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DSL vs Silver Jubilee Debate

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  • #16
    Re: DSL vs Silver Jubilee Debate

    Originally posted by Gearjoneser View Post
    One thing that's very different are their clean channels. To put it in a way players can understand, the DSL is like a fat JTM45, while the Jubilee is like a cranked AC15.
    I was able to get that deep, tubby JTM45 type clean from my Jubilee, but that was through a 4x12 with Greenbacks.


    • #17
      Re: DSL vs Silver Jubilee Debate

      In 87, the Jubilee cabs were usually G12-75T, but they also offered V30 in lesser numbers.

      I think the V30's sound better, and so does Marshall, which is why the 2015 Jubilee cabs come with Vintage 30's. Nowadays, there's a lot more choices for speakers than back in 87.
      Originally posted by Boogie Bill
      I've got 60 guitars...but 49 trumpets is just...INSANITY! WTF!


      • #18
        Re: DSL vs Silver Jubilee Debate

        I dunno man. its only a reissue. Its a big call buying one sight unseen on preorder.
        If you really want a sweet sounding marshall, try out a bunch and if you can, get an old one that has already settled on a steady resale value.
        New amps are like new cars.
        Last edited by Chickenwings; 03-18-2015, 05:50 PM.
        "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
        Yehudi Menuhin


        • #19
          Re: DSL vs Silver Jubilee Debate

          I didn't care much for the V30 based 4x12 Mesa cab I had, until I heard a Jubilee driving it. Then I kind of "got it".



          • #20
            Re: DSL vs Silver Jubilee Debate

            Nothing wrong with Marshall. But I don't want to sound like others. Rather I want to sound like me with a sound that would stand out amongst all the others.


            • #21
              Re: DSL vs Silver Jubilee Debate

              I don't think that a Jubilee, or any other Marshall is gonna make you sound like anyone else any more than any other amp is.
              Last edited by Maggot; 03-20-2015, 03:11 PM.


              • #22
                Re: DSL vs Silver Jubilee Debate

                I get a sick feeling every time I remember selling my 2555 for $1000.

                Divorce causes lifelong bad feelings.
                Support Code 211 - Stop the bad boys, you know COPS!
                When we do right nobody remembers when we do wrong nobody forgets!
                Red Devils - 1% all the way!
                Screw anyone who post negative crap on my post!
                Finding out that there really is a lot of traffic on the Highway to Hell, but no waiting line on the Stairway to Heaven.


                • #23
                  Re: DSL vs Silver Jubilee Debate

                  Originally posted by Demanic View Post
                  Nothing wrong with Marshall. But I don't want to sound like others. Rather I want to sound like me with a sound that would stand out amongst all the others.
                  This is partly why when I had a chance to get the DSL40C, I went with the OR15.
                  It sounded rich and complex in similar ways, had some tones in the same ballpark but marked differences in texture the more gain you added. After a lifetime of loving the marshall sound lately the orange sound had been growing on me and while there are tons of orange players, I still refreshed and invigorated by the OR15.
                  Doesn't mean I don't want to own both, though! And about 20 other amps


                  • #24
                    Re: DSL vs Silver Jubilee Debate

                    gentleman, in the end it comes right down to the Mojo. can you feel the amps Mojo when your playing through it? are you locking in and connecting with it? if so-its for you. If not-don't buy it cuz it ain't doing anything for ya.


                    • #25
                      Re: DSL vs Silver Jubilee Debate

                      i have gas now
                      Last edited by Kais; 04-23-2019, 12:16 PM.

