3000
                  The smoker is great at adding a few decades, kinda like having Keith Richards breathe on yer guitar for a few hours...
                  Originally posted by CTN
                  I will kill you. Then I will resuscitate you, so you can watch me steal your new Tokai and play some horrible sounding ultra-dissonant death metal on it, then I will kill you again.


                  • #10
                    Re: So what's the verdic on the 5150/6505/6505+/5153 family?

                    Originally posted by youngthrasher9 View Post
                    I found a killer deal on a 6505+ combo, and I was thinking about picking it up and converting it to a head. I've heard that some prefer the original 5150, due to it having more "balls". I mod it some time later to sound like the original 5150 (it's apparently an easy mod), but I'd like to hear some opinions anyway.
                    Soundwise it's what Virtual Kevorkian says, judging by the recorded sound there is no real difference between 5150-6505 and 5150II-6505+ "pairs". At least I could not notice anything when worked with these amps.

                    The best of the bunch I played was a converted head from the 112 60W combo version sporting EL34 tubes. Like a shaved kitty with dental braces: More bite and less hair on top. I don't know if it was the only mod in it though.

                    Just a link to check

                    Diabolus in Musica
                    SIDrip Alliance
                    Book of Shadows


                    • #11
                      Re: So what's the verdic on the 5150/6505/6505+/5153 family?

                      Originally posted by youngthrasher9 View Post
                      I figured you would have some info on the subject.

                      I'll probably still end up buying the 6505+, but I will almost definitely have the lead channel modded back to 5150 specs, as well as have it bias modded.
                      The 6505+ 1x12 combo is also another variant, just so you are aware. The only one of the series made in China as well.


                      • #12
                        Re: So what's the verdic on the 5150/6505/6505+/5153 family?

                        The difference between the mk1 and mk2 channels on the head versions is the bass frequency. The original has more bass because it rolls off at a lower frequency. Some people interpret this as "more balls" but it's just a looser, floppier low end. The ii/+ version has tighter bass because it operates at a higher frequency in the bass portion of the sonic spectrum. This can also be interpreted as less gain because there are less bass frequency involved in the sound and therefore less pre amp signal and less "balls". I personally prefer the mkii version because it cuts better and sits in a mix better. I also use 7 string guitars and prefer a tighter feel. I could see the mk1 preferred by people with standard tuned guitars and low to moderate output pickups.


                        • #13
                          Re: So what's the verdic on the 5150/6505/6505+/5153 family?

                          I forgot to mention that I modified my 6505+ to be able to toggle between the mk1 and mkii versions. It's just effective in the pre amp, they also have slightly different power amp circuits. I love these amps and hope to get a 1x12 version soon.


                          • #14
                            Re: So what's the verdic on the 5150/6505/6505+/5153 family?

                            Isn't the combo the only one with reverb too?


                            • #15
                              Re: So what's the verdic on the 5150/6505/6505+/5153 family?

                              Originally posted by SirJackdeFuzz View Post
                              I would love to learn how to bias amps . . .so that i can check these things out in the future.
                              Anyone who likes to tinker with amps should buy a mA Bias Tool. They're around $20 - $30 on Ebay. Plug it into a volt/ohm meter set on mA, and you can see if your tubes are running cold, normal, or too hot.

                              Originally posted by Boogie Bill
                              I've got 60 guitars...but 49 trumpets is just...INSANITY! WTF!

