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PowerStage 700 Now Shipping!

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  • PowerStage 700 Now Shipping!

    Look for the PowerStage 700 in stores.

    Read more about the PowerStage 700 here. More info will be added to this thread as I receive it.

    Click image for larger version

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Name:	PS700-CabSim-BEAUTY.jpg
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Name:	PS700-Desk-BEAUTY.jpg
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Name:	PS700-Helix-BEAUTY.jpg
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ID:	5844747
    Administrator of the SDUGF

  • #2
    Re: PowerStage 700 Now Shipping!

    I just saw a footstomp version that was 140 watts IIRC.


    • #3
      Re: PowerStage 700 Now Shipping!

      Power Stage 170 Pedalboard Amp is 170 watts.


      • #4
        Re: PowerStage 700 Now Shipping!

        Here is a recent review:

        So, I used the PowerStage and the Palladium at rehearsal the other night. Honestly, sounds amazing. I'm not even joking when I say it sounds even better than I'd anticipated. Vito is currently running a Peavey 6505+ into a Mesa 4x12 and tends to be pretty heavy and loud. My SD rig had no problems matching that, and I was running the volume somewhere between 9 o clock and 10 o clock, so I didn't even have to crank it up that much. Very powerful, and very clear! Even with only spending about half an hour fiddling with the Palladium I managed to dial in a tone I'd be happy to gig out with right now. It blended SO ****ing well with Vito's tone, I was stunned. Funnily enough, he was pretty stunned too. He was like, "Oh ****, I'm gonna have to get that PowerStage now too." Haha I told him you'd said he was gonna be converted! Can't wait to do the shows next month so I can give this a proper whirl onstage.

        Here's the funny I know many people's reactions will be, "Yeah but it's not a tube head, it's not gonna sound as good as tubes", etc. And the thing is, to some degree of course they're right, it doesn't sound exactly like a tube head. But the weird thing is that I really LIKE the differences it has from a tube head. I mean, the Palladium + PowerStage gives me all the crunch and tone and sustain I get from my tube heads, but it's so ****ing CLEAN, in a really positive way, that's something I do not get from my tube head. The Duncan rig has no ****ing hiss, no unwanted noise. Loads of head room. And I can turn this thing up very loud, and dial in this ****ing super aggressive tone, and even when I've got the Forza going along with the Palladium, I have no issues trying to control it. Whereas when I kick on my Forza with the dirty channel on my tube amp, I wind up fighting against it a bit too much because it just gets so noisy and difficult to control, unless I engage a noise reduction pedal (which are useful but I find really affects my tone too much). I wish you could've been at rehearsal with us and heard how ****ing good it sounded. I walked out with a grin on my face at the end because I was very satisfied with the results. I plan on spending more time with it to dial it in even further to my liking. curious to see what further possibilities it presents.

        You'd laugh too because just for the **** of it I was messing around with the Palladium and managed to dial in this awesome 1991 Swedish Death Metal tone that was just gnarly, haha. I kept playing old Entombed and Dismember riffs and it sounded almost exactly like their tone but better. It's really impressive how versatile that pedal is. If I get a chance just for fun I'll try to record some of me ****ing around getting those different tones like that for you to hear.

        Larry Roberts
        Novembers Doom
        Administrator of the SDUGF


        • #5
          Re: PowerStage 700 Now Shipping!

          We got the 170 at our store recently and i was pretty impressed. Hooked it up to an Orange PPC412 with a ZVex Box of Rock in front for dirt and all of my coworkers gathered around to see what i was doing. It didn't make me want to sell my tube amps, but I'd love to have it on my gigging board as my emergency backup amp.

          I'm pretty intrigued by the 700. I do smaller punk gigs where one head and one cab would be fine, but i write drone and doom and love playing lots of amps through lots of cabs. My 74 model T, Green Matamp 120, Orange OR80, and Fender Bassman have dedicated cabs. I'm loving the idea of powering my headless Green 6x12 with the Stage 700 and having an ultraclean pedalboard amp to compliment all of those overdriven tubes.

          A++ for making a premium, pro version of something lots of people have attempted and failed at before. I'll have to do a shootout with some of the Quilter stuff before i spend my own money but I'm stoked that this series exists.
          green globe burned black by sunn


          • #6
            Re: PowerStage 700 Now Shipping!

            Congratiulations! I will commend you on not having forgotten the tragically un-hip rack crowd, and despite the fact that it isn't 100% what I need I'd really like to get one of these.


            • #7
              Re: PowerStage 700 Now Shipping!

              Well with a lot of people using Kempers and Axe-Fx, the racks haven't died yet. I still use a rack for my guitar synth/looping rig.
              Administrator of the SDUGF


              • #8
                Re: PowerStage 700 Now Shipping!

                Pray tell, what are you using for your guitar synth rig? I got a SY-300 some time back, and I thought I might get the PS 170 to make a small synth rig myself.


                • #9
                  Re: PowerStage 700 Now Shipping!

                  Originally posted by Sirion View Post
                  Pray tell, what are you using for your guitar synth rig? I got a SY-300 some time back, and I thought I might get the PS 170 to make a small synth rig myself.
                  Besides VSTs at home, I love the sound of an old Roland synth, an M-GS64. For monophonic, non-organic sounds, I use the synth in my Fractal AX8. If I had a big full-range cab (or 2 of them, really), the PowerStage 700 would be great for amplifying it. But it would be really, really loud.
                  Administrator of the SDUGF


                  • #10
                    Re: PowerStage 700 Now Shipping!

                    Yes. As I would be using this into guitar speakers, and prefer vintage-style and -power speakers to modern ones, it would be a severe power mismatch: this thing theoretically should have no problem blowing up no fewer than sixteen (!) 4x12s loaded with Heritage G12M speakers! (if you even could find a way to connect them all, that is) No, I am not going to try it!

                    Speaking of which, I wonder how these perform when they approach working at full power. Conventional wisdom is that solid state power amps work the best if they aren't run too far above half power, and I have found variants of this to be true in the past, but none of those have been Class D power amps.


                    • #11
                      Re: PowerStage 700 Now Shipping!

                      Quick question about cables for the 700. I'm gonna use two 1x12 cabs so I need speakon-tele cables but does it matter how many poles it has? If so, what should I use? And do they have to be the same length or can I have say one on 2 meters and one on five? Thanks!


                      • #12
                        Re: PowerStage 700 Now Shipping!

                        Well, I haven't heard one turned up full, but if you are worried about too much power and volume, there is always the PowerStage 170.
                        Administrator of the SDUGF


                        • #13
                          Re: PowerStage 700 Now Shipping!

                          Does this 700 come with rack ears? I haven't seen any.
                          I don't have a problem with management, management have a problem with me.


                          • #14
                            Re: PowerStage 700 Now Shipping!

                            standard speakon to 1/4" is what id use and the length of the cable will make a very minimal difference and wont effect the amp performance at all. do we know that you need to use speakon from the unit?


                            • #15
                              Re: PowerStage 700 Now Shipping!

                              It's a combi-jack, so you can use quarter-inch or speakon interchangeably.

