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To mod amp?

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  • To mod amp?

    I've done some research and have come to the conclusion that I'm going to send my 5150iii 50w off to krusekuntrol to have the works done. Stealth mod with channel separation with all the bells and whistles.
    I've never had to opportunity to play a Stealth, so I can't say what I'm in for. I love my 50w!! But I also know it can produce more...what are your recommendations?
    2019 PRS CE24, 2002 Carvin, 2010 Epiphone 335 dot, custom tele, 5 Peavey V Type's (DMZ SD/paf pro, JB/59, JB8/Jazz, EMG 57/66, and Full shred) Esp/Ltd (Invader set), Jackson DKMGT (EMG 81/85)
    Amps: Orange Dual Dark 100, Dark Terror, Micro Dark, CR120, EVH 5153 50w
    Cabs:Genz Benz G-Flex 2x12, EVH 4x12/2x12, Geezer 2x12 with v30's

  • #2
    Re: To mod amp?

    Obviously it's always better to play it in person before you comment to it, but if you have done the research, and are prepared to accept that it may not be all you hoped it would. Than I say go for it.


    • #3
      Re: To mod amp?

      if a 5150 doesn't have "enough" for you (whatever that means) then you might be better off looking for an amp that does. Modding a modern pcb amp like that may or may not give you what you want and will only devalue it. This is an excuse to go out and try some different amps and find one that does exactly what you need, then buy, swap sell or trade to get it.
      Having said all that, two things are worth looking at before you spend your hard earned on modifications. First, make sure you have fresh tubes and have it biased properly. It is amazing what a difference this can make, turning an underwhelming amp back into a fire breathing monster. The other is to experiment with different speakers. I dont know what you have in there but this can drastically alter your sound, so there is another option to explore.
      "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
      Yehudi Menuhin


      • #4
        Re: To mod amp?

        While I agree with gibson175, I would note that modding what you have may yield better results. With trading, I've found that I always lose money and never quite get exactly what I want.

        But I live that deep in the woods, I have to rely on postal service and internet knowledge quite a lot...
        "So understand/Don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years/Face up, make your stand/And realize you're living in the golden years"
        Iron Maiden - Wasted Years


        • #5
          Re: To mod amp?

          +1 on speakers. I wore out my speakers last year and naively thought "I will just buy some new ones." Long story short, I ended up buying 5 different speakers for one 2x12 cab bevcause each speaker dramatically altered not just the sound of my amp but also the tightness, sustain, and apparent amount of gain. Really big differences, not just splitting hairs. And they were $65-95 each.

