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Tube sugestions for AC-15 2x12???

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  • Tube sugestions for AC-15 2x12???

    Hi guys, So I just bought a Vox AC-15 twin or duly as they are so affectionately referred to sometimes! For those who are not familiar it's basically a AC-15 chassis put into a AC-30 cabinet with a second Greenback, making it a 2x12 combo instead of a 1x12 like most 15's & also it has the larger reverb tank found on 30's? Anyway, it takes 3 12AX7 tubes in the preamp section & & 2 EL84's in the power section, I'm hoping to get some suggestions as far as tubes go? I'm not looking for super cheap tubes but I'm also not looking for any super expensive N.O.S. tubes that were found In Stalin's butt crack after the war either! I own a bunch of tube amps but they are all 6V6 or EL34 amps so I don't have a lot of experience with EL84's or what preamp tubes would complement them best. The sound I want is simple, classic Vox AC-15/30 tone. Any suggestions will be much appreciated & thanks for taking the time to look @ my thread!!!! I know there are some serious VOX guys out there, please let me know what you think!!!

  • #2
    Re: Tube sugestions for AC-15 2x12???

    Mullard RI el84s.

    Spend the $ for an old mullard 12ax7 for V1.
    I'm an internet person. All we do is waste time evaluating things that have next-to-zero real world significance.

    Remember, it's just a plank of wood. YOU have to find the music in it - The Telecaster Handbook


    • #3
      Re: Tube sugestions for AC-15 2x12???

      Both JJ and TAD make a decent EL84.
      Buy a few different pre tubes and see what you think.
      Do not be afraid to try an AT7 n the phase inverter. You may like it.....or you can always yank it if you don't.
      good luck


      • #4
        Re: Tube sugestions for AC-15 2x12???

        I don't have experience with the ac-15 specifically but you can get a bunch of jj preamp tubes of different types for not terribly expensive and experiment. After trying a 12ax7, 12ay7, 12at7 and 5751 (not jj though) I ended up settling on the 5751 and 12ay7 but mine is a different amp so ymmv.

        As far as power tubes I've only tried jj so far as a matched set was $20, but once they need replacing I'm gonna probably try mullards or sovtek or something just to switch it up.
        Originally posted by ImmortalSix
        I wouldn't pay more than $300 for a BJ.


        • #5
          Re: Tube sugestions for AC-15 2x12???

          Thanks for the info!!! Anyone else????


          • #6
            Re: Tube sugestions for AC-15 2x12???

            I like JJ EL-84s. They're inexpensive and sound good.
            Join me in the fight against muscular atrophy!

            Originally posted by Douglas Adams
            This planet has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.


            • #7
              Re: Tube sugestions for AC-15 2x12???

              If you can afford vintage tubes, RCAs sound great in AC30s especially black plates. For new tubes I think Tung Sols sound pretty alright in VOXs better then JJs or EHs. On the output side I think JJs are great because they can stand the heat that AC30s force on EL84s. TAD EL84s are meant to be good but I have never tried them.
              Gondola Kid


              • #8
                Re: Tube sugestions for AC-15 2x12???

                Alright, so I decided to go with some Mullard Gold Grid Black Plate Reissue EL84s in the power section & Gold Pin Electro-Hramonix 12AX7's for the preamp. I haven't had a chance to try them out yet due to a hand injury, ironically it happened the same night the amp arrived, so it's going to be a few months before I'm doing any serious picking. I had the other guitarist in my band come over & rock out on it with the cheap stock Chinese tubes & it sounded flipping amazing, a little noisy but amazing!!! The new gold pin preamp tubes should help that a little bit? I think I'm going wait until my hand works again & play it "as is" for a while? This way I'll be able to really hear the difference when I do change them! It may turn out the Chinese tubes sound better than their more expensive Russian counterparts? I've had it happen before??? I'm pretty sure with this amp things will just get better & better as my hand heals, the tube upgrade, & as the tubes & Greenbacks break in. This amp still only has maybe 3 hours of playing time on it & only about 30 minutes of that was me, but from what little time I've spent with it I just know it's going to fit better every time I use it! It's a lot like a new baseball glove right now, the more use it gets, the better it's going to work & sound!!! LOL, I love VOX amps!!! All I'd use for the first 20 years of my playing career was Fender amps, my very 1st amp was a Fender & I just kept buying new ones & upgrading until I got my Deluxe Reverb. I convinced myself that's all I liked & would try nothing else!!! That was my main amp for years until about 2 years ago, my lead guitarist needed some cash so I bought his 15w Night Train head real cheap, I loved it so much I bought the Night Train 50G1 head & 2x12 cab a month later!!! I owned a VT20 hybrid amp for a few months but gave it to my girl's dad because I don't really like all the amp modeling? Anyhow,this is the best one yet & like I said I only have about a 1/2 hour of REAL playing time on it so far!!! I'm sure I'll unlock some more of it's secrets over the next few months!!!

