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Incoming NCD!

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  • Incoming NCD!

    I finally gave up on ever getting around to cleaning up the shop and building speaker cabinet to go with my Muchxs Champ head. Instead, I found a nice cabinet on eBay for not much money and can get on the the playin' instead of the cutting, gluing, and tolexing. So, the stack will look something like this:

    It's a Lopoline 1-12" in dark green tolex, with a Jensen Jet Series "Electric Lightning" speaker. It's supposedly a fairly aggressive, rock speaker with a 70 watt rating, so I'm not sure it's the best match for a Champ. OTOH, virtually all the comments I've read about it on line have been good so we'll see.

    Of course, I now have to clean up the shop so that I can tolex the head. Since Mojotone now owns Lopoline, I'm hoping they can provide me some matching vinyl and grill cloth.

    Tone report to follow when it arrives from California.
    Last edited by Rich_S; 03-28-2015, 10:29 AM.
    Tra-la-laa, lala-la-laa!
    Rich Stevens

    "I am using you; am I amusing you?" - Martha Johnson, What People Do For Fun

  • #2
    Re: Incoming NCD!

    Last edited by zzmoore; 03-29-2015, 02:23 PM.


    • #3
      Re: Incoming NCD!

      Oh.....Much did a conversion for you.?
      Where did you get the donor, from him.?
      He knows his way around the chassis of a guitar amp.....your amp is as good as any from Fender, Victoria, Lil Dawg, Richter, etc etc.
      Thanks For Sharing

      Oh's a Lopo.!
      I am still pissed off at Mojo for buying them out, and not using any of their designs. They had some great stuff that is forever gone. hit the lottery with all this "stuff"


      • #4
        Re: Incoming NCD!

        Anybody who's seen my DIY 18 Watter knows I have an abnormal attraction to old Univox stuff. I've had that Univox chassis for a long time, it was a non-working little solid-state head that I bought on eBay for $9 purely for the graphics. After several years of not getting around to it, I finally gave up and sent it to Muchxs, the master of turning recycled junk into toneful Fender clones. Since the chassis was drilled & labeled for volume, treble, and bass, I had him build it up as a blackface Champ. The guts are mostly from his infinite supply of recycled amp bits. He tells me the the OT (and the 6V6, I believe) are from a '61 RCA phonograph. He also built the dovetailed pine box, again out of scrap. I added an NFB switch on the back to make it more tweedy when I want the additional crunch.

        I think it's going to kick ass (at reasonable volumes) through that Lopo cab.
        Last edited by Rich_S; 03-30-2015, 09:04 PM.
        Tra-la-laa, lala-la-laa!
        Rich Stevens

        "I am using you; am I amusing you?" - Martha Johnson, What People Do For Fun


        • #5
          Re: Incoming NCD!

          I'll bet that Jensen sounds nice.


          • #6
            Re: Incoming NCD!

            That's awesome dude, love the dark green & yes they are getting pretty hard to find. I think you'll warm up to the Jensen, I had one years ago & when I was looking for a cab for my little hand wired 5w Class A head I tried in vain to find another... Also love the Head & exposed chassis, she'll sit pretty on top of that thing!!!!
            I live in Northern New Hampshire, we shoot the things we don't understand here???


            • #7
              Re: Incoming NCD!


              The new cab is just the right size for the Champ head. I have an email into Mojotone to see if they can match the tolex for me. Tone report later, too busy getting the house cleaned up for dinner with the inlaws tomorrow.
              Last edited by Rich_S; 04-04-2015, 02:40 PM.
              Tra-la-laa, lala-la-laa!
              Rich Stevens

              "I am using you; am I amusing you?" - Martha Johnson, What People Do For Fun

