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Has anyone performed LIVE using Amplitube for iPad as their "amp"?

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  • Has anyone performed LIVE using Amplitube for iPad as their "amp"?

    I will be subbing on bass at worship service on Sunday morning and I do not own a bass amplifier. I am trying to decide if I want to just use a direct box, or if I should go through Amplitube iPad first.

    I like the tone of the Fender Bassman model on Amplitube for iPad, but I am concerned about the reliability of using it in a live setting. I am afraid that the iPad might crap out or reboot while randomly updating another app in the background right in the middle of a song. Has anyone used Amplitube for iPad on stage before? Is it reliable enough to use live???
    “The hell with the rules. If it sounds right, then it is.” - Edward Van Halen

  • #2
    Re: Has anyone performed LIVE using Amplitube for iPad as their "amp"?

    Digitech BP90

    *(Sent from my durned phone!)*
    Just here surfing Guitar Pron
    RG2EX1 w/ SD hot-rodded pickups / RG4EXFM1 w/ Carvin S22j/b + FVN middle
    SR500 / Martin 000CE-1/Epiphone Hummingbird
    Epiphone Florentine with OEM Probuckers
    Ehdwuld branded Blue semi hollow custom with JB/Jazz
    Reptile Green Gibson Custom Studio / Aqua Dean Shire semi hollow with piezo
    Carvin Belair / Laney GC80A Acoustic Amp (a gift from Guitar Player Mag)
    GNX3000 (yea I'm a modeler)


    • #3
      Re: Has anyone performed LIVE using Amplitube for iPad as their "amp"?

      I've used Amplitube for Windows, live. Does it count?
      It sounded excellent and was reliable.
      Epiphone LP Standard PlusTop Pro
      Ibanez SZ320 / A8 DD103 bridge.
      Ibanez RG270 / Screamin' Demon bridge.

      Egnater Tweaker 15 Head / Laney Cub 8 / 2x12 - Celestion V30+K100
      Line 6 M13 and plenty of stompboxes I rarely use!


      • #4
        Re: Has anyone performed LIVE using Amplitube for iPad as their "amp"?

        Thanks Diego. That helps a lot. I find the iPads OS a lot more stable than Windows, so your success is encouraging.

        Did you just run a line from the headphone out to the direct box/mixer/house from there?
        “The hell with the rules. If it sounds right, then it is.” - Edward Van Halen


        • #5
          Re: Has anyone performed LIVE using Amplitube for iPad as their "amp"?

          Yeah. I did that and had a monitor for my guitar only. The lack of your guitar in stage volume could offset you a bit.
          So try and get monitoring.
          I did that with a just-formatted netbook running to a bare minimum.

          I used it as a clean platform and added dirt, modulations and delay from pedals.
          Epiphone LP Standard PlusTop Pro
          Ibanez SZ320 / A8 DD103 bridge.
          Ibanez RG270 / Screamin' Demon bridge.

          Egnater Tweaker 15 Head / Laney Cub 8 / 2x12 - Celestion V30+K100
          Line 6 M13 and plenty of stompboxes I rarely use!


          • #6
            Re: Has anyone performed LIVE using Amplitube for iPad as their "amp"?

            If you're worried about the ipad doing anything but running amplitube, just turn off all data services and wifi.
            Custom neck-thru strat
            1989 MIJ 1962 RI Strat
            1995 PRS CE24
            D'avanzo #8
            Breedlove Solo Concert
            1996 USA Dean Baby Z
            1991 40th Anniversary Les Paul
            1968 Fender Bassman, Egnater SW45, Mesa Mark IIB Coliseum, Mesa ElectraDyne 1x12 Combo, Avatar 4x12, Mesa half back 4x12 Earcandy 2x12
            Roland RE-201 Space Echo, 70's Fender Reverb Unit


            • #7
              Re: Has anyone performed LIVE using Amplitube for iPad as their "amp"?

              Originally posted by Agileguy_101 View Post
              If you're worried about the ipad doing anything but running amplitube, just turn off all data services and wifi.
              Thanks for the tip. I will explore the settings menu. Shouldn't be too hard to do.
              “The hell with the rules. If it sounds right, then it is.” - Edward Van Halen


              • #8
                Re: Has anyone performed LIVE using Amplitube for iPad as their "amp"?

                Airplane mode. Stops everything except what you have running.


                • #9
                  Re: Has anyone performed LIVE using Amplitube for iPad as their "amp"?

                  I would cool it well since you will use a constant stream of CPU power/usage.

                  Overall I would much rather trust an IOS device than a windows computer, especially a random PC with a usually bad power supply.


                  • #10
                    Re: Has anyone performed LIVE using Amplitube for iPad as their "amp"?

                    Originally posted by ErikH View Post
                    Airplane mode. Stops everything except what you have running.
                    So "Airplane mode" is the EZ way to do what Agile Guy was recommending?
                    “The hell with the rules. If it sounds right, then it is.” - Edward Van Halen


                    • #11
                      Re: Has anyone performed LIVE using Amplitube for iPad as their "amp"?

                      Originally posted by dotsdad View Post
                      So "Airplane mode" is the EZ way to do what Agile Guy was recommending?
                      Yes. Otherwise every time the iPad tries to poll for wifi or data, you receive an email, or it uploads your location data you will probably get noise interference. 4G/wifi + PA systems = noise. Bluetooth is much more benign when it comes to noise radiation.
                      Why don't you take your little Cobra Kais and get outta here?!
                      My collaborative PROGRESSIVE ROCK PROJECT, As Follows.


                      • #12
                        Re: Has anyone performed LIVE using Amplitube for iPad as their "amp"?

                        I notice some noise with Bluetooth active so I turn it off too. Quiet as a mouse after that.


                        • #13
                          Re: Has anyone performed LIVE using Amplitube for iPad as their "amp"?

                          if you use impulses it will be better than the line 6 direct sound that people are using! line 6 does not use impulses for their cabinets still.


                          • #14
                            Re: Has anyone performed LIVE using Amplitube for iPad as their "amp"?

                            I wouldn't even think of playing live with an iPad WITHOUT using the airplane mode.
                            It's a must for an application like that.
                            I'd also uninstall anything not necessary from it, just to be on the safe side.
                            Epiphone LP Standard PlusTop Pro
                            Ibanez SZ320 / A8 DD103 bridge.
                            Ibanez RG270 / Screamin' Demon bridge.

                            Egnater Tweaker 15 Head / Laney Cub 8 / 2x12 - Celestion V30+K100
                            Line 6 M13 and plenty of stompboxes I rarely use!


                            • #15
                              Re: Has anyone performed LIVE using Amplitube for iPad as their "amp"?

                              I made a valiant attempt @ line six sonic port/ & mobile pod , nothing worked right out of the box ! Sent it back Might try one more time , I like the host of amps & cabs in mobile pod. Telyman ( strat, tele c/w Seymour P90's & PRS custom 24)

