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Hotone Heart Attack My Main Amp??

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  • Hotone Heart Attack My Main Amp??

    Yes i have the Hotone Heart Attack as my main amp but why?? Cause it can pretty much do it all. Plexi Sound? Got It! JCM 800? Can do it Easily.. Mesa Boogie Rectifier Low and High Gain? Hell Yeah Its Made For Those Sounds. Vox ac30? You guessed again, it can definitely do that too! but Toneseekr.. its only 5 watts.. what good is that then?? just put it through any PA or any front of house speakers or like i do most of the time, use a 120 watt amp and put the Heart Attack through its effects loop and Wa La!! you got yours self about 5 amps at now 120 watts. BUT Toneseekr i cant have it that loud my kids, wife, sancha, neighbors and mother-in-law think its too looud.. Dont worry its got an earphone insert so you can play all night and not worry about your mother-in-law telling you to turn it down! so what do you think about the sounds and conveniences about this amp?
    Main Equipment:
    Burny Flametop Les Paul ("talk about a heavy sound")
    Marshall 8100 head ("mmmmmmm Marshall crunch")
    B52 4x12 Cab (POWER!!)
    Boss Ns2 ("shh shhh")
    Boss DD3 ("let me take u to another universe baby")
    Digitech Jamman Solo ("mmmmm hours and hours of heavy metal fun")

  • #2
    Re: Hotone Heart Attack My Main Amp??

    I've been a big fan of this thing since I bought it over a year ago... I haven't experienced all the versatility you claim (I will say that even with the gain at zero it sounds crunchy in a good way... could it be what you claim with jcm800 and others?) but I love it for what it does so well: high gain at reasonable to low volumes. Sounds great through my 2x12 and good through the tiny hotone cab.

    Imo, the only reason it hasn't garnered as much praises as it deserves is the solid-state aspect... people would take notice a lot more if it sounded exactly the same but had a tube or two somewhere in the signal chain (I'm quite serious).

    I'd rather keep my big amps and fire them up when the chance arises or at gigs and have this tiny yet powerful and great sounding low-volume head too which I can use at home everyday, than try and get a mid-power (15-20w) tube amp barely on at home.

    Just my 0.02$.


    • #3
      Re: Hotone Heart Attack My Main Amp??

      Wait a minute

      So you are saying a low watt toy tube amp
      With an effects loop
      Can go from the send of said loop
      To the return of a much larger amps loop
      And effectively have a larger watt version of the toy amp?

      Is this what I am hearing?

      Just here surfing Guitar Pron
      RG2EX1 w/ SD hot-rodded pickups / RG4EXFM1 w/ Carvin S22j/b + FVN middle
      SR500 / Martin 000CE-1/Epiphone Hummingbird
      Epiphone Florentine with OEM Probuckers
      Ehdwuld branded Blue semi hollow custom with JB/Jazz
      Reptile Green Gibson Custom Studio / Aqua Dean Shire semi hollow with piezo
      Carvin Belair / Laney GC80A Acoustic Amp (a gift from Guitar Player Mag)
      GNX3000 (yea I'm a modeler)


      • #4
        Re: Hotone Heart Attack My Main Amp??

        Originally posted by ehdwuld View Post
        Wait a minute

        So you are saying a low watt toy tube amp
        With an effects loop
        Can go from the send of said loop
        To the return of a much larger amps loop
        And effectively have a larger watt version of the toy amp?

        Is this what I am hearing?

        Well, 2 clarifications:

        1- Low-watt doesn't mean "toy"...sorry.
        2- It's not tube, it's SS.


        • #5
          Re: Hotone Heart Attack My Main Amp??

          Well it depends what speakers and what pickups you have that will deteine if it can do sweet ac30, jcm 800 and plexi tones. If your pickups are very high gain then it might not be as easy to get those tones. My 80s celestion g12t75s really give that vintage tones and my alder body with flametop plus rosewood fretboard with maple neck give out a nice, balanced tone that really compliment the amp and speaker response
          Main Equipment:
          Burny Flametop Les Paul ("talk about a heavy sound")
          Marshall 8100 head ("mmmmmmm Marshall crunch")
          B52 4x12 Cab (POWER!!)
          Boss Ns2 ("shh shhh")
          Boss DD3 ("let me take u to another universe baby")
          Digitech Jamman Solo ("mmmmm hours and hours of heavy metal fun")


          • #6
            Re: Hotone Heart Attack My Main Amp??

            Well this amp I use as my main preamp and just put it thru my 120 watt amps effects loop to make my hotone 120 watts of pure tone
            Main Equipment:
            Burny Flametop Les Paul ("talk about a heavy sound")
            Marshall 8100 head ("mmmmmmm Marshall crunch")
            B52 4x12 Cab (POWER!!)
            Boss Ns2 ("shh shhh")
            Boss DD3 ("let me take u to another universe baby")
            Digitech Jamman Solo ("mmmmm hours and hours of heavy metal fun")


            • #7
              Re: Hotone Heart Attack My Main Amp??

              I would have loved it to have tubes but its real nice to not have tubes too. No extra spending on maintenance and the amp fits in my pocket. And does all the good tones, in stereo too. Good enough for me to play a major show and at night for low volumes too
              Last edited by toneseekr; 10-16-2017, 02:32 PM.
              Main Equipment:
              Burny Flametop Les Paul ("talk about a heavy sound")
              Marshall 8100 head ("mmmmmmm Marshall crunch")
              B52 4x12 Cab (POWER!!)
              Boss Ns2 ("shh shhh")
              Boss DD3 ("let me take u to another universe baby")
              Digitech Jamman Solo ("mmmmm hours and hours of heavy metal fun")


              • #8
                Re: Hotone Heart Attack My Main Amp??

                Originally posted by ehdwuld View Post
                Wait a minute

                So you are saying a low watt toy tube amp
                With an effects loop
                Can go from the send of said loop
                To the return of a much larger amps loop
                And effectively have a larger watt version of the toy amp?

                Is this what I am hearing?

                for some amps that are receiving the signal, you can just go in the front. I do that with my preamps now - just straight into the input on my small tube heads (making sure the volume is pretty low on the preamp to start). some 80s dudes used to run their ADA mp's into the front of marshall heads too.


                I'd like to try one out. seems pretty cool to have an earphone right on the amp, although I like a lot of effects when using headphones - usually a modeler comes in better for that type of thing I find.
                Last edited by DankStar; 10-16-2017, 02:12 PM.


                • #9
                  Re: Hotone Heart Attack My Main Amp??

                  Ok sorry
                  Meant toy as in small, as in its much smaller than a lunchbox amp
                  I thought they had a tube, my bad

                  Other than that, can one go from the send of said loop to the return of the other amp?
                  Or as Dankstar suggested, straight in front of the larger amp

                  If straight in, would the eq be set at noon for the larger amp?

                  Would this be like slaving amps together?
                  Just here surfing Guitar Pron
                  RG2EX1 w/ SD hot-rodded pickups / RG4EXFM1 w/ Carvin S22j/b + FVN middle
                  SR500 / Martin 000CE-1/Epiphone Hummingbird
                  Epiphone Florentine with OEM Probuckers
                  Ehdwuld branded Blue semi hollow custom with JB/Jazz
                  Reptile Green Gibson Custom Studio / Aqua Dean Shire semi hollow with piezo
                  Carvin Belair / Laney GC80A Acoustic Amp (a gift from Guitar Player Mag)
                  GNX3000 (yea I'm a modeler)


                  • #10
                    Re: Hotone Heart Attack My Main Amp??

                    Originally posted by ehdwuld View Post
                    If straight in, would the eq be set at noon for the larger amp?
                    the PAs I use just have a bass & treble or one tone knob - they're pretty dark so the bass goes down a bit and the treble goes up a bit. you'd have to play around depending on the amp.


                    • #11
                      Re: Hotone Heart Attack My Main Amp??

                      Ok so run it in like the other preamp pedals I have
                      Just here surfing Guitar Pron
                      RG2EX1 w/ SD hot-rodded pickups / RG4EXFM1 w/ Carvin S22j/b + FVN middle
                      SR500 / Martin 000CE-1/Epiphone Hummingbird
                      Epiphone Florentine with OEM Probuckers
                      Ehdwuld branded Blue semi hollow custom with JB/Jazz
                      Reptile Green Gibson Custom Studio / Aqua Dean Shire semi hollow with piezo
                      Carvin Belair / Laney GC80A Acoustic Amp (a gift from Guitar Player Mag)
                      GNX3000 (yea I'm a modeler)


                      • #12
                        Re: Hotone Heart Attack My Main Amp??

                        Originally posted by toneseekr View Post
                        I would have loved it to have tubes but its real nice to not have tubes too. No extra spending on maintenance and the amp fits in my pocket. And does all the good tones, in stereo too. Good enough for me to play a major show and at night for low volumes too
                        I couldn't care any less that it doesn't have tubes. All that is important to me is how great that thing sounds and it's by far the best amp I've heard when it comes to achieving a recto high-gain tone at volumes that don't wake my kids up late at night... I'd rather play through it than my dual-recto dialed way down by a long shot.


                        • #13
                          Re: Hotone Heart Attack My Main Amp??

                          yea this amp is one of the best amps ive ever had. i get multiple sounds and im able to plug in direct to pa and other amps and earphones. Ive had a marshall jcm 2000 dsl 100 and marshall 8100
                          as my main amps but the heat attack amp just has me stuck on it. ima try and get this amp to 300 watts. thick sounds. anyone have this amp?
                          Last edited by toneseekr; 10-23-2017, 11:54 AM.
                          Main Equipment:
                          Burny Flametop Les Paul ("talk about a heavy sound")
                          Marshall 8100 head ("mmmmmmm Marshall crunch")
                          B52 4x12 Cab (POWER!!)
                          Boss Ns2 ("shh shhh")
                          Boss DD3 ("let me take u to another universe baby")
                          Digitech Jamman Solo ("mmmmm hours and hours of heavy metal fun")

