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Is the rockerverb 50 loud enough?

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  • Is the rockerverb 50 loud enough?

    I play some form of progressive hard rock. Is it dumb to think a rockerverb 50 won't be loud enough thru a single 4x12 cab? 4 piece band.

  • #2
    Re: Is the rockerverb 50 loud enough?

    IMO, theres a reason they make 100 watt heads. You can always turn a 100 watt head down, but you can't turn a 5o watt head up( to a hundred). If at all possible, spring for the 100 watter. All that aside, my friend has a '72 Marshall 50 watt that sound absolutely glorious through a 4x12 cabinet with low SPL Celestions,just the right loudness for a living room, so I think you are ok if you run a 4x12.
    Last edited by MetalManiac; 10-29-2015, 07:27 PM.
    "Anyone who understands Jazz knows that you can't understand it. It's too complicated. That's what's so simple about it." - Yogi Berra


    • #3
      Re: Is the rockerverb 50 loud enough?


      I have the TH30c. Its "only" 30 watts, however Ive not been able to blast it yet. The loudest Ive every been is 1.5. I have a loud drummer and not had an issue so 50 Watts should be fine. If not, mic it.


      • #4
        Re: Is the rockerverb 50 loud enough?

        Um, yes. It's loud enough.


        • #5
          Re: Is the rockerverb 50 loud enough?

          Originally posted by Whatsuphotdawg View Post
          I play some form of progressive hard rock. Is it dumb to think a rockerverb 50 won't be loud enough thru a single 4x12 cab? 4 piece band.
          Probably, but it depends on the cabinet you're using, which is why I brought up speaker sensitivity in the other thread. I'll share another example to illustrate my point.

          For a while I played in a band with my brother and we both had 100W Marshall heads w/ a 4x12. Mine was an '88 Jubilee 2555 and his was a '78 JMP 2003, and they were both loaded with EL-34s so output wattage should have been comparable. Our cabs OTOH were not created equal; I was using a '77-78 Marshall cab loaded with G12H30s while he had an early 90s Valvestate cab with the stock G12L35s. With those two cabinets my amp was louder to the point where he almost couldn't be heard, and if we swapped cabs the reverse was true. He swapped the G12Ls for Vintage 30s, and suddenly we were both audible in the mix.

          In short a Rockerverb 50 or 100 is plenty loud for a band; it may even be too much depending on the size of the rooms you're playing in. The difference between 50W and 100W is 3db which is noticeable but not huge. The real difference has more to do with feel; the 100W amp will have deeper bass and palm mutes will be a little tighter from the increased headroom. When I was still using Marshall heads I liked 100W better for that very reason.

          I guess what I'm trying to say here is to not ignore other variables. If your cabinet is not up to the task a louder head will help little if any. EQ settings are also really important when playing in a group; scooping mids will make you disappear with a 200W amp (another one I had to learn the hard way).
          Originally posted by crusty philtrum
          And that's probably because most people with electric guitars seem more interested in their own performance rather than the effect on the listener ... in fact i don't think many people who own electric guitars even give a poop about the effect on a listener. Which is why many people play electric guitars but very very few of them are actually musicians.


          • #6
            Re: Is the rockerverb 50 loud enough?

            The difference between 50w and 100w is usually about 3 decibels which is practically inaudible to the human ear. The extra power gives you cleaner cleans and deeper lowend but the overall volumes would be about the same.

            I use an Orange AD30H through a 2x12 and balance volumes easily with my singer's Rockerverb 100 through a 4x12.
            green globe burned black by sunn


            • #7
              Re: Is the rockerverb 50 loud enough?

              My former guitarist used a RV50 Mk. II in my last band. We were a 4 piece as well and the drummer was stupid loud. One of the loudest bands I've played with. He normally had no problem cutting through at band practice. He used an Orange PPC412 with Creamback M's and T-75's in an X pattern, so not the loudest most efficient speakers either.

              I remember he did have to max the volume on the distortion channel at a couple of gigs because we usually got carried away, lol.

              But yeah, it's ought to work.


              • #8
                Re: Is the rockerverb 50 loud enough?

                Definitely enough power, but speaker efficiency plays a factor as well.

                I used to smoke my old guitar player with a 50w JCM800 when he had a 150watt triple rec and a 100w Orange (cant remember if rocker or thunderverb). He would be on 7, I would be on 3, even with same speakers. Why? Tone my friend. Embrace the mids.
                TOUQUE ROCK...EH???? I AM CANADIAN


                • #9
                  Re: Is the rockerverb 50 loud enough?

                  Originally posted by Empty Pockets View Post
                  The difference between 50w and 100w is usually about 3 decibels which is practically inaudible to the human ear. .
                  1 decibel is generally where one can notice a change in volume. However, at the volumes your talking about, yes, its pretty moot.
                  TOUQUE ROCK...EH???? I AM CANADIAN


                  • #10
                    Re: Is the rockerverb 50 loud enough?

                    Yeah 50 watts is insanely loud. Volume is more about the speakers/cabinet when your talking 50 or 100 watts.


                    • #11
                      Re: Is the rockerverb 50 loud enough?

                      If it isn't loud enough, then something's wrong.


                      • #12
                        Re: Is the rockerverb 50 loud enough?

                        Originally posted by Jeff5 View Post
                        Yeah 50 watts is insanely loud. Volume is more about the speakers/cabinet when your talking 50 or 100 watts.
                        Yes, a fifty watt amp through Vintage 30 speakers is the same as a 100 watt amp through G12T75s.


                        • #13
                          Re: Is the rockerverb 50 loud enough?

                          I know watts are watts but in practice tube amps do sound louder watt for watt. A tube amp because it is a high voltage device allows the transient peaks and valleys of the wave form through, while a transistor amp operating on low voltage/high current does not. This means that the amplitude between the peaks and valleys is greater-or louder.


                          • #14
                            Re: Is the rockerverb 50 loud enough?

                            It also depends on the amp as well and how the master volume control is designed, how good the transformers are, how the amp is voiced, the speakers, etc.

                            But yeah, the Rockerverb series are voiced loud.


                            • #15
                              Re: Is the rockerverb 50 loud enough?

                              The Rockerverb 50? Loud? Crank it up and it eats yer heart out.
                              Diabolus in Musica
                              SIDrip Alliance
                              Book of Shadows

