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Peavey Windsor owners, wanters, wonderers, haters, etc.....

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  • Peavey Windsor owners, wanters, wonderers, haters, etc.....

    While doing a Google search for Windsor mods, I found a forum question over at Harmony Central that had some really interesting answers from "Metalhed". Wonder if he posts here as well under a different name? Anyway, make sure to look at both pages. Page one has a good post about how he changed the bias from the stock 10-12ma to 30, which supposedly brought the amp to life, and then on page two, some resistor changes to add gain, and some links (the first link is dead, just brings you to crap pages, nothing to do with music) to change the voicing. He compares the Windsor to a Marshall 2203, which is exactly what I thought. Cool stuff! May be the way to turn a mediocre at best amp into a cool little amp.

    Alright, to those of you who own a Peavey Windsor, and have replaced the preamp tubes, what did you replace them with? Which tube for which socket do you recommend? My birthday is coming up shortly and I was thinking of getting new preamp tubes (MAYBE power amp tubes, but I'm really trying to sav...
    Last edited by 75lespaul; 02-02-2015, 05:35 PM.
    My songs....enjoy! (hopefully )
    or for older stuff too, but slower downloads

    Originally posted by DankStar
    700 watts is ok for small clubs, but when you play with a loud drummer or at a medium-large sized venue, you really need 1,500-watts at least. no one should be left alive.

  • #2
    Re: Peavey Windsor owners, wanters, wonderers, haters, etc.....

    I've always wanted to get a hold of one of those Windsors and then add a badass distortion pedal like a Metal Muff Top Boost. No muss no fuss just a single channel amp and a pedal.

    "Tell me boy, what is the riddle of steel"?

