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MONSTER CABLE: Any Good? scam??? lol NAD $80 powercord!

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  • #46
    Re: MONSTER CABLE: Any Good? scam??? lol NAD $80 powercord!

    Originally posted by trevorus View Post
    You can talk all you want about subjective tests and all the BS, and spend all the money you want on cable marketing, but don't try to posit your opinion as fact.

    Sent from my chromed robot turd, using the miserable junk code known as crapatalk.
    I too am now respectfully bowing out of this thread


    • #47
      Re: MONSTER CABLE: Any Good? scam??? lol NAD $80 powercord!

      Originally posted by everdrone View Post
      I too am now respectfully bowing out of this thread
      The thread you started. Ok. That bassist video is so easy to explain, it's almost laughable. Playing bass nearly as long as I have played guitar, I recognize what the difference is. Notice where he's plucking the string. First clip is right over the neck pickup, so the tone will be rounder. Second he moves his hand about 1/4-1/2" toward the bridge, brightening it up. Just the placebo effect of a cable he wants to sound better can make you play differently.

      Ever used a Ouija board? Penn and Teller have a great little show they did on that.

      Sent from my chromed robot turd, using the miserable junk code known as crapatalk.
      Originally posted by crusty philtrum
      ...Gimme a call when it's time to take 'em out. I don't have a gun, but i have a very sharp pointy stick and enough negativity to take out a small country...
      Originally posted by Securb
      The only blackmachine I care about is sitting in my jeans.


      • #48
        Re: MONSTER CABLE: Any Good? scam??? lol NAD $80 powercord!

        Look, I don't know about flying shoes. My only point is that if Einstein were alive, and he played electric guitar, that he would use a premium Monster power cable and a power conditioner. I really have nothing more to add.
        "Anyone who understands Jazz knows that you can't understand it. It's too complicated. That's what's so simple about it." - Yogi Berra


        • #49
          Re: MONSTER CABLE: Any Good? scam??? lol NAD $80 powercord!

          Originally posted by MetalManiac View Post
          Look, I don't know about flying shoes. My only point is that if Einstein were alive, and he played electric guitar, that he would use a premium Monster power cable and a power conditioner. I really have nothing more to add.
          I think Einstein would know better.

          Sent from my chromed robot turd, using the miserable junk code known as crapatalk.
          Originally posted by crusty philtrum
          ...Gimme a call when it's time to take 'em out. I don't have a gun, but i have a very sharp pointy stick and enough negativity to take out a small country...
          Originally posted by Securb
          The only blackmachine I care about is sitting in my jeans.


          • #50
            Re: MONSTER CABLE: Any Good? scam??? lol NAD $80 powercord!

            I would'nt drop $80 on a monster Power cord...but I do know there's a difference when wire gauge increases.

            The first thing I do when I buy an amp is change the stock (18 gauge) power cords to server-grade 14 gauge off ebay (does'nt break the bank)....the difference in feel & sound is very obvious. Mids open up, everything sounds smoother/thicker & bass is extended. It's not a subtle difference. Not sure whether there's scinece behind it or not..but in the end I don't really care.
            "Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen

            I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra

            Originally posted by Rodney Gene
            If you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.



            • #51
              Re: MONSTER CABLE: Any Good? scam??? lol NAD $80 powercord!

              " Golden Ears "; this argument started back in the 50's.

              - -
              - -

              Warning: May contain traces of NUTS


              • #52
                Re: MONSTER CABLE: Any Good? scam??? lol NAD $80 powercord!

                I probably would'nt be able to tell the difference through the clean channel (hardly use it) or at really high volumes (again, most of the time I play at low/bedroom levels)..but yes, at levels (& with the sound) I'm familiar with...the difference is pretty obvious.

                Golden ears? ...maybe

                "Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen

                I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra

                Originally posted by Rodney Gene
                If you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.



                • #53
                  Re: MONSTER CABLE: Any Good? scam??? lol NAD $80 powercord!

                  Theres a thread about this cord on the dreaded GearPage from about a year ago that runs circles around this one.
                  It has great info, except the downside is that its on TGP......


                  • #54
                    Re: MONSTER CABLE: Any Good? scam??? lol NAD $80 powercord!

                    I have a question, i was thinking about all this wire gauge thing in terms of power cables & well, there's supposed to be a fuse in there that protects against current overload. That fuse itself is inbetween the main connection for protection purposes, but that fuse has a really thin wire inside it. So then even if you went a gauge or two thicker on the power cable, wouldn't the fuse degrade the effect if any? lol

                    My house voltage varies throughtout the day, sometimes it's 10V lower sometimes 20V higher. Depending on that I've noticed my amp's bias value varies as well because the plate voltage tends to change. When that happens the amp sounds/feels different as well obviously. I guess when the prices of the 'online UPS' units start dropping somewhere in the future I'll be finally able to enjoy a steady pure AC voltage by using one of those for my amp, they'd have to miniaturize it as well though lol


                    • #55
                      Re: MONSTER CABLE: Any Good? scam??? lol NAD $80 powercord!

                      ok let's be a bit more scientific now...

                      Your amp cares what quality (signal consistency, appropriate voltage, not spiking all over the place) of electricity it receives in order to operate.

                      It does not care how it gets that electricity, as long as whatever cable you're using is capable of carrying the required voltage/current of your amp without shorting out.

                      Generally that means that any standard IEC cable that is in good condition is pretty much equivalent to any other cable. But a power conditioner is important and quality/price matters.


                      • #56
                        Re: MONSTER CABLE: Any Good? scam??? lol NAD $80 powercord!

                        Originally posted by Hank- View Post
                        I have a question, i was thinking about all this wire gauge thing in terms of power cables & well, there's supposed to be a fuse in there that protects against current overload. That fuse itself is inbetween the main connection for protection purposes, but that fuse has a really thin wire inside it. So then even if you went a gauge or two thicker on the power cable, wouldn't the fuse degrade the effect if any? lol

                        My house voltage varies throughtout the day, sometimes it's 10V lower sometimes 20V higher. Depending on that I've noticed my amp's bias value varies as well because the plate voltage tends to change. When that happens the amp sounds/feels different as well obviously. I guess when the prices of the 'online UPS' units start dropping somewhere in the future I'll be finally able to enjoy a steady pure AC voltage by using one of those for my amp, they'd have to miniaturize it as well though lol

                        You could definitely look into getting a voltage regulator if your voltage is that inconsistent at the house. Honestly, I haven't noticed much, if any, fluctuation at my own.

                        A good friend of mine who is an ATC dealer as well as a professional recording engineer swore by fancy power cables. He got me turned onto Belden's microphone cable and I really love those (and custom made him a ton over the years, too), so we decided to do an experiment. I took some really expensive Belden cable and splurged on Furutech ends. Just making it alone cost a few hundred to do. The result? Subtle. I noticed a slight high and low extension, but it was only slight. It was from that point on that I focus on the places where you hear the biggest differences: speaker cable (HUGE differences), guitar cable and microphone cables.

                        Going back to what you were saying about the fuse thing... that was essentially my argument from the beginning and it looks like my friend got fooled by the placebo effect on that one. It kinda goes back to the bottleneck premise: nice thick gauge, hyper conductive cable eventually transferring through a very small fuse will only pass through as much current as those limitations. When it comes to power cables, don't believe the hype.

                        When it comes to Monster Cables, ignore them and let them die. After their CEOs decided to sue every company with the word "Monster" in it, I don't feel they deserve a damn cent. People like that don't deserve to be in business and shame to anyone who decides to support them.
                        Last edited by That90'sGuy; 02-15-2014, 07:52 AM.
                        Originally posted by kevlar3000
                        I learned a long time ago that the only thing that mattered regarding tone was what my ears thought.
                        Originally posted by Zerberus
                        Better is often the enemy of good
                        Originally posted by ginormous
                        Covers feed the body, originals feed the soul.


                        • #57
                          Re: MONSTER CABLE: Any Good? scam??? lol NAD $80 powercord!

                          Speaker cable, huh?

                          We've always believed that the perceived quality boost that comes from using high-end cables is really just a trick of the mind (read: justifying the ridiculous cost of premium cables to yourself) -- if you've dropped enough cash, you can probably hear anything you want. Still, our belief is one thing -- cold hard proof is another, and it looks like a group of 12 self-professed "audiophiles" recently couldn't tell the difference between Monster 1000 speaker cables and plain old coat hangers. Yeah, coat hangers. The group was A-Bing different cables, and unbeknownst to them, the engineer running the test swapped out a set of cables for coat hangers with soldered-on speaker connections. Not a single one was then able to tell the difference between the Monster Cable and the hangers, and all agreed that the hangers sounded excellent. No wonder Monster has to rig HD displays. Still, we bet people still fall for the hype -- oh hey, if you're looking for the ultimate in sound, we've got half a meter of oxygen-free, triple-wrapped double-insulated Sonically Shielded AmpliSized Egyptian Llama cable here that we'll part ways with for just a couple grand.[Via BoingBoing]

                          Sent from my chromed robot turd, using the miserable junk code known as crapatalk.
                          Originally posted by crusty philtrum
                          ...Gimme a call when it's time to take 'em out. I don't have a gun, but i have a very sharp pointy stick and enough negativity to take out a small country...
                          Originally posted by Securb
                          The only blackmachine I care about is sitting in my jeans.


                          • #58
                            Re: MONSTER CABLE: Any Good? scam??? lol NAD $80 powercord!

                            I had an old voltage stabilizer that was used for a refrigerator, I have tried using that with the amp & it does happen to stabilize the voltage fairly well. It's a little too old so I don't bother using it anymore, actually I rarely turn my amp on anymore at home. I just plug my gt10 into my old panasonic portable stereo cassette player aux input & have fun with that.

                            Anyways, do the more expensive voltage regulator units work any different(excluding the spike/overload protection & emi filter features) or would any consumer grade regulator work the same minus the price tag. I know using better components can raise the price, but at that point to me it seems to be a manageable DIY project using old PC SMPS enclosure as a body frame & new quality parts would end up yielding a more robust build for cheap. For a very basic setup containing a single amp & few pedals, how hard can it be to make a simple voltage regulator?

                            Sorry for the thread Hijack everdone, I thought it be easier to ask here while the topic is still somewhat related lol


                            • #59
                              Re: MONSTER CABLE: Any Good? scam??? lol NAD $80 powercord!

                              Originally posted by trevorus View Post
                              A fool and his money are soon separated...

                              Sent from my chromed robot turd, using the miserable junk code known as crapatalk.
                              My Rolling Stones tribute band: The Main Street Exiles

                              At the battle of the bands, the loser is always the audience. -Demitri Martin


                              • #60
                                Re: MONSTER CABLE: Any Good? scam??? lol NAD $80 powercord!

                                Mercury Magnetics offers "Coppertone: Audio Grade Power cables from $9.95 - $24.95... Much more digestible placebo for my Golden Ears!

                                This thread was hilarious! Thanks so much for the entertainment!
                                ~ Life In Every Breath~


