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Princeton va deluxe reverb

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  • Princeton va deluxe reverb

    I'm on the fence about a couple dif amps. Just curious, anyone here familiar with the differences between the fender princeton and deluxe reverb?

    I've read that a deluxe reverb similar to a princeton but louder. I generally practice in a small room but have been known to crank loud. I don't like clips i've heard of the princeton's natural breakup, so i'm a bit concerned about the types of tones i will get if i decide to let loose and crank it (although on a typical day, i play alone so i do not compete for vol. Whatever i get i'll be more into using it clean.

    I heard a deluxe reverb sounds best cranked a bit. Question is, is "cranked a bit" possible in a relatvrly small room, without making stuff shake?

    Thoughts on these amps?

  • #2
    Re: Princeton va deluxe reverb

    Both amps will be really loud in a small room if you want to crank them. 12 watts for a princeton or the much more powerful 22 for a deluxe is plenty. I've done gigs with a 12 watt amp just reaching crunch and it is more than loud enough onstage next to a drummer and usually loud enough that the sound engineer asks for it to be turned down.
    Reaching power tube saturation even at 12 watts is much louder than needed for practice.
    To be honest, in terms of sheer perceived volume there is not a heap of difference. Doubling the wattage only increases the decibels by 3. Most of the difference is felt in the low end.
    As a result, you can have a more efficient speaker (+3 db) and get a comparable result.
    Something also worth bearing in mind re: wattage is that low frequencies require more power to move the speaker. As such you can have a low wattage amp that is ripping your head off, but not producing a solid low end, whereas a higher wattage amp can be pushing out some lows, but not being overbearing in terms of midrange (vocal range) volume.
    In terms of clean tone (possibly with a hint of squish) both amps will give you some gorgeous tones which also 'sound great with whatever drive pedal you choose to use to add crunch at a volume that suits the rest of the band or venue.
    Personally, i prefer amps with a 12 inch speaker because i like the extra thump in the low end. To that extent, the extra wattage of the deluxe also helps out.
    Re: breakup tones. Speaker choice makes a huge difference.
    You can't go past a ragin cajun in a princeton (fat and warm) unless you do the cab mod and add a 12 inch.
    With a deluxe, you might even choose to go for a low efficiency speaker which will allow you to push the tubes a little harder.
    It really comes down to trial and error in terms of what you like when the amp is in front of you and also how it sounds in a band context.
    Not a big fan of either of the fender/eminence special design speakers for either amp, but some of the other offerings from eminence (and other companies) are killer and worth looking into.
    Last edited by Chickenwings; 02-27-2017, 08:03 PM.
    "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
    Yehudi Menuhin


    • #3
      Re: Princeton va deluxe reverb

      I don't like how Princetons blat out when you lay into it....both power and speaker.

      Deluxe Reverbs have more backbone, and my favorite is the Pro Reverb because it's like a Twin with just the right amount of power IMO.
      Originally posted by Boogie Bill
      I've got 60 guitars...but 49 trumpets is just...INSANITY! WTF!


      • #4
        Re: Princeton va deluxe reverb

        I just played through a 68 Princeton reverb for my whole gig last night and a 66 deluxe reverb is my main gigging amp. The Princeton had a Weber speaker and sounded great. I ran it most of the way up and got great tone at a very reasonable volume. My deluxe has a cannabis Rex which is a loud ass speaker. I run my deluxe at 3 in that same room. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with speaker efficiency and tone but there is a significant difference between the two.


        • #5
          Re: Princeton va deluxe reverb

          Princetons are great, especially when you modify them.

          Just gotta beef up the transformers so you can swap in 6L6s for about 60 watts, add a heavy-duty 12" speaker like an EVM, and then modify the front end with a cascading gain stage...oh and add a graphic eq too!

          Oh wait...that's a Mesa! Sorry, my bad!

          Seriously, both are great amps. Lots of sessions done on those amps. I had an original 65 DR back in the '90s. It sounded great, but didn't have quite enough oomph for the band I was in. Sold it when in some financial distress, but hung on to the Mesas.

          For me, the sweet spot of a BF Fender amp is in the 5-7 range, where it gets warm and full, not yet distorted. You can really hear the tubes work, and that's where the magic is.

          When you've had budget guitars for a number of years, you may find that your old instrument is holding you back. A quality guitar can inspire you to write great songs, improve your understanding of the Gdim chord while in the Lydian Mode, cure the heartbreak of cystic acne--and help you find true love in the process.


          • #6
            Re: Princeton va deluxe reverb

            Princeton Reverbs have a 10" speaker whereas DR's have a 12". Big difference in tone.

            Princeton Reverbs have one channel and DR's have two.

            Princeton's also have a smaller output transformer than a DR. 18 watts from the PR vs. 22 watts from the DR.

            My Princeton Reverb has a 12" speaker and a DR output transformer. It's my favorite Fender amp I've ever owned and it's as loud as my Deluxe Reverbs but smaller.

            “Practice cures most tone issues” - John Suhr


            • #7
              Re: Princeton va deluxe reverb

              Do you prefer 10 or 12" speakers? That's the starting point for me.


              "You can't save everybody, everybody don't wanna be saved."


              • #8
                Re: Princeton va deluxe reverb

                Why not split the difference? This is my main gigging amp for over 10 years. 22watts. 12 inch speaker (texas heat - been through a lot of speakers). All old skool hand wiring on a fibre board like the classic 60s fenders or modern boutique amps. Finger jointed pine cab. Designed by Paul Rivera who went on to create the well respected Rivera amps.
                Fat tone, punchy low end. Lots of boosts etc (which i never use) and a mid control which both regular princetons or deluxes lack plus presence too and a master volume. I keep trying (and buying) other amps but keep coming back to this one. Tweed deluxe clone on the left and a 60s twin reverb on the right. Nice tube driven spring reverb. The only thing i kinda wish it had was a trem circuit, but that is easily rectified with a pedal.
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                A good friend who i gig with a lot has been using a silverface princeton for 30 years. He recently had a new cab made and installed a 12 inch speaker. It is around the same size as this one. He could not be happier. Another friend has a silver princeton that runs on a pair of 6l6s at 35 watts and pumps it out through a 12 also. A princeton in any form with a 12 is a great gigging and recording machine.
                Last edited by Chickenwings; 03-01-2017, 06:56 PM.
                "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
                Yehudi Menuhin

