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Filter caps: Laney vs Marshall

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  • Filter caps: Laney vs Marshall

    (Disclaimer - Hope I'm using the right terminology here. If not please correct me.)

    I recently bought a Laney AOR 50 Pro Tube Lead. I plan on replacing the filter caps. I already have six F&T 50/50 can caps. Comparing the Laney schematic to a Marshall 2204 schematic almost all the part values are the same from input jack through the first two preamp tubes. The exception I noticed is the placement and value of the filter caps following the 100k plate resistors from the first 12AX7.

    Here is the Marshall 2204 schematic:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	2204u.jpg
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ID:	5834130

    In the 2204 the two 100k plate resistors meet at the positive terminal of the 50uF cap. Attached here is a 10k resistor, then the positive terminal of another 50uF cap. Graphically I'll represent this as: (100k/100k)--50uF--10k--50uF.

    In the AOR 50 the order is: 15uF--(100k/100k)--10k--100k from plate 1 of second 12AX7--15uF.

    Would there be any problem changing the 15uF caps in the Laney to 50uF caps? What would be the effect of moving the placement of the positive terminals of the Laney's caps to the same position, circuit-wise, as the Marshall?

  • #2
    Re: Filter caps: Laney vs Marshall

    The connectivity you describe for each amp seems to be exactly the same. The only difference is that the Marshall uses 50 uF for every filter stage, the Laney is using 15 uFs in the preamp stages. That may have been done to get a slightly looser, spongier, 'vintage' feel to the preamp.

    You can use 50 uF values for the preamp, if you notice any difference i would suspect it might just be that the preamp seems a little tighter, with maybe a little bit more bottom end. Then again you may not notice any difference at all. Electronically, using your 50 uF values right through the amp shoule be perfectly safe.
    Lumbering dinosaur (what's a master volume control?)



    • #3
      Re: Filter caps: Laney vs Marshall

      Thanks, crusty!

