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Either amp or speaker causing initial hiss

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  • Either amp or speaker causing initial hiss

    I don't know if anyone else gets this issue with any amp, I have a fender bassbreaker 15 connected to a Marshall 1936 2x12. After about 15 seconds of turning the amp on there is for about 5 seconds an increasing in volume popping hiss. Then it stops and the amp works fine. Is this something I should be worried about?

  • #2
    Re: Either amp or speaker causing initial hiss

    Do you use the mute switch, when you firing on your bassbreaker? If not, you should. These are tubes which need some seconds to warm up and work properly. The mute switch shuts off the high voltage and you can avoid stress on the tubes while they are warming up. Helps to extends tube life, too.
    I get the feeling the A8 will blow your skirt up more so - Edgecrusher

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    • #3
      Re: Either amp or speaker causing initial hiss

      I do use the mute switch. I don't know if this has any importance but the cab is stereo without a switch. I have all the settings on the amp correct though


      • #4
        Either amp or speaker causing initial hiss

        I can’t directly speak to that particular amp since I’ve never owned/played one but I can tell you that my Marshall 2204 makes those type of noises when the power tubes are nearing the end. Kind of it’s own early warning system.


        • #5
          Re: Either amp or speaker causing initial hiss

          The amp is brand new though, ah well I might just have to see what happens. Is it possible that it could just be the tubes warming up? Or could it just be the tubes being broken in?
          Last edited by Xandeeno; 10-08-2017, 02:39 PM.


          • #6
            Re: Either amp or speaker causing initial hiss

            Originally posted by Xandeeno View Post
            The amp is brand new though, ah well I might just have to see what happens. Is it possible that it could just be the tubes warming up? Or could it just be the tubes being broken in?
            Probably not tubes breaking in, but it could easily be the tubes warming up or possibly the filter cabs charging fully.
            Originally posted by crusty philtrum
            And that's probably because most people with electric guitars seem more interested in their own performance rather than the effect on the listener ... in fact i don't think many people who own electric guitars even give a poop about the effect on a listener. Which is why many people play electric guitars but very very few of them are actually musicians.


            • #7
              Re: Either amp or speaker causing initial hiss

              okay thanks, I guess there's nothing I can do so I'll just assume it's the tubes warming or charging. Then if it stops working I'll get it looked at. Thanks


              • #8
                Re: Either amp or speaker causing initial hiss

                Try waiting at least 30 seconds before switching the standby to the play position.
                It typically takes about 20 seconds for the voltage to rise to full operating voltage, give it an xtra 10 seconds and see if that helps.


                • #9
                  Re: Either amp or speaker causing initial hiss

                  I normally leave it for about a minuite, this sound happens while the mute switch is on. The sound doesent bother me I just hope it isn't a sign of damage


                  • #10
                    Re: Either amp or speaker causing initial hiss

                    It still happens no matter what I do. Form what everyone has said though I don't think it is damaged. Thanks for all the help


                    • #11
                      Re: Either amp or speaker causing initial hiss

                      The hiss can't be from the speaker, speakers are passive, something active (amplifier) has to be connected to them before they can do anything.

                      Not sure what is going on, it may be nothing, but you also stated that the amp was brand new, I might take it back to where I bought it and compare it to other ones there to see if they all behave the same way.


                      • #12
                        Re: Either amp or speaker causing initial hiss

                        It can't be something to do with the shop though can it? The shop is a small one as I love on an island. It was the only bassbreaker they had
                        Last edited by Xandeeno; 10-12-2017, 12:42 AM.


                        • #13
                          Re: Either amp or speaker causing initial hiss

                          My point was if it is new and still under warranty to get it checked out if you have a concern about it.


                          • #14
                            Re: Either amp or speaker causing initial hiss

                            Yeah that is a good point, thanks

