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Dual Dark 100 vs Rockerverb 100 mkiii

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  • Dual Dark 100 vs Rockerverb 100 mkiii

    I know both amps are great for metal and I know both amps have wattage attenuation and that both have el34 valves.
    Is it just a difference in the gain stages of the amps or is there anymore significant differences?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Daemoness Atlantean (unknown Bareknuckles) D
    PRS SE Mark Holcomb (Alpha/Omega set) Drop C
    ESP LTD EC-1000 FR (EMG Het Set) D
    Jackson USA WR1 Absinthe Frost (EMG 81/85) D
    Ibanez MMM1 (Blackouts) Drop A
    Ibanez RGIT20FE-SBF (Loomis Blackout Neck/Mick Thomson Blackout Bridge) Drop C
    Ibanez SZ320 (ibanez/duncan pickups) Drop D
    Schecter Synyster Gates Custom (Invaders set) D
    Aristides 060 (Bareknuckle Aristides Customs) D

  • #2
    Re: Dual Dark 100 vs Rockerverb 100 mkiii

    Both will sound different, they're not the same circuit. I've heard guys a/b the thunderverb and dual dark kn the orange forum state that both were quite similar.
    Therefore, by extrapolation, we can assume *to some degree* that the DD will be a bit looser and fuzzier than the RV, which will be tighter and more modern sounding..
    Hopefully someone with more experience will chime in as I only have solid experience with 3 oranges: thunderverb, h30 and rocker.



    • #3
      Re: Dual Dark 100 vs Rockerverb 100 mkiii

      I know the rockerverb is very tight sounding and very good for metal however I assumed the dark dual was more metal oriented in some manner.
      But I'm very interested to know the technical differences them even in relation to the thunderverb

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
      Daemoness Atlantean (unknown Bareknuckles) D
      PRS SE Mark Holcomb (Alpha/Omega set) Drop C
      ESP LTD EC-1000 FR (EMG Het Set) D
      Jackson USA WR1 Absinthe Frost (EMG 81/85) D
      Ibanez MMM1 (Blackouts) Drop A
      Ibanez RGIT20FE-SBF (Loomis Blackout Neck/Mick Thomson Blackout Bridge) Drop C
      Ibanez SZ320 (ibanez/duncan pickups) Drop D
      Schecter Synyster Gates Custom (Invaders set) D
      Aristides 060 (Bareknuckle Aristides Customs) D


      • #4
        Re: Dual Dark 100 vs Rockerverb 100 mkiii

        Well, then go over to the Orang forum...


        • #5
          Re: Dual Dark 100 vs Rockerverb 100 mkiii

          i think its the other way around, the rockverb is looser and the thunderverb is more modern sounding and tighter
          Crash49 - my music on amazon and itunes


          • #6
            Re: Dual Dark 100 vs Rockerverb 100 mkiii

            Originally posted by Progbusters View Post
            i think its the other way around, the rockverb is looser and the thunderverb is more modern sounding and tighter
            I don't agree here. My TV, while having a lot of midrange on channel A, was not what I'd call tight at all. Quite loose compared to many amps I own, due mostly to the massive low-end generated. I haven't owned a RV but everytime I've heard one they were tighter than my TV..


            • #7
              Re: Dual Dark 100 vs Rockerverb 100 mkiii

              The Thunderverb is basically the same as the Rockerverb with a simplified EQ section. The Dual Dark is the preamp from the Dark Terror, plus a second, newer, much higher-gain channel, in 50 or 100w poweramps.

              The Rocker and Thunder amps are versatile and capable of very clean cleans through modern metal. The Dual Dark makes me play blackened death metal every time i plug into it. Hope that helps.
              green globe burned black by sunn

