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    ok I finally made my mind up and ordered 2 WGS ET-65 for my laney 2x12 cabinet. I was looking at possibly getting the reaperHP but they were out of stock. the ET-65's will be replacing the stock celestion 70 eighty speakers. Which I hear a lot of people like and I guess they are ok, but for me they are not articulate enough, the bass seems muddy and muffled no matter how I EQ it. so I hope the ET-65 will tighten up the bottom end and give the highs the articulation I seek, and give a nice defined mid frequency that will just round out the tone. according to ups they should be here Friday so I should be able to change them out after my baby girls birthday party Saturday night and I will definitely let you know what I think.

    I have heard that the WGS speakers take a lot of time to break in and once broke in their sound gets warmer and sweeter, so yeah im really excited

  • #2

    I think you are going to hear a pretty big improvement.....certainly a big difference anyway.!
    What kind of cake is your daughter having.....


    • #3

      I'll bet that you Can't wait for that party to end,lol!!


      • #4
        Re: NEW SPEAKER DAY!!

        oh boy oh boy, well you guys were right, I couldn't wait I had a little time this afternoon so I swapped out the speakers and I just got done playing them for about an hour. first thing I noticed when I was swapping the speakers out is the weight difference. The wgs speakers were noticeable heavier. the magnets were about a half inch thicker. I left to go setup for my daughters party and after I got her asleep I went down stairs and fired it up o start breaking them in and man the speakers are warm, articulate and pretty much everything I was hoping they would be. I am using my marshall JVM 205h to break them in and the amp has never sounded this good. the clean channel is punchy and bright. only thing that would make the speakers better would be to have a little more bottom end. but I can get them to thicken up with the amps EQ. maybe the will thicken up after they break in more. I have heard that the tone will change as they break in.

        oh btw zzmoore my little 2 year old will be having a minnie mouse cake. little chloe is a great little girl that has had a hard start in life, she was born 2 months premature, she has to have therapy for speech and motor skills 4 times a month. but shes always happy


        • #5
          Re: NEW SPEAKER DAY!!

          I think you, and your ears, will be very happy with those speakers.

          You take good care of that young lady....I am marking my calender.....we will celebrate her third birthday right here.....exactly One Year from now.


          • #6
            Re: NEW SPEAKER DAY!!


            thanks that will be great, she is such a sweet little girl, just has had a tough run so far. one cool thing is she always loves to hear me play, when I get started she will frog hop in to the room and sit and listen till I'm done playing, then I let her strum while I work the neck and she loves it. If I play to long and she wants to play she lets me know.


            • #7
              Re: NEW SPEAKER DAY!!

              Originally posted by jackson111 View Post

              thanks that will be great, she is such a sweet little girl, just has had a tough run so far. one cool thing is she always loves to hear me play, when I get started she will frog hop in to the room and sit and listen till I'm done playing, then I let her strum while I work the neck and she loves it. If I play to long and she wants to play she lets me know.
              Funny, how women learn, at such an early dominate men.
              God has a wicked sense of humor at times :-)


              • #8
                Re: NEW SPEAKER DAY!!

                ok I have an update on the WGS now I have about 30 hours on them and they are much thicker on the bottom end, and the cleans on my Carvin X100B sound even cleaner and more articulate then ever before. the high end of the speaker has become sweeter and mids are much warmer, the speakers have surpassed anything I could hope for. I am now thinking f getting a friend of mine to build me a second 2X12 cabinet so I can load it with some of the veteran 30s maybe. the ET65 seems the perfect speaker of you're looking for that Joe Bonamassa, Roben Ford, or Eric Johnson tone. Nice sweet, warm and tight. not really a speaker I would recommend for the new metal chunk, cause the bottom is not thick enough for that. I want to get the vet 30s for that.


                • #9
                  Re: NEW SPEAKER DAY!!

                  According to WGS the ET65 has a scooped EQ and the Vet30 has a Mid boosted EQ I've found that they complement each other very well
                  Gibson LP Trad Pro II->Various pedals->MEsa Boogie MkV->Owensby/219 Guitar Works Vertical Slant 2x12 w/WGS ET-65 and Veteran 30.

